Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Hell Bound Essay Research Paper There once free essay sample
Hell Bound Essay, Research Paper There one time was a adult male with a batch of problem that followed him. It all started when he went angling that one Friday afternoon. He was out in his boat and all of a sudden his fishing rod flew out of his custodies. He grunted to himself and jumped in to travel after he rod. All of the sudden this elephantine animal of a fish flew out of the H2O and tipped his boat over. After H got his boat flipped over, his jumped back in and rowed to shore. He was highly angry because he got all moistures. While he dragged his boat back to shore, he tripped, fell, and landed on his caput. Thingss could non acquire any worse for Barney. When he eventually got place, he got in the shower, got dressed, and called some friends to travel to Hooters. We will write a custom essay sample on Hell Bound Essay Research Paper There once or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When he came home, he didn t even say hi to his married woman or child. He gave his best friend Joe a call to see if he was up for a dark at Hooters. Joe was up for it so the darted to Hooters. As they sat at Hooters, Barney thought to himself, Geese, I truly necessitate to acquire a life! That was a really true. All he of all time did these yearss was work portion clip, fish, and drink. He was fring touch with his child and his married woman. Subsequently that dark when he stumbled in, he went directly to bed. When he woke up, his married woman and his child were packing. He asked them, Where are you cats traveling? I have had sufficiency of your dirt, I m out of here, said his married woman. He was so hung over, all he cared approximately was the baseball game and Tylenol. He grabbed a beer, the remote, and wasted the twenty-four hours off. As I m certain you could state by now, his is a shame to society. He didn T merely wake up one twenty-four hours though moving like that. It all started when his was small. His female parent and male parent used to manus him upside down. The gimmick was that he had to make it for yearss on terminal and that messed with his encephalon a small spot. When he got older, he got crush up in high school because he looked unusual. After a childhood like that, you can sort of see why H is the manner he is. Subsequently that flushing, one of his friends called. Hey Barney , wan na travel acquire some brewskies? Certain Phil, lem me acquire dressed and I ll run into you at Bob s Tavern. As Barney got showered, he got a amusing feeling, but he ignored it. He got in his auto and took off for Bob s. As he was on his manner, he wondered why he had that feeling. He couldn t figure it out so he ignored it. He rolled up to Bob s, walked in, greeted Phil, and sat down at the saloon. As he started imbibing, he started to acquire that eldritch feeling in his tummy like something was incorrect. He told Phil he had to travel because something wasn T right. On the main road headed place, something strange was traveling on. He noticed that no 1, I mean no 1, was on the route. By that clip, the storm was kicking in. The trees were rocking and the air current was ululating. But when the lightning flickered, it wasn t normal white, it was blood ruddy. From the visible radiation the lightning produced, the sky was a huge, blood ruddy swirling funnel. On his right he saw a gas station with a bull pulled in. He took a right, parked, and went indoors. When he walked in, it looked like a hardhearted slaughter. Everyone s eyes were bulged out and their limbs were scattered and there was blood all over the walls. Barney got in his auto and squealed off. What in the heck was that, he said to himself. All of the sudden, the main road came to an terminal. He got out and when he looked up out came a gigantic animal. On his caput where the Numberss 666. Barney thought it for certain over with. When the animal opened its oral cavity, you could smell the malodor of a decomposition infinity. Right as the animal slammed his monstrous jaws down, Barney woke up with his face on the saloon tabular array. Barney had so much to imbibe that he passed out. After barney woke up the Sunday forenoon, he instantly checked himself into rehab. He realized that the imbibing and the deficiency of duty have gone excessively far. It ruined his relationship between his married woman and child, and he besides lost the regard from merely about everyone else. Anyways, after Barney completed rehab, he got back together with his household and H is now happily sober.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
1984 Themes, Symbols, and Literary Devices
'1984' Themes, Symbols, and Literary Devices Written at a time when dictatorships and totalitarian regimes were establishing a hold over much of the world despite the defeat of Hitler’s Nazis in World War II, in 1984 Orwell described what he saw as the inevitable outcome of any political movement that embraced authoritarianism and the cult of personality. Orwell was extremely frightened of political power being concentrated in a small number of individuals, correctly seeing it as a pathway to the loss of personal freedoms, and foresaw the technology that would make the erasure of those freedoms a simple task. Totalitarianism The most obvious and powerful theme of the novel is, of course, totalitarianism itself. A totalitarian state is one where there is only one political force legally permitted- all opposition to the state’s policies and actions is illegal, usually categorized as treason and met with violent retribution. This naturally stifles freedom of expression and makes change within the system impossible. In democratic societies, opposition groups can form political parties, express their ideas freely, and force the state to address concerns or be replaced. In a totalitarian society, this is impossible. Orwell’s Oceania goes further than even most existing totalitarian states. Where real-world authoritarian leaders seek to restrict information and control their populations in terms of their physical movements and spoken or written communication, Orwell’s government of the future seeks to inhibit thought itself and alter information at the source. Newspeak is a language invented by the state specifically to make independent thought literally impossible, and even Winston’s physical surroundings are designed to inhibit his freedoms, like the way his small apartment is dominated by the enormous two-way television screen, crowding him into a corner he incorrectly believes offers him some degree of privacy. That illusion is crucial to Orwell’s theme, as he strives to demonstrate that in a truly totalitarian society all freedom is in fact an illusion. Winston believes he finds ways to resist and meaningfully fight back against repression, all of which turn out to be gambits controlled by the state. Orwell argues that people who imagine they would heroically resist such a repressive regime are kidding themselves. Control of Information A crucial aspect of Oceania’s control over the citizenry is its manipulation of information. Workers at the Ministry of Truth actively adjust newspapers and books on a daily basis to match the ever-changing version of history that suits the purposes of the state. Without any kind of reliable source of facts, Winston and anyone who, like him, is dissatisfied or concerned about the state of the world, has only their vague feelings on which to base their resistance. More than simply a reference to Joseph Stalin’s practice of literally airbrushing people out of historical records, this is a chilling demonstration of how a lack of information and accurate data renders people powerless. Winston daydreams of a past that never actually existed and sees it as the goal of his rebellion, but since he lacks any real information, his rebellion is meaningless. Consider how he is tricked into overtly betraying the state by O’Brien. All the information Winston has about the Brotherhood and Emmanuel Goldstein is fed to him by the state itself. He has no idea if any of it is true- if the Brotherhood even exists, if there is even a man named Emmanuel Goldstein. Destruction of the Self Winston’s torture at the end of the novel is not simply punishment for his Thoughtcrimes and incompetent attempts to rebel; the purpose of the torture is to eradicate his sense of self. This is the ultimate goal of totalitarian regimes according to Orwell: A complete subservience to the goals, needs, and ideas of the state. The torture Winston undergoes is designed to destroy his individuality. In fact, every aspect of life in Oceania is designed to achieve this goal. Newspeak is designed to prevent negative thoughts or any thought that is not approved or generated by the state. The Two-Minutes Hate and the presence of Big Brother posters promote a sense of homogeneous community, and the presence of Thought Police- especially the children, who have been raised in the poisoned environment of the totalitarian state and who function as credulous and uncritical servants of its philosophy- prevents any sort of trust or true kinship. In fact, the Thought Police do not have to actually exist to achieve this goal. Simply the belief that they do is sufficient to inhibit any individual expression, with the ultimate result that the self is subsumed into Groupthink. Symbols Big Brother. The most powerful and recognizable symbol from the book- recognized even by people who have not read it- is the looming image of Big Brother on posters everywhere. The posters obviously symbolize the power and omniscience of the party, but they are only ominous to those who retain any kind of individual thought. For those fully assimilated into the party line, Big Brother is not an ironic term- he is seen as a protector, a kindly older sibling keeping them from harm, whether it be the threat of outside forces, or the threat of unmutual thoughts. Proles. Winston is obsessed with the lives of the proles, and fetishizes the red-armed prole woman as his main hope for the future, because she represents the potentially overwhelming power of numbers as well as a mother who will bear future generations of free children. It is notable that Winston’s best hope for the future takes the responsibility from his hands- he is not the one counted on to deliver this ill-defined future, it is up to the proles to rise up. And if they do not, the implication is that it is because they are dull and lazy. Telescreens. Another obvious symbol are the wall-sized televisions in every private space. This literal intrusion by the state is not a commentary on modern television, which did not exist in any meaningful way in 1948, but rather a symbol of the destructive and repressive power of technology. Orwell distrusted technology, and saw it as a grave danger to freedom. Literary Devices Limited Point of View. Orwell chooses to restrict our access to information by tying the narrative solely to Winston’s point of view. This is done specifically to keep the reader reliant on the information they are given, just as Winston is. This underscores the betrayal and shock that both feel when, for example, the Brotherhood is revealed to be fictional. Plain Language. 1984 is written in a very plain style, with few flourishes or unnecessary words. While many students take this to mean Orwell was a humorless man, or who simply lacked the ability to write in an exciting way, the fact is the opposite: Orwell had such control over his art he was able to match his writing style precisely to the mood and setting. The novel is written in a sparse, grim style that perfectly matches and evokes the grim, unhappy, and hopeless setting. The reader experiences the same dull, plodding sense of mere existence that Winston does.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Concept of Ethnocentrism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Concept of Ethnocentrism - Essay Example Several nations and their cultures have placed themselves at the top of an imagined hierarchy of cultures and nations and therefore they have assigned other cultures lower ranks than theirs. This has led to the incorporation of the belief that one nation, its culture is superior, and that it will always be ahead of the rest hence making people believe this form of deception naturally. This form of belief has resulted in a few nations becoming the center of admirations making all other nations to strive to emulate the nations at the center in order to move higher in the imaginary rank. For example, the United States of America has always thought of itself as more powerful, more economically positioned, and as generally better in all spheres than other nations. This has been evidenced by the country's dabbling in the matters of other nations without much regard to the right formality that should be followed. A good illustration of this dabbling in the country's current involvement in a ffairs of Middle East, which is mainly castigated by the perceived belief that it is a superpower. This has led to the country spending a lot on affairs of other countries, which are not necessarily in its control, rather than focusing on funding development in needy developing countries. Cultural ethnocentrism continues to prevail in the majority of the African communities where the communities believe that these cultures are better than the rest and they in, particular, tend to be unreceptive to the western culture. They normally feel that their cultural order is threatened by the arrival of new groups and they thus strive to resist what they term as invaders in their communities. This evidenced by the disagreements in cultural markers of identity such as clothing and other visible elements which the people try by all means possible to uphold them despite the foreign influence.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Reluctant Workers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Reluctant Workers - Essay Example Aston is then forced to schedule morning meetings. Secondly, Aston seems not to come up with a method to make sure his employees to communicate with him (Morris, 2012). At most times, the employees presume that they are conversant with everything and are not interested in the job at all. This may also recount to the fact that a great proportion of them are aged, and are not weary of the fact that Aston will be their boss for the longest time ever (Morris, 2012). Thirdly, the employees have no interest in their job. Morris (2012) give an example of when Aston had scheduled a test, and the customer’s top management had planned flying out for 1st hand observations, but two people had already made arrangements for their vacation, another had planned to go out fishing, and another had planned to spend time with the orphans (Morris, 2012). This is to mean that the employees were more interested with what ensued outside the office premises as contrasted to their work. Aston complains that none of the employees planned for the test, all because of social responsibilities and other interests (Morris, 2012). As the project manager, Aston has shown tremendous interest and passion to his job. Were it not the uncooperative team members, Aston would by now be the best driver for his project. In relation to the core skills mentioned above, Aston is clearly motivated in his job, and is willing to do anything to see to it that the employees work closely with him son as attain the goals of the project. He complains that he has never seen such non-commitment by employees like he does, explaining why he consults Phil Davies, the project director (Morris, 2012). In terms of communication, Aston is fast to communicate with his senior in relation to the project issues. As drawn by Morris (2012), the entire project entails a detailed discussion between Aston and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Shewin Memorandum 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Shewin Memorandum 1 - Essay Example . Blabber newspaper has only 3 women on upper level of management. . She has worked in the company for a period of 6 years without promotion yet Whiz who is only 26 years of age and with inadequate experience has been offered the post Shewin applied A 26-year-old new recruit by the name of whiz was considered for position she also applied . Senior employees in the company have been heard speculating on when she will retire. . The company only has five African American employees. . Question of Locusstandiis requisite in bringing this cause of since the level and type of engagement between Miss Shewin and the company must be ascertained to enable the court to hear her case. . Remedies available for Miss Shewin in an event of success of his case Sexual Harassment Crude sexual behaviors Ill language against pregnant women Miss Shewin’s interview at the restaurant did not dwell on professional issues but were majored on social questions . Male employees in the company discuss socia l issues including sexual experiences with their girlfriends over the weekend, which is not checked by the company managers despite protest by Miss Shewin. This case instance presents a critical analysis of rights of employees in a work premise as accorded by law. It details a brief operation of the America legal system to facilitate a proper understanding on how to tackle this legal issue. The American labor and employment laws are sourced from a variety of legal sources, including, constitutional law, statutory law being rules extracted from statutes, administrative regulations, and common law, which includes unwritten customs, principles and rules and case law (Hart 56). These sources are available on different levels, including: - federal and state constitutions, federal and state statutes and administrative regulations by both federal and state agencies, case law by both federal and state courts. In other circumstances however, these laws can be extracted from municipal laws as well. This therefore presents job places with often challenging circumstances of legal requirements and obligations that do not always align (Patterson 98). In case of a conflict or inconsistency between federal and state law, then the law that establishes stricter standard supersedes that whose penalty is less strict. In case of a conflict that cannot be resolved by application of the stricter standard, then the federal law preempts the state law (SS). Miss Shewin case elicits several issues under laws of employment including, discrimination on gender basis, race, sexual harassment of workers as an affirmative action and the extent which the law protects employees in a working place. It is significant to commence this discussion by establishing if Miss Shewin has sufficient locus standi to bring legal complaint against the Blabber newspaper. Locus standi is the legal right to bring an action, to be heard in court, or to address the court on a matter before it. It is the ability of a party to demonstrate to the court sufficient connection to and harm from the action challenged to support that party’s participation in the case. Locus standi in this case can be traced from the legal relationship that existed between Miss Shewinand the Blabber Newspaper. It must be traced if there was a legal contract between the two parties and if the same stipulated
Friday, November 15, 2019
Political System Of Vietnam
Political System Of Vietnam In every class society, the power of the ruling can be carried out by a system of institutions and certain political organizations. It is the political system. By political system we mean the system of government in a nation (Hill, 2007). The political system in our country is a tool made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹ownership of the working people under the leadership of the Party. The political system in our country today, including: Communist Party of Vietnam, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the socio-political organization. The politics of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a law-governed state. The President of Vietnam is the head of state and the Prime Minister of Vietnam is the head of government, in a one-party system led by the Communist Party of Vietnam. The CPV was founded on February 3, 1930. Over 75 years of its existence, the Party has been renamed several times: the Vietnam Communist Party (February 1930), the Communist Party of Indochina (October 193 0), the Vietnam Workers Party (February 1951), and the Communist Party of Vietnam (December 1976). The current political system in Vietnam included these components of political power: Communist Party of Vietnam, People in the political system, State Socialist Republic of Vietnam, National Assembly, President, Government, Peoples courts, Peoples Procuracy, Socio-political organizations and mass. Each component of power has the own function in the political system. In terms of Communist Party of Vietnam, it is the faithful representative of the interests of the working class, the working people and of the nation. Regarding to People in the Political system, they make their power mainly through the State; management of society by the State law under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam. On the subject of State Socialist Republic of Vietnam, it is a central organization and is a pillar of the political system. It takes the responsibility for managing all activities of socia l life and performs the function of internal and external. In relation to National Assembly, it is the highest representative body of the people, the highest state power bodies of Vietnam. As regard to the President, he is considered as the head of state and is elected by the National Assembly from the National Assembly to act on behalf of Vietnam in terms of internal and external. Concerning to Government, it is the highest state administrative agencies of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The role of Government is managing the implementation of the tasks of political, economic, cultural, social, defense, security and foreign policy of the State. Last but not least, the Socio-political organizations and mass is the organization representing the interests of different social communities to participate in the political system according to the principles, purposes and characteristics of each group officials. A legislature is a kind of deliberative assembly with the power to pass, amend, and repeal laws. This is one of the three main parts of the political system in Vietnam. Legislature have many different names, most commonly Institution and the National Assembly (parliament). In Vietnam, Legislature is considered to have the equivalent power and to be independent of law with the executive. Legislative power is the power to make laws, legislation and enacted laws are applied in all fields of social life. According to the Constitution, in addition to through the law, the Legislature has the right to raise taxes through the budget and other expenditures. The delegates of the Constitutional Convention argued that if the two separate groups one group representing the federal government, a group representing the people must approve any draft law, it is almost not also the risk of the National Assembly passed the law in a hurry or carelessness. However, there are some specific prohibitions f rom Constitution to the activities of the National Assembly. For example, Congress is not allowed to put any tax on exported good from any states, to suspend command demanding arrests. At the side of Executive, it is one of three main rights in the State power structure. Executive power is exercised by the State administrative agencies executed to ensure completion of their functions and duties. Executive power consists of two rights: the right to establish rules and administrative rights. Despite being a one-party state, Vietnams political system has often been responsive to peasants, workers and others pushing for better economic, social and political conditions. Although Communist Party of Vietnam has acquired many success in the these nearly years, it is not sure that Vietnamese Communist Party and its government are now responding appropriately to mounting demands to further improve a majority of peoples lives. To improve the political outcome of the country, not only the Government but also all the components of power should be reconsidered about the role and the functions. Are authorities listening attentively to these and other public political criticisms; are they responding sympathetically and responsibly? Some are, but national surveys and other sources of information indicate that a larger proportion of authorities are not. There is still hope that the Vietnamese Communist Party government will again become more responsive and less repressive, although the outlook is less optimistic now than it has been in the past. To meet the requirements of the new stage of development, it requires the entire of the political system in our country must be integrity. The basis of our political system of our country is the working class. That means the organization of the political system both take stand on the view of the working class. As the result, the tasks, functions, orientations of the political system are to ensure ownership and benefit of the working class. In the socio-political system today, notable new features compared to the structure of the political system as it is the presence of large social institutions of the people, especially the association in the field of economic and social organizations, professional associations, business and social services Although not directly implement political tasks of the Party and the State, but in terms of socialist democracy, to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the members, these o rganizations have a growing impact to major political and economic life of the country. Therefore, the legal and political mechanisms to operate the link between the political system and social system as stated also been identified as a basic element in the structure of the Vietnamese socio-political system today. Introduction Socio-political system of Vietnam is a system of political institutions, the socio-political and other social institutions, including the Party, the State, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, mass andsocio-political organizations, social organizations large people; mechanism of operation of the institutions under the leadership of the communist Party of Vietnam for the purpose of a prosperous people, a strong country, social justice,democratic and civilized. The concept of socio-political system like that is formed on the basis of the link between the two systems of social institutions of the political system (the system of grassroots direct exercise of power politics) and System society. In terms of building institutional practices and ensure peoples power in our country today, the binding of these two systems into a larger system is the socio-political significance and should be deeply research focus in both theory and practice. Conclusion In conclusion, in the socio-political system today, the social organizations play a more positive role than a centrally planned economy. The social organization is not a channel independent of the political system that increasingly strong participation, a great impact on the performance of the political system. Therefore, the role of the political system is to ensure consistency of the will, aspirations and power of the people and to ensure human social systems and the diversity of social life.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Factors that affected the health and the well being of people during the 19th and 20th Century’s
Poor people lived in Small houses in cramped streets. These homes would share toilet facilities, have open sewers and would be susceptible to damp. Overcrowding was also a major issue. The population of Britain virtually doubled between 1801 and 1851 to about 18,000,000 largely as a result of an increased birth-rate and a lowered mortality rate. This rapid growth meant that there were far fewer dwellings than the numbered needed. A report from the London statistical society states that in 1847 a street in St Giles where, in 1841, 27 houses with an average of 5 rooms had 655 occupants, by 1847 the same houses contained 1,095 people. Such dwellings lacked light and space and had no fresh water or any other means of refuse disposal. The houses were likely to be adjacent to open sewers and piles or rotting animals and vegetable waste. (Referenced from The health of adult Britain, 1841-1994) All these factors contributed to the poor health and death rate of the people living in the 1800's. As a result many people died due to the diseases which came about during this time, the over crowding issue became a breeding ground for any disease and it spread like wildfire within a house or even a street and would quickly over come the people. These conditions were very unsuitable and resulted in a high death rate, combined with the poor sanitation and poor waste disposal living in these times was extremely horrific. I cannot see many, if any positive factors about these living conditions; it was horrid and very hard to live like this. Many people died due to the lack of hygiene and sanitation. Perhaps one positive was that no one was ever lonely but saying that, you never got time to yourself either. Read also Six Dimensions of Health Worksheet HEALTH The main issues affecting this area were disease. Such diseases were * Smallpox * Cholera * Influenza * Typhus * Typhoid * Tuberculosis Disease affected everyone, regardless of class or background. As there were no immunisations available in this time, many millions of people died, worldwide. Smallpox was one of the the worst, killing between 300-500 million people during the 20th Century. Cholera was also extremely common and was caused by drinking unclean water and eating undercooked fish. Due to such poor sanitation this disease spread rapidly, drinking contaminated water, which people had no choice about and also it was carried in faeces, which in the 18th Century was literally just thrown onto the streets and joined the drinking water that people used. Typhoid was another illness spread in the same way. As the NHS didn't come in until 1950 so many people suffered from these diseases and it killed so many. The living conditions that people lived in during this time period, contributed almost entirely to the wild spread of disease. The poor sanitation as well as the over crowdedness of the homes was just what was needed for the disease to spread. It was a horrible time to live in. Luckily though it did start to improve between 1990-1950, this was due to the new laws that were introduced. HEALTH PROVISION Pre 1800's there really wasn't any health provisions in place at all, yes there was hospital and such like but nurses weren't trained and the conditions of these hospitals very unhealthy. When health provisions did come, it was a very positive thing, it introduced the need for nurse and doctor training and also it is when anaesthetics and vaccines were introduced. Nitrous oxide was often used as an anaesthetic but the effects often wore of before the surgery was complete. In 1847 Chloroform was eventually used instead which keep patients asleep longer. Doctors also used unclean, un-sterile equipment and many people died from blood poisoning. Vaccines were introduced and the first one was the Small pox vaccine, discovered by Edward Jenner in 1789, it was to be nearly another 100 years before another vaccine was found. – 1798 smallpox vaccination introduced – 1880 Cholera vaccination introduced – 1881 Anthrax vaccination introduced – 1885 Rabies vaccination introduced – 1896 Typhoid vaccination introduced – 1906 Tuberculosis vaccination introduced – 1913 Diphtheria vaccination introduced – 1927 Tetanus vaccination introduced – 1952 Whooping cough vaccination introduced – 1954 Polio vaccination introduced – 1964 Measles vaccination introduced During this period Stethoscopes were also invented. Rene Theophile Hyacithe Laennec, a pupil from Paris invented the stethoscope ion 1816. To start with the stethoscope was a simple wooden cylinder, about 9 inches long with a single earpiece. In 1895 a man called Willhelm Rontgen discovered the X-ray. This gave doctors expertise in locating broken bones and treating them and also giving clinical and pathological descriptions of a range of pulmonary ailments like Bronchitis, pneumonia and TB. The advances in medicine during this time was life saving. It gave people vaccines to try to rid them and the country of horrible disease. Both animals and people could now live longer and healthier lives as a result of these vaccines and medical advances. WORK Children were sent out to work from a young age. They were made to work to help support their families. Many earned just pennies by becoming chimney sweeps or working on the streets running errands. The industrial revolution resulted in many children being employed in large factories and were often responsible for operating dangerous machinery. Children's health suffered due to this as soot from the chimneys gave them chest complaints and many children became seriously injured as a result of operating such dangerous machines. Many other children worked as servants in the homes of the rich, in the 1850's one in nine of all female children over the age of 10, worked in domestic service. (Referenced from Women's roles In the early 1800's, a married woman had one task; to stay home all day and keep the home for her husband. If she was a mother, she would be solely responsible for the children's raising and wellness. They were also responsible for cooking and cleaning. Other women worked as servants or slaves helping out another wife with her household duties, or sometimes acting as a substitute if there was no wife. Many women also took on mens jobs, such as blacksmiths, barbers and printers and once women were employed in factories, this was a main role. The factory employer hired women and children as they were cheaper to employ. Women were working more so spending a lot more time away from the family home. SOCIAL POLICY Social policy consisted of many laws that came into effect during this time. These included:- 1802 – Factory act was passed, 1842 – Coal mine act. No girls, women or boys under the age of 10 were to go underground. 1848 – First public health act. 1975 act updated. 1870 – Education act. 2000 districts to have schools and the school board is born. 1871 – Local government established. 1875 – Artisan dwelling improvements bill. This gave local authorities power to pull down slums and erect good houses. The poor law was the system for the provision of social security from the 16th century up until the establishment of the Welfare State in the 20th Century. The original Poor law act of 1601 stated that * to board out (making a payment to families wiling to except them) those young children who were orphaned or whose parents could not maintain them * to provide materials to ‘set the poor on work' * to offer relief to people who were unable to work – mainly those who were lame, old, blind and impotent * ‘the putting out of children to be apprentices' (referenced from The education act was another great act, it meant that children now had to go to school and could not be forced into work. This was a good law but it also made the poorer families poorer as the children were not bringing in a wage each week. All the above laws were positive. They brought major changes for families and also ensured that people had money and children had education. The factory act was the most beneficial to children. It was reviewed and changes were made 4 times. The original act said that children could not work more than 12 hours a day and then this was reviewed and in 1844 the hours of work for children was not to exceed 6 1/2 hours a day. Children under the age of nine were also not allowed to work and by 1844 certificates of age had to be given for children. Children benefited greatly from these acts, education at last for them was greatly beneficial, although this kept them from working and bringing in an income. The public health act was essential to combat illness and when this was passed it meant the end to dirty water in the middle of streets, drains and sewers were now inplace. Generally the whole of the era was a sad time. Not many positive outcomes could be had but some got through. The introduction of vaccines and general laws benefited these people greatly and indeed stopped the mass spread of disease and infections. The new laws that came into place saved many children lives by restricting working hours and sending them to school. All the above named factors had a massive part in the state of the health in the 1800's. It was a horrible time to live in but was made easier by the many rules and changes that came into place.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Essay
Many people believe that â€Å"A healthy body makes a healthy mind†. I hesitate on the word â€Å"make† Assuming a healthy mind means something like integrity, happiness and optimistic attitude, I believe that people who have a healthy body usually also have a healthy mind, but a healthy body is not necessarily for a healthy mind. The players in professional sports leagues are probably the most physically healthy people in the world; however it’s not uncommon to hear news of their troubles, such as crimes or family violences. A healthy body shares some common causes with a healthy mind. The process of pursuing a healthy body requires good discipline. It’s easy to exercise for one day, but one must endeavor to keep exercising to stay in a physically healthy condition. Long distance running is a well known way of having a healthy body. To prepare to run a full marathon, one has to repeat many moderate or long distance running practices. It’s such a painful process that one likely to give up if he/she doesn’t have strong will power. If a person has such will power, it’s no surprise that this person can be successful at other things. A person achieves many life goals is likely to have a healthy mind. A healthy body can be a factor of a healthy mind: physically healthy people usually have more energy to work on things they care about, therefore have a better chance to enjoy their lives. In contrast, physically unhealthy people may be disturbed by their health issues. Their concerns can distract them from doing things that would make them happy. A scientific study also tried to discover the secret relation between exercise and the mind. Scientists found a chemical substance called endorphins [1], which can be reproduced by human body during exercise, excitement, spicy food tasting, etc. It can interact with some other substances in the human body to generate a feeling of well-being. A well-known effect of endorphins is â€Å"runners high,†which is said to occur when people exercise so strenuously that their bodies reach the threshold of endorphin release. Scientists are still not sure of the amount of endorphins the human body can generate or how much it impacts a human’s mind. But at least most of the running enthusiasts I know are all very nice people. The ex-Google VP, the founder of Google China, a role model of many Chinese young students and entrepreneurs, Kaifu Lee, was recently diagnosed with cancer. He said he should have spent less time on work and more time on doing things that would have kept him healthy, especially sufficient sleep and exercise. This tells us that at the end of the day, fame and wealthy will not make people happy if they don’t have a healthy body. We should get away from the chair and the computer some time everyday to exercise. It might not make us better people, but it’ll make us lead longer and happier life.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Literary Techniques In “We Real Cool“
emphasizes the feeling of unity among them. For example, when â€Å"Left school. We†(2) is read, the word â€Å"we†stands out, and the pool players’ togetherness is understood. When the last line â€Å"Die soon†stands alone, the reader senses that each pool player is alone once he or she dies. Because of Gwendolyn’s use of these literary techniques, readers understand the theme of her poem: Even though following the carefree crowd appears seems to be the right path, it usually ends in a meaningless and lonely life.... Free Essays on Literary Techniques In â€Å"We Real Coolâ€Å" Free Essays on Literary Techniques In â€Å"We Real Coolâ€Å" Literary Techniques in â€Å"We Real Cool†Gwendolyn Brooks uses literary techniques such as dialect, ironic point of view, and syntax to accentuate the theme and persona in â€Å"We Real Cool.†The speaker, or persona, in â€Å"We Real Cool†has a black dialect. This dialect is used to characterize the group of pool players at the Golden Shovel. In the phrase â€Å"We real cool,†(1) the verb is omitted, which accentuates the pool players’ lack of education. The pool players’ view of themselves and their actions differs from that of Gwendolyn Brooks. This ironic point of view is used to convey that although the pool players believe they are living it up, their lives are actually going nowhere. If Gwendolyn Brooks felt the same way as they do, their lives would appear more glorious to the reader. In the poem, syntax is used to further depict the attitude of the pool players. The abnormal ordering of the words emphasizes the feeling of unity among them. For example, when â€Å"Left school. We†(2) is read, the word â€Å"we†stands out, and the pool players’ togetherness is understood. When the last line â€Å"Die soon†stands alone, the reader senses that each pool player is alone once he or she dies. Because of Gwendolyn’s use of these literary techniques, readers understand the theme of her poem: Even though following the carefree crowd appears seems to be the right path, it usually ends in a meaningless and lonely life....
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Renaissance Artists Characteristics essays
Renaissance Artists Characteristics essays The early renaissance artists characteristics in their art were very prominent. One of the characteristics shown was a great reference to the classical art of the ancient Greeks and Romans. You can see this in Paintings by Masaccio, Fra Angelico, Francesca Fra Lippi, Mantegna and Botticelli. Some of the other characteristics can be seen in some of the art works are: In the Tribute Money by Masaccio the classical influence. You can see this by looking at the right hand side of the painting. There are Roman arches and columns in the buildings. The landscape in the background is excellently done. The depth is very obvious ass seen by the rutes receding and the perspective in the building and creating a 3d look. The use of light and the folds in the garments looks very realistic. Resurrection by Francesca. This painting can mean a lot of different tings to different people. Some people think that the people of the bottom are dead. Other people think that they are sleeping or crying. The background landscape is scattered trees, which are in front of hills. This suggests a feeling of depth. The triangular look to the painting is caused because the vision of Christ is in the middle of the painting and higher than the rest of the people. The figure of Christ is much lighter than any one else. Making this a general significant point. Overlapping shapes creates depth. This is done in the painting by the overlapping of the figure of Christ and the people in front of the podium. The modeling of the clothes is detailed. They are wearing tunics with definite emphasis on the folds. This gives the painting a 3d appearance. This is a religious based painting. Like so many others of this time. Annunciation by Fra Angelico. The perspective is not well executed although it is an attempt. The folds on the garments arent as realistic as the others, but are still d ...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Fashion is no longer led by design, but rather marketing Essay
Fashion is no longer led by design, but rather marketing - Essay Example Consumers thrilled by the advertising themes tend to buy without focusing on the product offerings by the brand (Agins, 1999, p.14). Marketing is more important than designs, but however the importance of design cannot in anyways be neglected. Importance of Marketing in the Fashion Apparel Industry The marketing activities of any industry depend on a set of four functions viz. product, price, place and promotion. The designing of the apparel by the apparel or the clothing industry encompass the product factor in the marketing activities. However, the other marketing activities related to the promotion, place and price must be so used as to help highlight the product usages and unique features. In that marketing activities first endeavor to focus on enlarging the scope of seasonal offerings to the customers. Different segments like women, men, and sports possess separate attributes for producing seasonal products. The number of seasonal offerings increases in the case of women apparel s than for men apparels. For the sports segment a separate line ‘resort wear’ is introduced which needs special promotion efforts to be largely marketed. Promotion and distribution activities of the designer wears constitute selling such garments through the construction of retail outlets or organizing large fashion shows for the promotion of the new lines introduced (Jay, n.d. p.198). Marketing activities in the field of fashion merchandise occupies a place of strategic importance in its ability to relate the firm’s production activities to the outside world. The garment industry through the use of proper planning, promotion and distribution activities can endeavor to get a larger market share of its designed products. In the planning stage the garment manufacturing firms through the incorporation of extensive market research activities endeavor to understand the needs of the consumers and target groups and design products accordingly. Moreover, the designers th rough the spontaneous study of international design standards endeavor to create a product to be accepted in the international market. Fabric designers should lay increased focus on enhancing the product quality through the creation of new textures through blending of fiber yarns and other finishing activities. Having the product built the fabric manufacturers then concentrate on the marketing activities. The marketing activities must focus on making more number of customers aware of the product specialties of the particular brand based on the features of the textures and blends incorporated to produce the desired quality. Marketing activities encompass a wide range of events like advertising, promotion, creating huge publicity and rendering presentations. Presentations can be created to inform the large audiences about the designs incorporated to enhance the quality standards of the products and reflect such development based on market trends. (Frings, Stephens, 2002.pp. 138-147). Marketing Activities affecting the market for Designs The increased focus lent on marketing activities helps the firm to incur more revenue through gaining a larger market share. However, the firms through the use of strategies like price penetration where the prices of the products are considerably lowered to gain wider market
Friday, November 1, 2019
Financial Services Benchmark Assignment #1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Financial Services Benchmark #1 - Assignment Example The second objective is ensuring that there is a resolution of the position of any organization whose viability is under question. This is while protecting the various interests of their customers (Stowell and Stowell, 2013). These objectives enable an organization limit its working operations to themselves and at the same time maintain a customer trust to the same organization without any comprise whatsoever (Smith and Walter, 2012). It is the duty and responsibility of the board of directors of a private banking institution to review the procedures and policies adopted by the bank, on a regular basis (Stowell and Stowell, 2013). Any policy developed by a banking organization should address the various concerns of a customer, investment options of the banking organization, administration of trust and estates, etc (Minns, 2010). The savings association should also provide for adequate risk management and monitoring systems. This is simply because banking operations do emphasize information relating to the customer’s credit worthiness. It is necessary for the private bank to be cautious when handling the various applications of customers, regarding loans and credit (Smith and Walter, 2012). Know Your Customer (KYC) refers to a process that a banking organization can use for purposes of verifying the identity of its customers (Smith and Walter, 2012). This process helps banking institutions to have a clear knowledge of their customer’s financial history, and make a decision on whether they are trust worthy or not (Smith and Walter, 2012). Banking organizations normally formulate a KYC policy with the intention of monitoring the transaction activities of their customers, and identification of the customers (Cottrell, 2010). Having knowledge of the source of wealth of a customer is essentially in knowing whether the business that he or she engages in is legitimate. This situation helps in preventing money laundering, or financing of
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