Thursday, August 27, 2020
A market analysis of the McDonalds corporation
A market examination of the McDonalds company McDonalds is a prominently known Market Leader in the Fast food Industry or otherwise called the Burger Industry. Begun in the year 1948, it has figured out how to develop triumphant disregarding various organizations entering the business. The organization has effectively settled a famous brand picture. Truth be told the development of cheap food has been named after the association as McDonaldization. Showcasing includes recognizing what clients request and endeavoring towards satisfying their needs. Advertising Audit includes breaking down the companys different viewpoints and assessing the companys showcasing technique. It includes in drawing out the traps in the associations working. The accompanying pages contain the investigation of McDonalds Corporation. We have investigated the different features of the association working concerning how well they have figured out how to arrive at clients. There has been an examination of the business angles like the clients, contenders and the providers. Likewise the Macro Environmental investigation alongside the SWOT has been performed. We have dissected the current Marketing procedures. On dissecting the current circumstance of the organization and the market in the inexpensive food industry we have given a few suggestions which may end up being helpful for the association on its effective execution. Presentation The insights figures show that the worldwide cheap food showcase arrived at an estimation of $102.7 billion out of 2006, developing by 4.8%. In the interim, experts gauge that in 2011, the worldwide cheap food market will have an estimation of $125.4 billion, an expansion of 22.2% since 2006 (Fast Food: Global Industry Guide, n. d.). McDonalds is the universes driving organization in the cheap food industry. It has in excess of 30,000 cafés in excess of 100 nations serving millions individuals around the worldwide. The companys achievement was because of the strategy they follow, known as the Q.S.C. V. (Quality food; Fast, Friendly Service; Restaurant Cleanliness; and a menu that offers some benefit). The organization was first begun as a drive-in eatery in San Bernardino by the two siblings Mac and Dick McDonalds in the year 1948. It was later purchased by Ray Kroc, who was their diversifying operator in 1961 and opened his first McDonalds in Illinois. The companys menu at first comprised of Hamburgers, Cheeseburgers, French Fries, Sodas, Milkshakes, milk and espresso, in spite of the fact that it has developed significantly since. The organization follows a one of a kind plan of action portrayed as the three legged stool wherein the three legs are the proprietors/administrators, providers and Company representatives. It is an association that creates, works, establishments and administrations an overall arrangement of eateries that plan, gather, bundle and sell a constrained menu of immediately arranged, tolerably valued food. McDonalds has spearheaded food quality particulars, showcasing and preparing programs, and operational and gracefully frameworks, which are all viewed as the guidelines of the business all through the world. Promoting Mix Each business association must build up a powerful advertising procedure. The 7 Ps is utilized to persistently assess and rethink business exercises. The seven Ps are item, value, advancement, place, bundling, situating, and individuals. The 7 Ps are utilized to guarantee that the organization is on target and accomplish greatest outcomes. Item Dominatingly sells Hamburgers and cheeseburgers which frames the piece of the standard menu around the world Likewise sells different sorts of chicken sandwiches and items, French fries, soda pops, morning meals, and treats. They sell an assortment of items during constrained special timespans. The organization tests new items on a progressing premise. Model: Chicken Nuggets in the year 1983 Heading Individuals Spotlights on Friendly and Prompt assistance which causes them to keep up their notoriety Representatives have a standard uniform. Insights of staff creation Café staffRestaurant managementOffice staffFranchisees staff44,000300050025,000They have high enrollment gauges, utilize neighborhood staff and legitimate preparing. Way Procedure Assembling process is straightforward and noticeable to clients. Clients are welcome to check the fixings utilized in the food. Keep up top notch control gauges. Utilization of inventive thoughts and having most recent advances introduced. Drive through office Cost Have Specials, two dollar burgers Contenders think that its hard to follow For the most part utilize a worth based way to deal with valuing, Target giving purchasers the best an incentive for cash Advancements Best strategies to keep up high mindfulness and advance their picture Promoting through Billboards, Television, Radio and so on. Sponsorships like Ronald House and neighborhood Basketball Deals Promotion, Examples: Two dollar burger, Happy Meal Direct Marketing through Birthday and Clubs Exposure Spot Set broadly and effectively available Have Drive through where clients can get food Mc Delivery offers alternatives for home conveyance Holds a better place in the shoppers mind Fun spot for youngsters Physical Evidence Means searching for viewpoints client uses to survey an item and assess its position Top notch guidelines are kept up Stresses on perfect and sterile insides of its outlets High significance to the presence of the staff and the administration gave. Activity Current Marketing Strategy McDonalds as a world Market Leader has certain objectives which it endeavors to accomplish 100% consumer loyalty, increment its piece of the overall industry and streamline gainfulness by diminishing expenses. On investigating the companys showcasing position, coming up next are a piece of the current procedure so as to arrive at its clients: More beneficial nourishments To deal with the difference in pattern towards more beneficial food this McDonalds have changed the manner in which the food is readied. It ensures that 100% vegetable oil is utilized, low fat milk is utilized for milkshakes and the measure of sodium has been chopped down. Food Quality and Nutrition The quality and wellbeing of food things are of foremost significance in McDonalds. This is accomplished through exacting item gauges, severe implementation of working methods and work in cozy relationship with the providers. Bigger Menus McDonalds targets accomplishing the other significant desire from the purchasers (need for decision). To this McDonalds responded by presenting the morning meal menu with an assortment of food items. Aside from this they have additionally presented a ton of different items. Café Diversity The cafés in every area are altered and their menus are as per the requirements and requests of the clients in the area, the food on the menu would comply with the territorial and ethnic tastes. Brand Positioning McDonalds Brand situating is mostly helped out through sponsorship of occasions and sports. It supports occasions like Domes people group program and learning experience and Child Safety Week. Industry Analysis Industry investigation of an association includes the examination in the accompanying classes: Client Analysis This alludes to purchaser power. The purchaser has a lot of choosing power because of the way that on the off chance that they are disappointed with the food or administration they can undoubtedly switch or buy from a substitute item. In any case, it is unquestionable that any association can't fulfill the requirements of the considerable number of buyers. Along these lines association isolates the market into portions which show comparable attributes or conduct is essential. McDonalds advertise division depends on segment factors Age and Lifestyle. The essential objective markets are seniors, grown-ups and young people, however the most vigorously focused on fragment is kids. The market division of McDonalds can be pictured as follows: Market Segments Seniors Grown-ups Young people Youngsters Clients are the individuals who pay cash to secure an associations products or administrations. For a long time McDonalds for the most part focused on the youngsters, anyway this has changed in this decade; McDonalds has turned towards a progressively broad market. By doing this McDonalds focuses on the family, focusing on a different market Contender Analysis It was said that the Fast Food industry is exceptionally serious (Data Warehousing Case Study: Fast Food, n. d.). McDonalds significant Competitors incorporate that Burger King, Taco Bell, Subway, and Panera Bread. Particularly, KFC, which offers chicken strips and fries on its menu, works over a 11000 cafés in excess of 80 nations. Cheap food, particularly fries, burger, etc, are thought as trash food as a result of unhealthy. There are high prospects of solid substitutes representing a danger to these organizations. Obviously, McDonalds is focusing on the wellbeing side by presentation of solid food things in the menu. Coming up next are the discoveries of the serious situation of McDonalds dependent on the Porters five powers: Competition: This includes how the organization separates itself from its rivals. In the event of McDonalds, as examined over the significant adversaries are Burger King, KFC and Wendys. In spite of the fact that McDonalds is the Market Leader as of now, with the limit of the adversaries developing the opposition appears to be serious. The adversaries are attempting to build their deals by focusing on the wellbeing factors. New Entrants: With such huge numbers of well known inexpensive food organizations in the business new participants are very little if a danger when seen all inclusive. McDonalds has an edge over its rivals as it is all around spread. Purchasers: With sensible costs and brisk help gave by McDonalds, there is less extension for clients to move to contenders for the items. With the presentation of the remote office in the a portion of the outlets has added to the fascination. Providers: With the exception of the virus drink from Coca Cola, the organization doesn't have a solitary provider at a worldwide level. For meat it has its own homestead and other crude materials are from nearby store Substitutes: There are high prospects of sound substitutes representing a danger to the organization. In spite of the fact that McDonalds is c
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Billy Boston and Russian Caucasus Essay
Billy Boston and Russian Caucasus Essay Billy: Boston and Russian Caucasus Essay Police closed thickly populated bits the Boston metro territory early Friday following a vicious night of pursuing the Boston Marathon fear associates left one with the men and a cop dead. The city's metro, transport and Amtrak train frameworks have been closed down. Taxi administration over the city was suspended. Each Boston territory school is shut. Police shot one of the men dead after a wild vehicle pursue through Watertown in which specialists state they flung explosives at seeking after officials. A few sources revealed to CNN that the dead suspect has been distinguished as Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26. The one despite everything being looked for is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, age 19. He had shot injuries and wounds from a blast, as per authorities. The subsequent man evidently got away by walking. the Russian Caucasus and had moved to Kazakhstan at a youthful age before going to the United States quite a while prior. The man distinguished as Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the more established sibling, had learned at Bunker Hill Community College and needed to turn into a specialist The man kicked the bucket at Beth Israel Hospital. They requested one think out and directed him to strip down totally exposed before placing him in a watch vehicle, which didn't leave the scene. The man was later discharged and is certainly not a suspect for the situation. The siblings that set off the blasts have shot themselves in the foot. Inside 48 hours the FBI had the option to recognize and find them. They executed one sibling and the other grain got away by walking. FBI and nearby police
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Roles Of Speech Writing
The Roles Of Speech WritingThe employment of new methods for the speech writing is a major aspect that is given special importance in the business domain. It is a medium through which the prospective client gets to know about the services and other items that the company has to offer. There are a number of important aspects that need to be considered when you are dealing with the process of writing a speech.There are some factors that are the major criteria for this writing. One such factor is the tone of the speech. Another is the organization and structure of the speech.When the speech writing procedure is a done in the different ways, then the first task that has to be dealt with is the selection of the main theme of the speech. In most cases the setting of the speech is done through the introduction or the commencement of the speech. In this, it becomes imperative to use a simple and concise statement that will carry out the theme of the speech. The theme of the speech should be referred to as the main theme.After this the next task will be to identify the audience. This has to be done with the help of the audience identification cards. The audience identification cards have to be printed on the paper so that they can be easily identifiable. They should also be numbered.Then comes the selection of the opening of the speech, the major issue that has to be addressed at this stage. The opening of the speech needs to be different from one business meeting to another. It will depend upon the extent of respect that the audience will be showing towards the speaker. The essence of the speech must be made clear from the beginning and it must be in a manner that the audience will understand it easily.As mentioned earlier, the general format of the speech writing procedure is to introduce the speaker and then proceed to deal with the speech. Therefore, the other part of the speech writing is to determine the objective of the speaker. This objective is done by followin g certain techniques. It is essential to have a clear presentation of the product or service that the company is offering.In order to qualify the question asked by the audience the writer will usually ask questions regarding the scope of the business discussion. After the introduction, the speech writing progresses by explaining the reasons for which the audience is being addressed. This is done by pointing out the underlying theme of the speech.Finally, the speech writing is completed by emphasizing the main ideas. The author will try to point out the core purpose of the audience. It is necessary to make sure that the audience will take a decision after being made aware of the main idea that has been introduced in the speech.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Love of God as the Key to Knowledge - 1327 Words
-Well, I do not question the existences of qualities as I do the existence of enduring things, material or otherwise, in which qualities are supposed to exist permanently and inseparably within, as a quality, attribute, or element; including myself. I do agree with you that knowledge extends to all things knowable, to all kinds of knower, to all knowledge and all methods of knowing, but what is really possessed when a person claims to have knowledge? Do you put faith above knowledge? Do you think that when one has faith one does not need knowledge anymore? Again, quality is not part of enduring or disappearing things: quality is, like beauty, held in the eye of the beholder, a person only, which you are, not a mechanical thing like†¦show more content†¦If you decide to do the opposite you may not have enough time to save yourselves and probably not able to save the one you wanted to help. Knowledge is similar to the mask needed to breath while faith is the urge to help others. Faith without knowledge is first step into the personal recognition of ones filiation with the heavenly Father, true enough, but it will create tension in the mind of the individual acting on his faith without the proper understanding of life. One of the best example of this conflict can be seen in the life of Mother Teresa. She had a tremendous faith in God, but also many doubts about herself and her own perception. This doudts happen not because of her faith in God, she new HE existed else she could have not done what she did, but because of her unde rstanding or rather misuderstanding of her feeling of love and her vision (material) of her personal environemnt: her brothers and sisters in misery. The pain and suffering of her people made it difficult to comprehend why people suffer on this Earth while she new from her personal experiences that God IS love. This lack of mind comprehension (I did not say lack of love) put her faith on shaky ground for she wrote in a letter to her spiritual confidant the following: â€Å"Where is my faith? Even deep down ... there is nothing but emptiness and darkness ... If there be Godâ€â€please forgive me. When I try to raise my thoughts to Heaven, there is such convictingShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Your Belief About Ultimate Reality?950 Words  | 4 Pagesbelief about ultimate reality? I hold a worldview of theism. I believe in a God that created man, and cares for and communicates with man. God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are ultimate reality. 2. What is your belief about the nature of the universe? God created the universe and all parts thereof. God is separate from his creation. God rules over his creation. The creation of the universe is a gift from God, ruled by God. God is transcendent. 3. 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He was all man because he had a growth, development and limitations as a normal human. But he was also every god. In the Bible certain details and evidence for this claim is. Throughout his life he never sinned, forgive sins and God did. In addition, he called himself I am like God because Jesus, God the Son, and God the Father are one. Moreover, Jesus shows the union of God with humanity. He had three purposes; be the prophet who spoke the word of God to the people,
Friday, May 15, 2020
A Clean Well-Lighted Place Essay - 1680 Words
A Clean Well-Lighted Place A Clean, Well-Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway looks at age from the viewpoint of an inexperienced and experienced individual, with the aid of an old man to emphasize the difference between the two. This story takes place late one night in a caf. The caf is clean, pleasant, and well lighted, which brings some kind of comfort to the atmosphere. Here in the caf sits a deaf, lonely, older man, who although is deaf can feel the difference that the night brings to the caf, a younger waiter, who believes people stay around the caf to make his life miserable, and a waiter who is a bit older and seems to understand that this place, the caf, is comforting. The older man spends his late nights in the caf, because at†¦show more content†¦The dialog about the couple between the two waiters is classic. The older waiter states, The guard will pick him up, then the younger waiter goes on to say What does it matter if he gets what he is after? I believe this conversation shows a dramatic d ifference in age between these two men, while the older waiter knows and thinks about the consequences and effects his actions will place upon him, the younger waiter does not and lives for the moment, which is a typical characteristic of youth. As one grows older they come to realize the differences in living for the moment and living for the moment in a rational way. One can still live for the moment and be spontaneous but do it in a way that it will not have high consequences upon others. Late into the night the younger waiter cuts the old man off of the brandy so he could lock up and get home to his own wife. The young man believes his time is too valuable to waste on people whom have nobody or nowhere to go. What is an hour? More to me than to him. This young man does not actually believe that his time is more precious than the old mans time; he was just in a hurry. What is the difference of getting home to your wife at 2am or 3am? The only difference that I notice when it is a lready that late is the number on the clock. The two waiters then go on to discuss the characteristics between a young and older person, using themselves as the symbols toShow MoreRelatedA Clean Well Lighted Place1202 Words  | 5 PagesCameron Craig Craig 1 Lancaster English 1302.68 25 March 2015 â€Å"A Clean Well-Lighted Place†In â€Å"A Clean, Well-Lighted Place†, Hemingway uses themes of depression and life as nothingness by using symbols, and imagery. Two waiters in a Spanish cafà © are waiting late one night for their last customer to leave. As they wait, they talk about the old, deaf man sitting at the bar. It is revealed that he has recently attempted suicide. The younger waiter in the cafà © is very agitated and wantsRead MoreA Clean Well Lighted Place1545 Words  | 7 PagesErnest Miller Hemingway, in 1933 transcribed a story called A Clean Well-Lighted Place in a Spanish Cafà ©. Ernest focused on two waiters and a patron that frequents the cafà © nightly. One late night this the same old man was getting drunk as usual, and wasn’t ready to leave. The young waiter was getting upset, because he wanted him to leave because he was ready to go home. The older waiter was telling him, to calm down it isn’t that serious, we have to wait until the last customer goes home. Re ad MoreA Clean, Well Lighted Place895 Words  | 4 Pages A clean, well-lighted place may be needed more by some than others on dark, lonely nights. The clean, well-lighted cafà © in Hemingway’s â€Å"A Clean, Well-Lighted Place†represents a safe place in which one can escape their troubles and loneliness that lurk in night’s darkness. In the story the characters of the older waiter and younger waiter differ substantially. They debate over the old man’s being in the cafà ©, which is an over-stayed visit to the younger waiter. The younger waiter longed for theRead MoreA Clean Well Lighted Place1886 Words  | 8 PagesFocalization of the Narrator in Ernest Hemmingway’s A Clean-Well-Lighted Place Written by the author Ernest Hemmingway, the notable short story A Clean-Well-Lighted Place conveys the experiences of three central characters by depicting the lenses through which they observe, and reflect upon their personal lives within a storyworld setting, that looks like the real world. The story portrays a late night situation in a cafà © at the hour of half-past two in the morning, within the country of Spain. TheRead MoreA Clean Well Lighted Place Analysis815 Words  | 4 PagesErnest Hemingway did not write a happy, inspiring story. His story â€Å"A Clean, Well-Lighted Place†uses a famous code of behavior to dictate what his characters say and how they act. The story is depressing, dreary, and distressing but it gets the philosophical premises across. He demonstrates to not make trouble for other people, to contain one’s despair and self-pity by sheer will power, and to not judge others and view the unenlightened with pity. Hemingway uses his story to propose that peopleRead MoreA Clean, Well-Lighted Place Essay1138 Words  | 5 Pagesforever. While all the somethings are dying and fading, nothing is still there. Sure, one can search for meaning and think happy thoughts, but throughout the struggle everyone is alone and slowly spiraling down the path to despair. In â€Å"A Clean, Well-Lighted Place,†Hemingway uses the concept of nada, characterization, and the setting to emphasize the idea of human life being full of nothing. To understand the story, one must understand that nothing is actually something (Benson 24). HemingwayRead MoreA Clean Well-Lighted Place 11111 Words  | 5 PagesA Clean Well-Lighted Place In the short story â€Å"A Clean Well-lighted Place†by Ernest Hemingway the setting is very important. The story takes place in a Spanish speaking country in a cafà ©, but more so than the actual place the time is what makes the setting so crucial to the story. The story takes place at night Hemingway uses this in contrast to the well-lighted cafe with its artificial light. The contrast between dark and light is the main idea of the story and it is best expressed through theRead MoreEssay on A clean well-lighted Place521 Words  | 3 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hemingways short story, quot;A Clean Well-lighted Placequot;, takes place at a cafe very late at night. Two waiters are watching their last, lingering customer, an old man, who is by now very drunk. The younger waiters impatience and the older waiters understanding toward the old man carry out the theme of the story: quot;It [life] was all a nothing and a man was a nothing too.quot;(114) Man must consequently find something to distract himself from his horribleRead MoreA Clean Well Lighted Place Analysis986 Words  | 4 PagesShort stories put forth a desire. A need for more information from the reader to help them further understand the story from what little information they do receive. In a short story, written by Ernest Hemingway, A Clean, Well-Lighted Place, tells the life of an elder man who spends his nights in the light. The unusual setting, the use of diction and the dialogue, creates that short story desire from the reader. It is the elder man’s quiet presence in the story, that allowed Hemingway to set theRead More A Clean, Well-Lighted Place Essay1482 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å" A Clean, Well-Lighted Place†by Ernest Hemingway is a simplistic short story in which he narrates a scene in a Cafe, where the main characters are two waiters and an old man. In the story, Hemingway hardly created a background for his characters, but this was part of his minimalist w riting style. He wanted to create a story that was straightforward to the reader, and in which the reader could easily understand his attitude. His purpose for writing the story was to expose his feelings on society
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Elements of Tragedy in Hamlet Essay - 1006 Words
Hamlet: The Element of a Tragedy In 350 B.C.E., a great philosopher wrote out what he thought was the definition of a tragedy. As translated by S.H. Butcher, Aristotle wrote; â€Å"Tragedy, then, is an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude; in language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play; in the form of action, not of narrative; with incidents arousing pity and fear, wherewith to accomplish its catharsis of such emotions. . . . Every Tragedy, therefore, must have six parts, which parts determine its qualityâ€â€namely, Plot, Characters, Thought, Diction, Spectacle, Melody. (†Later in†¦show more content†¦In Hamlet’s case his flaw was his brilliant mind, the tendency to dwell on things and procrastinate. Procrastination caused Hamlet’s downfall because out of the many opportunities he had to kill his uncle, he waited until he was fatally wounded before killing Claudius. He also had the unhealthy problem of obsessing over killing Claudius. He wanted to make sure the time was right. In Shakespearean tragedies, the hero doesn’t necessarily have to be â€Å"good†, though they generally are, but they are never small or contemptible. The heroes illustrate a sense of waste, for example, in the end of Hamlet, most people feel like his death was unncessesary; that if he had only killed his uncle sooner, Hamlet, his mother, and others would not have died. Aristotle was brief with his third point, Thought. Thought is how the characters should reveal themselves in their speeches. Shakespeare used very rich descriptions and words with his characters. In his famous â€Å"to be, or not to be†soliloquy, Hamlet is wrestling the idea of killing his uncle, not about suicide like most people think. â€Å"To be or not to be, that is the question Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To die, to sleep-- No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heartache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to--tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished: to die,Show MoreRelatedThe Use of Supernatural Elements in Shakespeares Hamlet and Kyds the Spanish Tragedy1181 Words  | 5 PagesDiscuss the usage and effects that the supernatural elements have in both Kyds `The Spanish Tragedy and Shakespeares Hamlet. Ghosts or supernatural beings feature both in The Spanish Tragedy, written by Thomas Kyd, in 1587, and in Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare, in 1601. Ghosts and the supernatural `remind the characters and the audience of the constraints the past places on the present, and also the obligations the living bear to the departed . There were many superstitions surroundingRead MoreHamlet : A Flawed Anti-Tragic Hero1715 Words  | 7 PagesAristotle’s poetics have long been considered the go-to guide for determining well written â€Å"poetry†, most notably in comedies and tragedies. Hamlet, like many of Shakespeare’s plays, is considered to be a tragedy although there is room to debat e whether or not its protagonist is the quintessential tragic hero or a deeply flawed anti-tragic hero. Evaluating Hamlet using Aristotle’s theories, especially considering the criticism Shakespeare received for seemingly defying these ideals, may be the mostRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet And Henrik Ibsen s A Doll s House1400 Words  | 6 PagesThe concept of tragedy has experienced significant change over the last few centuries. Yet despite human fascination with the concept it appears there is no consensus on what defines true tragedy. The classical notion is that a tragedy tells the tale of a tragic hero, a virtuous character who due to a tragic flaw is fated to an unhappy ending (usually death) that inspires fear and pity within the audience. However, there is the argument that tragedy does not have to follow such regulations. A heroRead MoreReligion in Hamlet Essay1149 Words  | 5 PagesThe Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is one of the most famous tra gedies William Shakespeare has ever written. Found throughout Shakespeare’s tragedy are many religious references. According to Peter Milward, the author of Shakespeares Christianity: The Protestant and Catholic Poetics of Julius Caesar, Macbeth, and Hamlet, â€Å"From a purely religious point of view, which is more than just biblical, Hamlet is rich in homiletic material of all kinds, reflecting almost every aspect of the religiousRead MoreWhat Makes A Tragedy?908 Words  | 4 PagesWhat Defines a Tragedy? The dictionary describes a tragedy as, â€Å"a serious drama typically describing a conflict between the protagonist and a superior force (as destiny) and having a sorrowful or disastrous conclusion that elicits pity or fear.†Aristotle’s â€Å"Poetics†have long been the standard of a proper tragedy. Yet, could there be more to the perfect tragedy than what either the dictionary or Aristotle suggests? What are the actual characteristics that form a â€Å"true†tragedy? In Sophocles’ â€Å"OedipusRead MoreHamlet, Prince of Denmark825 Words  | 4 PagesHamlet, Prince of Denmark By William Shakespeare Submitted by: Tariq Khan Dated: Monday, 24th September, 2012 Hamlet as a Tragedy by William Shakespeare 1.1. Brief Introduction to Tragedy: Greek and English: Elizabethan tragedy is traced back to Greek tragedy, since Greeks are said to have pioneered the Western knowledge, be it Science, Arts, or Humanitiesâ€â€not necessarily Technology. The rich contribution of Greek dramatists like Sophocles, Euripides, Aeschylus and AristophanesRead More Comparing the Tragedies of Hamlet, Oedipus the King, and Death of a Salesman1023 Words  | 5 PagesComparing the Tragedies of Hamlet, Oedipus the King, and Death of a Salesman The tragedies Hamlet, Oedipus the King, and Death of a Salesman have strikingly different plots and characters; however, each play shares common elements in its resolution. The events in the plays’ closings derive from a tragic flaw possessed by the protagonist in each play. The downfall of each protagonist is caused by his inability to effectively cope with his tragic flaw. The various similarities in the closingRead More tragoed The Changing Tragedy of Oedipus Rex, Hamlet, and Desire under the Elms879 Words  | 4 PagesChanging Tragedy of Oedipus Rex, Hamlet, and Desire under the Elms nbsp; Tragedy can easily be considered the greatest of all genres due to the fact that it has withstood the test of time. Formally, tragedy employs something more complex than other genres. It is not part of a life full of happy endings. It is part of a bigger system of things. It is part of who we are. Perhaps tragedy is simply the art that truly imitates; Historically speaking, the great rises of tragedy have occurredRead MoreHamlet Soliloquies Essay1218 Words  | 5 PagesElizabethan dramas, there has been much discussion regarding the concept of tragedy in â€Å"Hamlet†. One definition of tragedy offered by the Oxford English Dictionary is ‘a serious play with an unhappy ending’. However, the concept is broader and more complex than the definition aforementioned. Aristotle is believed to have offered the first (and perhaps the most suitable) definition. According to Aristotle’s Poetics, a tragedy must involve a reversal of fortune of the main character. This character mustRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet 1474 Words  | 6 PagesBibliography There are no sources in the current document. Hamed Alanazi English 230 Dec 4, 2015 Hamlet Hamlet, a play written by William Shakespeare is very close to the dramatic conventions of the revenge in Elizabeth era. All the revenge conventions are used in Hamlet which made it a typical revenge play. Hamlet is one of those Elizabethan heroes considered themselves seriously mistreated by an influential figure with having a desire to avenge the crime against their family. Shakespeare learned
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Cloud Computing and Current Solutions †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Cloud Computing and Current Solutions. Answer: Introduction In information technology the number of threats and the organisational risk factors are increasing day by day. It is seen that the organisations are facing lots of risks and threats from both inside and outside of the organisation (Aldunce et al., 2015). There are also various types of risks present in an organisation on the basis of the nature. Natural calamities like storm and earthquake can also lead to the organisation risk factors. Hacking, malware and virus are also reasons of the security issues. There are many differences between the risk and the uncertainty. VIC government has provided a list or guidance of regulations which can make the system more advanced in terms of security. In this report the risk factors are discussed in details with a diagram. The risk management methods and regulations of the VIC government are also discussed in the following discussions of the report. Explanation of the diagram and identification of different levels of risk exposure. The diagram explains the structure of the flow of the factors in an organization. It has also provided an outline about risk management regulations of the VIC government. There are many factors of making the system vulnerable. Most of the factors are dependent upon various risks and threats. In the diagram all the possible threats are given in accordance with their place and moment of occurrence (Becken Hughey, 2013). The risks are classified into two parts. One is the internal risks and the other is the external risks for the organization. The internal risks are generated due to various issues regarding the internal functioning of the organization. Another important factor is that the organization has many possible ways of creating threats and uncertainties by itself (Bianco et al., 2017). The internal risk factors can also be divided into two parts and those are deliberate threat and accidental threat. In case of accidental threats the cause is not due to individuals action. Accidental risk factors are caused due to several causes like power loss and lack of internet connection and many more. These factors are only considered inside the organization. In case of deliberate threats the reasons behind the threats are generated due to individual motive. In case of organizational risk the people who are working in the organization make cause threats and risk factors into the system of the organization so that the organization faces difficulties and loss of productivity. Unauthorized access, data loss and intrusion can be c onsidered as the problems regarding the functioning of the possible risk factors inside the organization (Brindley, 2017). Data breach can also be an important factor that can be used by the employees of the organization to harm it. Another type of risk is the external risk. External risk can occur due to the reasons initiated externally from the organizations. This type of risk factors is the most common risk factors. Hackers and other unwanted access are always making various kinds of risks to the system of the organization. Risks can also be divided into two parts according to the nature of the risk factors. The risk factors can be also determined by the nature of the risks. One is environmental risk and the other is human made risks (Chance Brooks, 2015). The environmental risks factors are also important in case of making the system more vulnerable. Natural disasters like earthquake, storm and sudden temperature change of the environment can cause a big damage to the system. I n the right most side of the diagram the risk management steps are shown as per the VIC government rules and regulations. To decrease the risk factors first the risk should be identified properly so that it can be fought properly. Then the mitigation of the risk factors is done by decreasing the reasons behind the risks. In case information technology the ICT security risks are also important factor (Davies, 2014). There are also many layers presenty in the risks management system. The main thing is that the risks must be clearly understood from the point of effect it can reach. Several risks are given various levels with respect to their vulnerability. These levels can be divided into three parts. Those are high, medium and low risk respectively. The main effects of the risks, which are also the main factors for the failure of organisations functioning, lead to several damages (DeAngelo Stulz, 2015). Those risks which lead to the failure of most of the organisations functioning an d also very vulnerable in terms of making the system endangered are known as the high risk factors. Examples of such risks are hacking, intrusion, failure of the total power system of the organisation. These types of risk factors are also important in case of making the system more vulnerable and also the source of these risks can be both internal and external with respect to the organisation (Ferguson at al., 2013). The natural risks like earthquake, storm is also considered to be high risk factors for the organisations. Medium level risks are data loss of the servers. This kind of data loss is also important in case of making the organisational background more vulnerable and also the importance of the risk factors is of medium nature (Glendon, Clarke McKenna, 2016). Sudden power loss and sudden loss of network connections are also considered to be low risk factors for the organisation. These risk factors should also be given equal priority in case of solving them and also these r isk factors are to be solved with respect to the organisational point of view. Comparison between Deliberate and Accidental Threats and ranking of threats according to the importance Threats are created by different types of reasons which can be divided in two different ways. These are deliberate threats and accidental threats. The deliberate threats are those which are created by intention by individuals or group of individuals (Heazle et al., 2013). Deliberate threats can be from the inside or from the outside of the organisation. In case of deliberate threats external deliberate threats are hacking, intrusion and data loss of the organisation by some external people. The access of the unwanted people can lead to the threats which are also very important in case of making the deliberate one (Holt, Smirnova, Chua Copes, 2015). The main aim of the risk management process is to cancel out the deliberate threats. Deliberate threats can be considered as the high level risk factors for the organisations. As the information of the public is the most important thing in information technology market, it is given the highest priority (Tadeusiewicz Horzyk, 2014). Hackin g and data intrusion can be big risk factors for the public information. These kinds of risks are also referred to high level risk factors. From that point of view of the organisation is responsible for the risks which are caused internally as the deliberate threats are also caused from the inside of the organisation. In case of organisational risks the main source of the risks are the data loss by the employees which are also considered as deliberate threats. These kinds of deliberate threats are of highest priority also (Hopkin, 2017). Another type of risks is the accidental risk factor as the risk factor is caused by uncontrolled reasons. Environmental and natural risks are of this type. This type of risks is of both high and low priority. As the risk factors which are caused by the natural disasters like earthquake and storms, are considered to be the high risk factors. Also the risk factors like sudden power cut and the loss of internet connection are considered to be of relati vely low risk factors. Explanation of the challenges of VIC government regarding the internal and external risk management The IT risk management is a challenging task for the organisation in case of making the organisations free from the reasons which causes vulnerabilities to the system (Reason, 2016). It is already discussed that the risks can be of two types and those are respectively internal and external risk factors. In case of risk management the risk factors are also managed by the organisation in such a way that there are two different methods for dealing with the internal and external risks. The patterns of the internal risks are completely different from that of the external risk factors (Howard Beasley, 2017). In case of internal risk factors the employees of the organisations are sometimes liable for that. In that case the organisations should be very strict with the employees. The main actions that can be taken by the organisation administration should be in such a way that the internal risks are demolished from the organisation (Howes et al., 2015). The advantage in case of the internal risk factor is that the organisation has the control on the risk factors. In case of the external risk factors the reasons behind the risks cannot be controlled. The organisation should be more careful and constructive in case of external risk management (Kettl, 2015). The main advantage of the external risk factor is that it can be caused not intentionally sometimes. For that reason the organisation should be more technically sounded for opposing the risk factors. There are lots of differences between the risk and uncertainty. Risks are those which actually happen due to predefined reasons (Lam, 2014). The uncertainties cannot be understood previously. The main advantages of the risk analysis are that the reasons behind any risks are already known to the organisation. The risks can be controlled by taking previous precautions on the basis of the nature of the risks (Lawrence et al., 2015). In case of the uncertainties the main disadvantage is that the precautions cannot be taken previously as the reasons behind the uncertainties are not known. The time of happening of the risks can also predefined but the time and duration of the uncertainties can never be understood previously. The main advantage of making the risk management in a proper way, is to make the system secure. Discussion and evaluation of several methods available to the VIC government for risk management In this part of the report the risk management methods are discussed in details. The VIC government has created lots of methods that will help to create the system more secure. The VIC governments have also created many rules and regulations which should be followed in order to make the system fight the risk factors (McNeil, Frey Embrechts, 2015). The main advantage of making the risk management procedures are that the organisations can rely on the standards in case of opposing the risk factors. VIC government has created many laws and protocols for risk management. The first one is the privacy and data protection act 2014 (Paton et al., 2014). The Victorian protective data security framework is also designed to make the system secure. The main features of the security acts are making the framework, issuing the framework and then to monitor and regime the data security frameworks related to the organisations. The public sector data and the protective data security acts are also impo rtant in case of making the system more secured. In this case same features are also taken in order to implement the laws in proper way (Poniszewska-Mara?da, 2014). The primary step of this law is to develop and documenting the security framework. Then the standards, policies and the guidelines are also designed to make the system more secure. Compliance should also be delivered in order to overcome the risk factors. The information access should be also followed properly in order to make the system more secure and to overcome the risks. The security requirements should also be monitored properly and the reasons should be understood properly. Security awareness and training should be provided more so that the organisations can deal with such employees and public who are reliable enough to access the system securely. The service providers should be contracted so that the security is ensured (Pritchard PMP, .2014). The government rules and regulations should also be followed properly . Information value is also an important factor in case of making the system more secured with respect to the organisations. The security should be provided according to the value of the information. The organisations also follow the regulations in Case of sharing the information with other organisations. Conclusion From the above discussion it is concluded that several organisations face a lot of risk factors and to make the information secured all the regulations which are made by the VIC government, should be followed properly. Public personal information is the most important data from the security point of view. Organisations give public information the highest priority. The main advantage making the system more secured is that the public reliability is increased on the organisation and also the quality of the service is better. To overcome all the risk factors it is also important to identify all the risks and to understand the reasons behind the possible risks. It is also understood that there is a basic difference between the risk and the uncertainties as the risk can be controlled but the uncertainties cannot be controlled and mitigated. All the challenges which are faced by the VIC government in case of making the risk management regulations are also discussed with respect to the inter nal and the external risks. References Aldunce, P., Beilin, R., Howden, M., Handmer, J. (2015). Resilience for disaster risk management in a changing climate: Practitioners frames and practices. Global Environmental Change, 30, 1-11. American Diabetes Association. (2016). 8. Cardiovascular disease and risk management. Diabetes care, 39(Supplement 1), S60-S71. Becken, S., Hughey, K. F. (2013). Linking tourism into emergency management structures to enhance disaster risk reduction. Tourism Management, 36, 77-85. Bianco, R. J., Arnoux, P. J., Wagnac, E., Mac-Thiong, J. M., Aubin, C. . (2017). Minimizing pedicle screw pullout risks: a detailed biomechanical analysis of screw design and placement. Clinical spine surgery, 30(3), E226-E232. Brindley, C. (Ed.). (2017). Supply chain risk. Taylor Francis. Chance, D. M., Brooks, R. (2015). Introduction to derivatives and risk management. Cengage Learning. Cole, S., Gin, X., Tobacman, J., Topalova, P., Townsend, R., Vickery, J. (2013). Barriers to household risk management: Evidence from India. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 5(1), 104-135. Davies, J. C. (2014). Comparing environmental risks: tools for setting government priorities. Routledge. DeAngelo, H., Stulz, R. M. (2015). Liquid-claim production, risk management, and bank capital structure: Why high leverage is optimal for banks. Journal of Financial Economics, 116(2), 219-236. Ferguson, B. C., Brown, R. R., Frantzeskaki, N., de Haan, F. J., Deletic, A. (2013). The enabling institutional context for integrated water management: Lessons from Melbourne. Water research, 47(20), 7300-7314. Glendon, A. I., Clarke, S., McKenna, E. (2016). Human safety and risk management. Crc Press. Heazle, M., Tangney, P., Burton, P., Howes, M., Grant-Smith, D., Reis, K., Bosomworth, K. (2013). Mainstreaming climate change adaptation: An incremental approach to disaster risk management in Australia. Environmental Science Policy, 33, 162-170. Holt, T. J., Smirnova, O., Chua, Y. T., Copes, H. (2015). Examining the risk reduction strategies of actors in online criminal markets. Global Crime, 16(2), 81-103. Hopkin, P. (2017). Fundamentals of risk management: understanding, evaluating and implementing effective risk management. Kogan Page Publishers. Howard, D. L., Beasley, L. M. (2017). Pregnant with a perforated levonorgestrel intrauterine system and visible threads at the cervical os. BMJ Case Reports, 2017, bcr-2017. Howes, M., Tangney, P., Reis, K., Grant-Smith, D., Heazle, M., Bosomworth, K., Burton, P. (2015). Towards networked governance: improving interagency communication and collaboration for disaster risk management and climate change adaptation in Australia. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 58(5), 757-776. Kettl, D. F. (2015). The job of government: Interweaving public functions and private hands. Public Administration Review, 75(2), 219-229. Lam, J. (2014). Enterprise risk management: from incentives to controls. John Wiley Sons. Lawrence, J., Sullivan, F., Lash, A., Ide, G., Cameron, C., McGlinchey, L. (2015). Adapting to changing climate risk by local government in New Zealand: institutional practice barriers and enablers. Local Environment, 20(3), 298-320. McNeil, A. J., Frey, R., Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative risk management: Concepts, techniques and tools. Princeton university press. Paton, D., Johnston, D., Mamula-Seadon, L., Kenney, C. M. (2014). Recovery and development: perspectives from New Zealand and Australia. In Disaster and development (pp. 255-272). Springer International Publishing. Poniszewska-Mara?da, A. (2014). Selected aspects of security mechanisms for cloud computingcurrent solutions and development perspectives. Pritchard, C. L., PMP, P. R. (2014). Risk management: concepts and guidance. CRC Press. Reason, J. (2016). Managing the risks of organizational accidents. Routledge. Tadeusiewicz, R., Horzyk, A. (2014, November). Man-Machine Interaction Improvement by Means of Automatic Human Personality Identification. In IFIP International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management (pp. 278-289). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Music in the Jazz free essay sample
Battlement Music in the sasss Music In the sasss reflects cultural and social conditions that surrounded Americans during The Great Depression and Dust Bowl. Music during this time also exhibits a glimpse of hope for America and Its people. Even though this time frame was full of economic strain, music gave hope to Americans. From Jazz and swing music on the radio, to dancing in ballrooms and clubs, music produced a positive motive in one of the toughest times in American History.The most important things to remember about music in this era are, Jazz and swing music, dances of the time, economic factors of music, and finally the social and internal effect on the people. Music during The Great Depression had a great impact on people. Introduction into music standings and the effects of The Great Depression In the early thirties old records were literally burned to survive in the winter. We will write a custom essay sample on Music in the Jazz or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The music Industry is in a complete downhill spiral. From selling over 100 million records per year to 6 million per year. Instead of records, radios and radio programs were sold.Now everyone was able to hear all kinds of music for free, which was more popular with people. Things started to look back up for the music Industry. Jazz music became very popular on the radio. It possessed a symbol of American freedom from the chains of the depression. After the rise of the radio things skyrocketed for jazz bands and record labels. Jazz and Swing Music First and most important is jazz and swing music. It recovered the failing music industry. It was founded by African Americans in the south and was considered dangerous at first. Jazz bands consisted of a band lead and fifteen to twenty instrument players.Jazz music took a hard blow Just like the rest of the music industry did in the early sasss. But in the mid sasss the Swing Era emerged and changed everything including the mind set of the depression people continued to suffer from. Jazz differed from swing in one way, being that swing focused on Jazz arrangements rather than pop tunes. Which enables people to focus on dancing rather than slang which Is discussed later. The fun upbeat melodies of swing and jazz songs set people free. Jazz music brought entertainment to a struggling people. It gave them a break from everyday life.For a moment they could put it all aside and once the night away and be free. (Music in the sasss. ) The known creator of the Swing Era was a trumpeter named Louis Armstrong. He increased importance of solos which in all turned jazz music to swing music. An African American named Duke Longtime is know as the greatest composer of the era. He left thousands of pieces ranging in all genres but mostly in swing and Jazz. Longtime started his career by studying and playing classical music until Jazz caught his attention. At this time America was segregated but when The Duke was playing no one, including whites could look away. He amazed people with what as known as his Jungle style. Dances of the sasss as dance marathons. Couples would compete in competitions against other couples. The main reason people Joined these dance-offs was money. Monetary prizes were often the result of winning. Competitions usually lasted six months because there were so many desperate participants. If the couples knees touch the ground they are automatically disqualified. Joining was usually a result of economic problems. Some who Joined had no idea how to dance. The two most popular dances of the time were The Big Apple and Lindy Hop also now as the Jitterbug.The Big Apple was popularized and invented by African Americans. It was a circle group dance that allowed individuals to shine. It included swing steps combined with square dancing. Daytime Publications says: It was popular during the Depression because of the psychological comfort it gave of strength in numbers. Out of the two dances, the Jitterbug was the most popular. It requires mass strength and agility. It was named The Lindy Hop to start off with because of tribute to Charles Lindbergh historic first solo transatlantic flight in 1927.This dance involved intense acrobatics and gymnastics. The term Jitterbug also means the best dancer because you had to be incredibly skilled to perform it correctly. Musicals After the rise of the music industry, America started to incorporate music into movies. Musicals become popular and prominent in the time period. Hollywood wanted a happy distraction from the depression. Many famous songs came from movie musical, including Were in the Money from the musical Gold Diggers of 1933. The most famous song Somewhere Over the Rainbow from the musical The Wizard of Oz of 1939.One of the most favorites actress and singer was little Shirley Temple. She performed in many musicals during the thirties. The sight of her precious smiling red haired face lifted the hopes and spirits of America. Impact of Music on People From feeling down in the dumps to feeling like youre flying on cloud nine, music changed the lives of countless numbers of people during the sasss. It brought light to their dark depressing lives. Hope rose up from new grounds and people began to look positive towards the future. Music was the drug of the thirties. Struggling people could get through everyday with music.The uprooted American working class, black and white, used these musical forms to hold on to a sense of identity amidst the uncertainty of a changing world. (American Popular Music in the sasss) Conclusion Music played a huge role in The Great Depression. Without knowing anything about the music of the time you would probably think nothing of it. You would think it was Just music, but to them it wasnt Just music. It was a chance to live and be free in a time where everyone was broke and stressed out. Jazz and Swing music had the most effect on people, along with dances that correspond.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
buy custom Discretion of Police essay
buy custom Discretion of Police essay Throughout their daily practice, police officers find themselves surrounded by dilemmas and situations which require sober and sound judgment. This mostly occurs in the absence of any form of supervision from senior officers and may be a challenge in cases where the officer is unable to make a decision. This falls under police discretion which has advantages and disadvantages. Discretion simply refers to actions taken by criminal justice officers based on personal judgment depicting the best and reasonable course of action (North Carolina Wesleyan College, 2004). It may entail an officer imposing a legal sanction say, giving a ticket, arresting or stop a traffic offender. Another form of discretion occurs when an officer is required to distribute time among duties. Lastly, officers are expected to decide on whether to use force or not in handling criminals. Discretion may lead to negative image and hatred from the public especially in cases where there exists no consensus on how to d efine and measure criminal behavior (North Carolina Wesleyan College, 2004). Dilemma Handling of family members and other related people also posses a major challenge to countless officers within the criminal justice system. How should police officers deal with their family members found breaking state laws? This definitely calls for sound judgments from the police officer considering the negative and positive implications of discretion. It is important for police officers to appreciate that every citizen is always under the law regardless of their relationships with law enforcing officers. In this dilemma where the officers mother is found driving recklessly while drunk, the officer should take the best course of action buy allowing criminal law to overrule their blood relationship. This would guard the image of the police through public eyes and ensure that everybody receives fair treatment when found on the wrong side of the law (North Carolina Wesleyan College, 2004). Buy custom Discretion of Police essay
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Effective Leadership Styles Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Effective Leadership Styles - Movie Review Example In this paper, the leadership skills reflected by Carter will be discussed and the focus of which will be mainly on goal setting, self-motivation, determination, evaluation and communication. From the time the coach went to the school where he coached, he made it clear to the team that he is the team leader and the players are his team members. It is believed that such clear lay-out of the roles of each member helps in making the goals as well as the rules and regulations clearly defined so that they may be achieved in due time. Before the team even started with their rehearsals, the coach made the goal very clear and he even gave them contracts to sign in order for them to take things more seriously. There was not only verbal explanation given to the students but a meeting with their parents was also called for to make them understand the situation and for them to be informed also of the contract the students agreed upon. Kinicki consider goals as the starting point for all mo tivations because having an objective keeps people focused on the things they must do in order for them to achieve their goals. ... Trying to simultaneously achieve the short term and long term goals have been extremely challenging to Carter but these always made him more focused on the steps he needed to take. Although his team was undefeated, which would be every coach’s dream; Carter was not satisfied with their performances because they failed to live by the contract that they agreed upon from the start of his job. Therefore, he travelled an extra mile in order to help further the players in their academic performances. He made sacrifices with his time and decisions, not wavered by the arguments of his colleagues, students and their parents. He stuck to his priorities and was focused ore than ever with his goals. Detractors abound in every corner and they could either serve as challenges or obstacles that stop people from achieving their goals. In The Art of Leadership, Dag Heward-Mills encourages leaders to become self-motivated (2006) and not to expect direction or encouragement from outside. Indeed, more often than not, people can easily become pessimistic and become discouragements rather than encouragements. Thus, it is important that leaders should have that spirit of motivating themselves first and foremost before getting motivated by others. In the film mentioned earlier, Carter was surrounded by oppositions and impossibilities but he knew his goals and he knew he could succeed if he did his best. While most of his colleagues were encouraging him to give in to the clamor of the students and parents to let the students play despite their failing grades, Carter sought to achieve his goals, clinging to his set of rules and not compromising his principles. In line with the motivation that Carter had, he was also determined to
Friday, February 7, 2020
Sleep Disorders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Sleep Disorders - Essay Example Rhythmic brain activity occurs in this stage known as â€Å"sleep spindles†, as mentioned by (Cherry, 2011). It is mentioned in (, n.d.) that deep and significantly slow brain activity characterizes stage 3 of human sleep. Slow brain waves called delta waves are observed mixed with faster waves in this stage, while delta waves are exclusively produced in stage 4. Rapid eye movement and fast breathing occurs in REM, where the rate of brain activity equals the rate observed when a person is awake. Parasomnia is a sleep disorder in which one has severe trouble in comfortably falling asleep. In this disorder, the patients experience nightmares or sleep walking. Parasomnia can occur if one is aroused from non-REM sleep. (MedicineNet, 2011). Sleep walking most commonly occurs during stage 3 and 4, where there is slow brain activity and the patient has absolutely no idea of his/her body movement. There occur 4-5 sleep cycles throughout the night and sleep walking prim arily occurs during the first or second sleep cycle. Since there is short sleeping time involved in nap, sleep walking does not occur during the day time. Therefore, sleep walking characteristically occurs at night time during stage 3 and 4. References: Cherry, K. (2011). Stages of Sleep.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The 1906 landslide victory Essay Example for Free
The 1906 landslide victory Essay To what extent is it fair to conclude that it was Conservative/Unionist failings that led to the 1906 landslide victory? Within the last 20 years being dominated by the conservative party, perhaps it is possible to assume that soon there would be a reverse in conservative fortunes. This could come from a liberal comeback or another party finding their feet in parliament. As we know it was the Liberals aiming their ascendancy again to win a landslide victory in 1906. However, external factors cannot entirely be attributed to the conservative downfall as it came in a landslide defeat. In answering this question I will look at the inefficiencies and limitations of the conservative party, whilst also considering the actions and decisions of the other parties. It is fair to say that the conservatives would have found it difficult to gain any more votes than they already had received form previous elections, and that their goals were mainly consolidation of their position. This landslide in 1906 shows that the conservative objections were failed to be adhered to. Therefore in answering this question the first aspect to look at is the conservative parties own limitations. Many of the problems that the conservatives had to face were them always seeming to have an ineffectual leader, Arthur Balfour. At first it would to be believed that he might become a good leader as he had brains, courage, vision and that he was also a well respected man in the commons. Balfour disliked democracies like his uncle Salisbury, yet in that he never took it seriously. Balfour became too cerebral and too uninvolved, and in his eyes, the Tories were an instrument for solving the nations problems. He saw that Britain was in a state of decline on the international front, with the economic growth saturating alongside productivity. Thus, defense of the empire was required in order to make Britain more competitive and Chamberlain was particularly devoted tot this. It has to be said that it was the combination of Chamberlains response and Balfour letting him enact his response that became a major reason behind the conservative defeat in the 1906 elections. The conservatives foreign policy was also very poor, as it was the Liberals in 1886 with the problems involving Irish home rule. Between the two men, the party collapsed from Salisburys secure and dominant party, to eventually ruins. Balfour was also costly about reform, and it was the poorly orchestrated social reform that seemed to lead to the dissatisfaction of certain social groups that had been formally enlightened by the conservatives. An example of this is the 1902 Education Act, which eventually ended up in a political disaster. In order to achieve national greatness and efficiency it was believed at the time that it was education that held the key, and that if education didnt become a prominent feature of party policies Britain would fall behind other major countries. Therefore no wonder that Balfour and Devonshire both co-operated to forward the education act of 1902. Embitterment reached its peaks in the summer of 1906 with Dr. Clifford, who started upon orchestrating a campaign against education reform. This became the beginning of the non-conformist revolt. Other reforms agitated the non-conformists groups, two years later with the enactment of the 1904 Licensing Act, which made provision for closure of republic houses but also compensated those who had lost trade by a levy on those remaining. With Balfours inability to reform he had two major instances in the public spotlight, which completely tarnished the partys reputation with hem showing complete insensitivity towards the public opinion. Balfour mistake on the domestic front with him totally comprehending the trade unions agitation that arose form a series of judgments in the late 1890s (Taff Vale). In contrast with Disraeli in the 1870s he made no effort to halt the pressure groups. Balfours main concerns were with the foreign policy and maintaining of the empire, which in effect would enhance Britains position. Another major mistake that Balfour made was the damage from the Boer War in South Africa. Alfred Miller concerned about the war asked for the importation of Chinese workers, these workers would work in the gold mines of the Rand. Initially Chamberlain who obviously recognized the importance of public opinion vetoed the request, however the board sanctioned the request later in 1903. This proved to be a mistake with a wave of protest all over Britain, mainly die to the people becoming more aware of human rights. The outcry came form the conscience as the Chinese workers had to work in poor conditions in the most small and dangerous areas. Balfour could have rejected the idea, however to him the plan was effective and practical. On the 15th May 1903, Birmingham, Chamberlain declared his faith in imperial preference as he proposed to abandon free trade which had become a way of British life for fifty years. He believed that a system of duties would tie the overall empire together, raise revenue for social reform and protect British industry. The war on the Tariffs had started with Chamberlain seeing this move a way of solving the nations problems whilst giving him individual gains, such as him being in the spotlight after fading with the climax of the Boer War. In July 1903 an outraged group of unionists began to set a Free Food League, and thus Balfour faced an extremely dangerous position. Bitter quarrels were beginning to form between those who endorsed free trade and those who were tariff reformers. Another massive blow to the conservative party under the controversies of tariff reform was the loss of Winston Churchill, who publicly showed the necks of the liberals, tariff reform became a rallying cry for conservatives and an electoral liability. The protection of men and women meant less food for the people, whilst the fre trade stood for prosperity and cheap food. Chamberlains reform, was admittedly unfortunate to coincide with economic revival, yet this fear of expensive food created a retaliation in the country and I believe this was the major mistake made by the party, which ultimately produced a swing against them of devastating proportion in what is know seen as the landslide victory of 1906. Chamberlain and Balfour both seemed to have the inabilities to appease all social groups and this was made worse with their ineffective social reform, inability to understand public opinion and their constant focus upon solving the nations problem. This all contributed to the declining conservative support. The views that I have just made are the conservatives mistakes that led to the landslide victory, yet the Liberal party after Gladstone was undertaking changes. These changes were apparent in their organization and ideology and thus by the early 1900s it was ready again to challenge the conservatives through the electoral system. The year 1902 was a decisive year for the liberals fortunes. Initially, the liberals looked set to divide further into factions as Roseberys ascendancy had culminated in him leading a pressure group within the party as a president of the new liberal league. The group name was Schism which included the prominent figures such as Grey, Fowler and Asquith. The group however began to fade away. The education Act set up by the conservatives gave the Liberals a chance to reform and unite and rally to the non-conformist cause. The Liberal politicians now had something to pick up on, and hostility to rate support fir church schools and the abolition of the non-conformist dominated school boards was a perfect issue. By-elections immediately swung against the Tories, as the Liberals won in Bury and Leeds by July. In 1903 Chamberlain had begun his infamous tariff reform campaign and presented the Liberals with an absolutely perfect issue in which they could protest against. The Liberal propaganda, machine had got in motion with the main liberal highlight big Liberal Loaf against the small Tory loaf. Asquith began to emerge as a leading protagonist in the issue, and was a thorn in Chamberlains side. Through the campaign the liberals were winning back votes form the working class as the liberals played upon the fact that the tariffs were being enacted at the expense of the masses who have to pay for them. This then led to more places falling under the Liberal grasp like Lancashire. Even new support groups were being encouraged, as the National League of Young Liberals was set up in 1903 and had 300 branches by 1906. Gladstones achievements as an organizer meant a fall in the number of unionist candidates. The splitting of the progressive vote had clearly rebounded to the unionist advantage, highlighted in the unionist dominance at Barnard castle in 1903. The eventual agreement was signed in September 1903 with the main gist being that Labour would get a free run in some forty to fifty unionist seats in return for backing the Liberals elsewhere. The results of the 1906 elections were paramount to the pact made by the two parties, as the benefits affected both. Indeed the LRC and the Liberals were able to concentrate upon capitalizing on the new upshot of working class consciousness, which was shown in essence at the retaliation against the war fought for the rich capitalists of the Rand, the money making schemes of Chamberlain, the contemptuous nature against Labour with the enslavement of Chinese workers and the refusal to reverse the Taff Vale judgment. The reform issue was the final fault of the conservatives for the Liberals to pose the question. The 1906 elections was a disaster for Unionists whereas the liberals consolidate their strongholds whilst gaining in Lancashire, London and the southeast. In conclusion I believe that it was mainly due to the conservative failings that led to the 1906 landslide elections. The Tory party was headed by two main figures, Balfour and Chamberlain who brought the party to ruins preceding the rise in liberal fortunes headed by Salisbury. The liberal propaganda machine helped to put the conservatives to rest whilst they continued their uprising. The Liberal united around the conservative failings and this proved to be a force for both non-conformity and the working class.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Assessing Crime Trends as a Security Specialist Essay -- Crime
Crime is known as an action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law. Depending on where one may reside, different punishments from certain crimes can depend on the governmental bodies. Also crimes can vary by the jurisdiction from state to state. For most crimes, after a completion of affirmative action one can be punished for the conduct. Many people have the assumption that crimes are the result of intentional conduct, when most of the time it is negligent conduct such as speeding. When there is a significant change in the nature of chosen crime types within a defined geographical region and stretch of time, is known as a crime trend. When crime trends in different areas are being assessed, various methods are used in order to collect the data that is needed. When first assessing crime one may ask, â€Å"What is the cause of crime.†Criminologists have looked at a ride range to explain the factors on why people tend to commit crimes. Many of these factors can be looked at through different societies, cultures, and families. These aspects can be brought on by certain emotions such as anger, greed, jealousy, and sometimes through getting a rush for carrying out such acts (for example stealing). In the article 10 Causes of Crime By Talidari, reveals 10 different causes on how crime commences: Weakness – regarding lack of faith and/or imbalance, Poor judgment – lack of proper education, Lack of love – living in a dysfunctional family, Poverty – poor families tend and unemployment, Deprived neighborhoods – Economically impecunious neighborhoods, TV violence, Being a victim in a chain of events – being in the wrong place at the wrong time and getting sucked in, Poor parenting... ...The report will also be more precise for the security specialist from the media taken and the reports. Just by looking off charts off of the internet that can be compared to the average in the U.S. without evidence can be sometimes cause disbelief. In order to be able to fully implement protection the different factors stated will make for safer living. Works Cited Careless, J. (2012). Video evidence. Retrieved from Crime and arrest reports. (2012). Retrieved from Dutelle, A. (2010, January). Documenting the crime scene. Retrieved from Talidari. (2012). Hub pages. Retrieved from
Sunday, January 12, 2020
The Difference Between Globalization and Regionalism
Ironically, as society drifts towards globalization, regionalism also seems to take place in almost every corner of the globe. In fact, most countries in the world, on all continents, are members of regional trade agreements through either customs unions, free trade areas, or other preferential arrangements. Over 200 regional trade agreements (RTAs) exists and have been notified to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and over 150 of those agreements are in force. Most of these agreements have been concluded in the past ten years and cover mainly trades in goods or services, or a combination of both. To further complicate the issue of RTAs, many countries are members of several agreements; oftentimes these multiple agreements have differing rules. Europe seems to be taking the lead in regards to RTAs with sixty percent of the notified RTAs in force at the end of 2000 whereas developing countries only account for about fifteen percent of the total RTAs in 2000. The question that arises is whether the growth of regional groups helps or hinders the development of multilateral trading systems. Many countries are trying to balance between global and regional trade organizations. To understand the relative advantages of regional versus global organizations you must consider why international organizations are created. According to Yale University†s Bruce Russett, some organizations have single or multiple purposes, however, according to Russett, all international trade organizations have these purposes or functions. First, to secure peace among their members; second, to provide for external security vis-a-vis other states; third, to carry out a variety of economic-related tasks, such as development, managing or promoting interdependence; fourth, to address problems of environmental protection, and lastly, to secure human rights. These purposes or functions are normally carried out by a wide range of international organizations, including international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs). Many scholars feel that the United Nations serves three distinct purposes, security against violence, economic security, and to promote human rights. It is the second purpose of the UN, economic security, which ties into regional and global economic organizations. The UNs economic security is, no doubt, a global and not a regional solution. It is the Bretton Woods institutions of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the WTO along with the UN Development Program that the UN uses to rebuild economies and develop poor and underdeveloped countries. These institutions have been concerned with promoting economic interdependence, reducing poverty, and stimulating economic development. Because of these functions, these global institutions have underpinned economic interdependence and have become major advocates for the spread of free markets. The problem is that as the UN and these aforementioned organizations propagate free trade and globalization, many regions feel they are losing there autonomy and are looking towards more regional agreements, hence the move towards regionalism in the 1990s. There are two basic schools of thought in regards to the relationship between multilateral (globalization) and regional trading arrangements. According to Bhagwati and Panagariya, those who advocate the total reliance on the multilateral economic process express three main concerns against regional economics. These reasons are: First, regional agreements divert trade by creating preferential treatment for member countries vis-a-vis nonmembers, the term for this used by anti regionalism critics is preferential trade agreements (PTAs). Second, critics argue that countries may lose interest in the multilateral system when they engage actively in regional initiatives; they feel that regionalism will stall and even threaten global trading. Third, regional trading agreements may contribute to political and even military clashes among nations, this though is the extreme. Still and all, contemporary critics of regionalism do worry that extensive and regional ties may lead to conflicts that range beyond economics to broader areas of international relations. The champions of regionalism address and counter each one of the aforementioned issues. C. Fred Bergsten nicely sums up the points that counter the critics of regionalism. Bergsten lists these three opposite views on the issues presented by the critics of regionalism: First, regional arrangements promote freer trade and multilateralism in at least two areas, trade creation has generally exceeded trade diversion and regionalism contribute to both internal and international dynamics that enhance rather than reduce the prospects for global liberalization. Second, regionalism oftentimes has important demonstration effects; that is to say, that regional initiatives can accustom officials, governments, and nations to the liberalization process and increase the probability that they will subsequently move on to similar multilateral actions. Lastly, regionalism has had positive rather then negative political effects; the European Union (EU), because of economic interdependence, is unlikely to see any serious conflicts between the member states. As the last two paragraphs show, it is impossible to decisively resolve the regionalism versus multilateralism issue. Most analysis of free trade agreements (FTAs) conclude that trade creation has dominated trade diversion but that conclusion is not without foolproof results and the future cannot guarantee that regional arrangements will have similarly benign results. However, most economic scholars agree that regional and global liberalization have proceeded together and have tended to reinforce each other; the US would be a good example of this, the US has continued to provide global leadership for multilateral liberalization while simultaneously pursuing it†s regional initiatives. In the end, the evidence suggests that the interactions have been largely positive but this conclusion is based on judgmental rather then definitive results. The only irrefutable conclusion is that the interrelationship between regionalism and globalism depends on the management of the process by the key countries involved. If those countries seek constructive synergism between regionalism and globalism, then the historical record shows that that synergism can be achieved. If those countries wish to pursue either regionalism or globalism at the expense of the other, then the outcome could be different. What has evolved is a term called â€Å"open regionalism,†open regionalism represents an effort to resolve one of the central problems of global trade policies; how to achieve compatibility between the explosion of regional trading agreements erupting around the world and the global trading system as embodied in the WTO. The â€Å"open regionalism†concept seeks to assure that regional agreements will in practice be building blocks for further global liberalization rather then stumbling blocks that deter progress. â€Å"Open regionalism†has been adopted by the three largest economies in the world, the United States (US), Japan, and China, when those economies established an international trade organization, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). According to Bergsten, APEC is the largest regional trade organization in the world and is potentially the most far-reaching trade agreement in history, therefore, APEC is a major factor in the world trading system and its embrace of â€Å"open regionalism†has propelled this concept into the global marketplace. The concept of â€Å"open regionalism†represents an effort to achieve the best of regionalism and globalism, the benefits of regional liberalization, of which even the critics acknowledge, without jeopardizing the continued vitality of the multilateral system. Proponents of open regionalism view it as a device through which regionalism can be employed to accelerate the progress towards global liberalization and rule making. Ross Garnaut gives five possible definitions of â€Å"open regionalism†and these can be implemented simultaneously as well as independently, the five definitions that Garnaut gives are: One, â€Å"open regionalism†has open membership in the regional arrangement. Any country that indicates a credible willingness to accept the rules of the institution would be invited to join. Second, the most favored nation (MFN) treatment concept would be utilized; trade liberalization would be extended unconditionally to all of the members†trading partners. Third, conditional MFNs would be instituted to counter the unconditional MFNs mentioned in the second definition. Outsiders would accept offers from regional trade organizations in order to avoid being discriminated against by countries that account for half the world†s economy. Fourth, regional organizations will continue reducing their barriers on a global basis while pursuing their regional goals. Continuing the practice of unilateral liberalization and multilateral negotiations in the WTO would do this; both approaches avoid creating a new discrimination and could be viewed as faithful renditions of â€Å"open regionalism. †Finally, trade facilitation through non-tariff and non-border reforms. Such initiatives would be narrowly focused, though still valuable in enhancing trade, such as customs harmonization and mutual recognition of product standards. Economic regionalism and globalism can co-exist, in fact, as can be seen with the US, a state can practice both and flourish. Most countries will accept the idea of â€Å"open regionalism†and will want to promote liberalization in both their region and globally, â€Å"open regionalism†allows those states to do this. These countries must indicate publicly both their regional liberalization program and their willingness to extend that liberalization to all members of global organizations, such as the WTO, on a reciprocal basis. Such a strategy is feasible, as noted earlier, over sixty percent of world trade already takes place within regional arrangements that have either achieved free trade, are getting close to that position, or have committed to do so. The advantage of overcoming current preferential discrimination offered to MFNs would be enticing enough to convince most countries to take the additional step of freeing trade with all partners rather then a selected few while still maintaining regional ties, this is exactly what â€Å"open regionalism†does.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Rumspring Analysis of the Hands-Off Parenting - 602 Words
Do I agree or disagree with the hands’ off ignore-the-behavior approach; Amish parents and leaders take with their children during rumspringa? Well that is simple, no I do not agree with it. There have been plenty of studies done to show that permissive parenting, (what they are doing during rumspringa) hurts the child in the long run. It causes them to have low impulse control that can lead to things like substance abuse (i.e. drugs and alcohol), and problems with the authorities. The permissive parenting style is also something that theses teens are completely unprepared for, seeing as up till the age of sixteen the parents practiced an authoritarian style of parenting which gave the children little to no freedoms at all and demanded absolute obedience to the ways of the family and church. The direct translation of rumspringa, (according to the documentary) means â€Å"running around†, and running around is exactly what theses teens are doing. While most of the teens still live at home during rumspringa it is not required. As a result you have sixteen year olds, typically boys, living without any supervision at all that cannot even find decent employment. Because children are made to drop out of school after eighth grade; due to the fact that the Amish culture believes it â€Å"leads to pride†these children are left in the world with less than a high school degree. The jobs they are normally able to have are very labor intensive and can be unsafe. Now you are left with children
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