Monday, May 25, 2020
The Love of God as the Key to Knowledge - 1327 Words
-Well, I do not question the existences of qualities as I do the existence of enduring things, material or otherwise, in which qualities are supposed to exist permanently and inseparably within, as a quality, attribute, or element; including myself. I do agree with you that knowledge extends to all things knowable, to all kinds of knower, to all knowledge and all methods of knowing, but what is really possessed when a person claims to have knowledge? Do you put faith above knowledge? Do you think that when one has faith one does not need knowledge anymore? Again, quality is not part of enduring or disappearing things: quality is, like beauty, held in the eye of the beholder, a person only, which you are, not a mechanical thing like†¦show more content†¦If you decide to do the opposite you may not have enough time to save yourselves and probably not able to save the one you wanted to help. Knowledge is similar to the mask needed to breath while faith is the urge to help others. Faith without knowledge is first step into the personal recognition of ones filiation with the heavenly Father, true enough, but it will create tension in the mind of the individual acting on his faith without the proper understanding of life. One of the best example of this conflict can be seen in the life of Mother Teresa. She had a tremendous faith in God, but also many doubts about herself and her own perception. This doudts happen not because of her faith in God, she new HE existed else she could have not done what she did, but because of her unde rstanding or rather misuderstanding of her feeling of love and her vision (material) of her personal environemnt: her brothers and sisters in misery. The pain and suffering of her people made it difficult to comprehend why people suffer on this Earth while she new from her personal experiences that God IS love. This lack of mind comprehension (I did not say lack of love) put her faith on shaky ground for she wrote in a letter to her spiritual confidant the following: â€Å"Where is my faith? Even deep down ... there is nothing but emptiness and darkness ... If there be Godâ€â€please forgive me. When I try to raise my thoughts to Heaven, there is such convictingShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Your Belief About Ultimate Reality?950 Words  | 4 Pagesbelief about ultimate reality? I hold a worldview of theism. I believe in a God that created man, and cares for and communicates with man. God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are ultimate reality. 2. What is your belief about the nature of the universe? God created the universe and all parts thereof. God is separate from his creation. God rules over his creation. The creation of the universe is a gift from God, ruled by God. God is transcendent. 3. 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