Saturday, August 31, 2019
Figurative Language in Night
The Holocaust made an impact on everybodys lives but Eli Wiesel has a one of a kind story. In the novel Night written by Eli Wiesel he shares to everybody about the hardships in concentration camps as a young boy. He describes some of the horrible events using fgurative language to clearly show his experiences in the Holocaust. Eli uses ‘night' to convey the horrors he witnessed around him when the prisoners are on the freezing cattle cars and also his first day in the camp.Eli uses figurative language to create a better image in your mind about what he is talking about. For example when the prisoners are on the cattle car during the freezing winter Eli mentions, â€Å"The night was growing longer, never ending†(98). Eli isn't Just saying that the nights are longer in time he is implying that the hardships he is going through are getting worse and longer. Everyone at times cannot express an event without using figurative language.For instance when Eli first arrives at t he concentration camp he sees things that he will never get out of his mind. â€Å"Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp that turned my life into one long night†(34). Here Eli is using â€Å"night†as all the hardships nd he states that his life is â€Å"one long night. †While all of the prisoners were treated like animals and forced to fit into cattle cars, Eli says â€Å"The days resembled nights and the nights left in our souls†(100).Eli is stating how the horrors everybody is experiencing are never ending and also never- ending in their souls. Throughout Eli's story he frequently uses ‘night' in his figurative language to create an image of what all of the prisoners went through. The Holocaust changed lives all across the world showing that people will do horrible things and it also shows how strong people really are.
Calculating Correlation Values for Categorical Data
Calculating correlation values for categorical data In order to find the correlation values for the fields in our data set, The Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used. This requires that the data in both fields be quantitative. But what if we were looking to calculate the correlation on two given fields that were say, numerical and categorical, or even both categorical. The Point Biserial coefficient is a special case of The Pearson Correlation Coefficient; it is a branch of PCC although they are mathematically equivalent.It is used when one field has quantitative data and the other has categorical values, specifically categorical data that can only be one of two options for example gender. To calculate the PBC the data is divided between the two values of the dichotomous data, where the two values of this field are given the values 0 and 1. The distribution of the data will in general show the frequencies for each value and can be used to show how well two fields are correlated.Sp earman’s Rank Order Coefficient is a method of estimating correlation between data that is nominal and importantly must be ordered. It checks how well the relationship between the two fields can be described using a monotonic function Another method for calculating the correlation is the Chi squared Test, this requires data to be classified and frequencies worked out in a table. From this table the correlations can be determined using the Chi Square Test, this works on any pair of nominal or categorical fields
Friday, August 30, 2019
Overall objectives of Holly Farm operations Essay
i. Executive Summary This case study proposes overall objectives of Holly Farm operations, and analyzes how to achieve those objectives in details. Symptoms and natures of operational problems are identified, in order to suit the remedy to the case. Solutions of two end-of-case questions are addressed, and the thought process is demonstrated thoroughly. Five options aiming at improving the operation are also provided at the end of the case study. ii. Overall Objectives of the Operation: Since Holly Farm was founded by Charles and Gillian Giles, there were several operational problems within the management during the business running process. The objectives of Holly Farm operations are to maximally increase the profitability by making use of current resources including human resources and material resources, as well as balance demand and control capacity. iii. Symptom of the Problem 1. Time spending on promotion activities was reduced. After three years’ operation, Gillian was unable to give so much time to do the promotional activities. 2. The number of people visiting maintained in the level of 15,000 per year, and there was no increase since then. 3. Visitor number fluctuated during the day time, and there was a visitors’ queuing problem on weekends. The farm opened at 11.00am, but most visitors would arrive later than 12.30pm, so very limited visitors were in the farm during that time period. However, between 4.00pm and 7.00pm, 4 out of 5 visitors would gather in the same place to watch milking, visit farm shop and purchase produce. Moreover, for milking watching on Saturdays and Sundays, visitors would queue before 4.00pm, but this activity could not start before 4.00pm. 4. There was a strong seasonality on the farm business. Only during April to October, the farm was open to the public, and within each week of this period, mid-week demand was too low, and Friday to Monday was high. 5. There were not enough workers for new designed activities. Gillian considered tying up with schools for educational visits, but she did not want to use farm guide staff on extra weekends and Charles needed them three day s a week to do farming work. However, most farm workers were glad to do that. 6. The production of the ice cream was 350 liters per day maximum, and there was only one flavor was made on any day. 7. There was no separate record kept of ice cream sales to the paying farm visitors and those to the farm shop only. iv. Natures of the Problem 1. Symptom 1 is the problem of marketing. The nature of this might be not enough market research and survey to figure out the most effective promotional activities. 2. Symptom 2 is the problem of decreased number of visitors, and there are several natures for it. First, not adequate or effective promotional activities might be one of them, since optimizing promotions could best meet customers’ needs and stop the trend of visitors decrease (Chandon, Wansink, & Laurent, 2000). Second, the accessibility and capacity of the farm might be another one, because the farm could only be open on Friday to Monday, which limited visitor number. 3. Symptom 3 and Symptom 4 are both about seasonality and fluctuation problem. One nature is seasonality and fluctuation itself, because other period of time throughout the day or the year was not suitable for the farm to either open to public, or conduct milking activities. Another nature is the capacity and accessibility of the farm. 4. Symptom 5 is the problem of human resources. The nature for it might be not enough workers to perform new designed activities, because of lack of human resources in the farm. 5. Symptom 6 is about ice cream production and low sales. First nature for it is the capacity of ice cream equipment was limited. Second nature for it might be the once a week deliveries of ice cream was not enough for selling ice cream. The last nature could be not effective marketing to promote on ice cream to the public. 6. Symptom 7 is about sales problem. The nature of it might be inappropriate accounting system. v. Response to Questions Question 1 If Gillian intends to increase the total number of farm visitors by 50% in 2008, the vital capacity constraints for Holly Farm are the low demand in mid-week periods from Tuesday to Thursday and high demand during Friday to Monday within these businesses. In order to manage those limitations of capacity, Gillian is expected to promote and encourage coach company guests with the providing of discounts on the admission charges, and is also supposed to make more efforts to attract more families in cars and school students for educational purpose. That could stimulate low demand in the period of mid-week and limit high demand between Friday and Monday, resulting in smooth demand in the operation (Slack, Chambers & Johnston, 2010). In addition, Gillian needs to change the work schedule and augment the number of productive hours for the employees so as to alter capacity, which is a potential technique to react to the fluctuating demands (Slack, Chambers & Johnston, 2010). For instance, when more visitors are coming and extra demand is happening, Gillian could use their farm staffs who are interested in working extra hours after doing their normal work to earn more money for their lives, which is a potential method of idle time for adjusting capacity (Slack, Chambers & Johnston, 2010). The existing farm staffs are more familiar with the conditions of the farm and the farm work, which could reduce the costs of error mistakes that could be happened in new employees. Moreover, part-time workers could be employed during peak demand periods. Furthermore, mixed plans could be employed for Gillian, which include managing demand plan and chasing demand plan (Slack, Chambers & Johnston, 2010). Discounts could be offered during the periods of low demand to encourage customers’ expenditure on visiting Holly Farm (manage demand plan) and capacity could be adjusted through the applying of chase demand plan to avoid the wasteful of extra staff, satisfy customer demand and restrict the inventory of finished goods (Slack, Chambers & Johnston, 2010). Question 2 If Gillian proposes to increase the amount of ice cream flavors from four to ten, there are several aspects that need to be considered, because variability in supply and capacity will lessen the ability of an operation to produce its inputs (Slack, Chambers & Johnston, 2010). In a short, that will â€Å"reduce its effective capacity†(Slack, Chambers & Johnston, 2010, p.325). To begin with, if the number of flavors will be increased by ten, the working time of ten flavors will be increased as only one flavor made on one day, which will augment throughput times and decrease the effective utilization of capacity (Slack, Chambers & Johnston, 2010). As a result, Gillian needs to take into account the problems that result from increasing working time. After that, when the amount of flavors increased, the queues will be accumulated on account of the longer throughput times (Slack, Chambers & Johnston, 2010). Therefore, Gillian needs to plan and manage the waiting line of customers and retailers in terms of more working hours will be consumed for the ten flavors. Followed that, the inventory will also be influenced due to the increased variability (Slack, Chambers & Johnston, 2010), so Gillian should to enlarge its inventory level of ice cream (there is only 7,000 liters for its inventory). Lastly, more staff will be recruited for the ice cream factory, since the recent three employees’ productivity and efficiency would be decreased with the increasing working hours and duties. Consequently, Gillian should reset the base level of capacity higher to accommodate its increased number of flavors. vi. Options 1. Gillian could consider hiring extra staff who can handle the promotional activities, because she did not have much time to do it. According to Almira (2011), the company could build a positive image to the public through effective promotions. It could be concluded that the promotional activities could not be restricted to giving lectures to local schools and local organizations, and it should expend on more advertisements on magazines, newspapers and TV programs. In addition, Lawrence (1993) claimed that accurate market research and financial analysis are strong in presenting information to marketers and sellers. From this statement, she also could authorize a market-research company which is able to provide a comprehensive version of the Holly Farm’s performance, including financial data, ratio and SWOT analysis, to collect useful information. After that, through these professional surveys, the most effective promotional activities could be figured out, and there would be a more accurate business forecast for improving Holly Farm’s capacity of product and economic benefit. 2. The essential solution of decreasing number of visitors is that increasing customers’ satisfaction. Outstanding reputation could be an intangible advertisement for potential consumers, via word-of-mouth promotion of current consumers. Schwaiger and Cannon (2005) found that value of reputation demonstrates the firms’ capacity to get more future profits through decreasing transaction costs with their stakeholders. Therefore, Gillian could be suggested to do more training for their managers and service staff, which could improve their comprehensive skills and abilities to guarantee that they could do their best to meet the demands of visitors. In addition, the flexible operation strategies could remedy the emergencies and meet the diverse needs of consumers. Although managing the flexible and specific product could cause the problem of costs, offering the flexible product to meet the specific demands of customers can improve profits significantly (Gallego & Phillips, 2004). For instance, on the one hand, during the busy days, the explanatory tape could be cancelled for customers who were not interested in it, which could save time. On the other hand, Holly Farm could promote a new time schedule of each 15 minutes from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm, which could provide a suitable option for visitors and it also avoid crowded situations, and the waiting time could used to play explanatory tape. Besides that, the various marketing should cooperate with flexible operation which could bring a refreshed image for current consumers, even potential ones, thereby attracting more visitors to come to Holly Farm. In order to meet different demands of diverse customers, various activities packages should be launched during the peak and off-peak seasons. For example, the package could include the maize maze, milking watching, and making DIY ice cream. 3. Concerning human resource management, a strategic operation system is required (Onyango & Okech, 2008). The appropriate staff plan and control capacity should be one of the criteria to function the entire business (Chang, 2011). In terms of the lack of human resource management of Charles and Gillian’s Holly Farm, there could be two major recommendations in order to improve. Firstly, enough skilled employees in each area of different businesses are necessary (Varpilah, Safer, Frenkel, Baba, Massaquoi, & Barrow, 2011). For example, different employees are responsible for doing advertising, and several focus on communicating with sponsorship. In this case, every employee would spare no effort to contribute their values to take responsibility for their business. Secondly, in order to control the costs of hiring staff to tie up with educational visits, casual or part-time employees could be better (Heneman & Milanowski, 2011). Therefore, the money that is saved could be used into other programs such as providing more facilities about educational concept. 4. In the overall operations, the inter-functional accounting management should be playing an important role (Inglis, 2008). The explicit and detailed financial documents are necessary for the organization to conclude the output of different sectors (Jorgensen & Messner, 2010). As there was no separate record between the outcomes of people visiting the farm and people only buying ice cream in special entry, there could be several recommendations to improve such condition. First of all, it would be the best that different records are done for different entries (Jorissen & Otley, 2010). As long as the special entry leading to ice cream shop only is confirmed, there would be two major financial records for the entries, the whole farm visiting and shop buying. According to the statistics, the farm can formulate different promotions and strategies to enhance the profitability. References Almira. (2011). Public relations as promotional activity. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 11(564), 21-26. Chandon, P., Wansink, B., & Laurent, G. (2000). A benefit congruency framework of sales promotion effectiveness. The Journal of Marketing, 64(4), 65-81. doi:10.1509/jmkg. Chang, S. (2011). Study on human resource management in Korea’s chaebol enterprise: A case study of Samsung electronics. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-26. doi:10.1080/09585192.2011.579922 Gallego, G., & Phillips, R. (2004). Revenue management of flexible products. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 6(4), 321 Heneman, H. G., & Milanowski, A. T. (2011). Assessing human resource practices alignment: A case study. Human Resource Management, 50(1), 45-64. doi:10.1002/hrm.20405 Inglis, R. (2008). Exploring accounting and market orientation: An interfunctional case study. Journal of Marketing Management, 24(7), 687-710. doi:10.1362/026725708X345470 Jorgense n, B., & Messner, M. (2010). Accounting and strategising: A case study from new product development. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 35(2), 184-204. doi:10.1016/j.aos.2009.04.001 Jorissen, A., & Otley, D. (2010). The management of accounting numbers: Case study evidence from the ‘crash’ of an airline. Accounting and Business Research, 40(1), 3-38. doi:10.1080/00014788.2010.9663382 Lawrence, K. D. (1993). Market research using forecasting in business. International Journal of Forecasting, 9(4), 579-580. doi:10.1016/0169-2070(93)90083-Y Onyango, F. E., & Okech, R. N. (2008). Human resource systems in Kenya: A case study of hotel human resources performance. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 49(4), 413-427. doi:10.1177/1938965508326390 Schwaiger, M., & Cannon, H. M. (2005). The role of company reputation in business simulations. Simulation and Gaming, 36(2), 188-202. doi:10.1177/1046878105275136 Slack, N., Chambers, S., & Johnston, R. (2010).Operations Management (6th ed.) Essex: Prentice Hall. Varpilah, S. T., Safer, M., Frenkel, E., Baba, D., Massaquoi, M., & Barrow, G. (2011). Rebuilding human resources for health: A case study from Liberia. Human Resources for Health, 9(1), 11-11. doi:10.1186/1478-4491-9-11
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Reconstruction of the Union following the Civil War Research Paper
Reconstruction of the Union following the Civil War - Research Paper Example The Reconstruction also brought several black members to Congress and to all other government positions including the sheriff and the judge. Moreover, the Reconstruction brought with it the formulation of certain laws that protected and underlined the rights of black people in the American society (â€Å"Reconstruction: The Second Civil War†). The first problem associated with the Reconstruction is that the first reconstruction plans were themselves problematic. Lincoln’s 10 percent policy was not accepted by Radical Republicans for they said it was too easy for the Confederate states to use to gain readmission and that the plan was not enough in terms of protecting the former slaves. Because of this deficiency, Congress passed its own Wade-Davis Bill, which tried to limit the political participation of white Confederates and proposed the equality of the blacks before the law, but Lincoln did not sign the bill into a law (â€Å"Reconstruction†). ... Many of the problems concerning the Reconstruction actually had their roots from selfish political agenda of certain politicians both from the North and the South. Another problem with the Reconstruction is that it brought with it certain disagreements among blacks and whites on the newly institutionalized laws of equality and emancipation of the Negro slave. This resulted in several complications about the ownership of land and about the new sharecropping practices such as those experienced by the landlady Butler when negotiating with her former slaves as to how much of the proceeds of the plantation would go to her and how much would go to the black worker. In fact, she could sense so much animosity among her former slaves that is why she always slept at night with a pistol beside her. The complications and tension also extended to the state governments, such as that of Georgia, where the white lawmakers defied the command of the Northern States by banning black people from taking part in the state government. Although this was remedied, hatred and tension have developed between blacks and whites (â€Å"Reconstruction: The Second Civil War†). There was also the problem of the impending Negro rule or the supremacy and dominance of blacks. Certain influential black leaders during the time of the Reconstruction like the preacher Tunis Campbell has encouraged blacks to fight for their rights by instilling in them a hatred towards whites and the idea that the whites were always taking advantage of blacks. Campbell has also inspired blacks to complain to their masters about what is supposed to be rightfully theirs (â€Å"Reconstruction: The Second Civil War†). Another problem with the Reconstruction is the group of white Republicans who want to settle down
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Conversation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Conversation - Essay Example At the very beginning of the conversation he felt free expressing his emotions, but as more we were talking as more his gestures were becoming abrupt, so he was gesturing more when he was trying to prove something and he was standing crossing his hands on the chest while listening to my retorts. It was very obvious when Mike disagreed with me, because he put his right forefinger on his mouth like he was trying to close his lips with something in order not to say anything when he disagreed with me. Furthermore, in the moments when our conversation turned into a hot discussion, he uncrossed his legs and stood up in a straight posture, bending his chest towards me like if he wanted to fight with me. As for Mike’s facial expressions they were multiple and depended on the course of our conversation. When we got into discussion, Mike’s facial expressions demonstrated aggression, for instance, he frown his knit brows and screwed up his lips. However when we agreed with each ot her’s points he usually smiled and his pupils became bigger. As far as our conversation mostly consisted of discussions and arguments the general tone and cadence of the verbal part of it were intensive and mostly were conducted on raised voice. When we just started the conversation our tones were soft and our voices were of the same volume. Notwithstanding that our discussion started unexpectedly, we had been raising our tones since the very moment our disagreement appeared. Thus our voices had been rising for some period of time, until we started almost yelling at each other, but then we had to lower our voices into whispering, because it was prohibited to turn on caps lock voice in the museum. Still even when we had to whisper, we used voice inflections in order to emphasize on the specific points, which each of us tried to make the other
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Oil Company and Pipeline Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Oil Company and Pipeline - Case Study Example The case fall under the Alberta’s Pipeline Act, Pipeline Regulation, and applicable Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standards. Lance was hired by Bikal within the contract period to inspect the pipeline. Bikal’s contract was under the following condition â€Å"to maintain Akel’s refinery with the agreement of payment only during the uptime of the refinery†. This shows that Baikal was in the line of duty and sought to hire an outside company to work on the inspection. It is professionally ethical to consult with other companies to provide services. Baikal therefore, was to enforce a contract with Lance by having a written agreement so that the contract between the two was enforceable by law. Lance duty was to ensure proper inspection was done. Engineering allows for non-destructive testing of the materials in this case the refinery has the pipelines. What lance did was to work on the minor aspects of the pumping system as well as keep time as required by Baikal. This case is based on the pressure in the system where they were right to check the source of the pressure that is the pump. Engineering formulates guidelines on how to undertake such measures to prevent leakages in the drainage and unnecessary pressure build up, the material under testing. This provides necessary actions and safety measures for pressure testing. Akel the contracting company who owns the refinery plays a role in the case as the paying party. Failure of the system to operate means the termination of the Baikal contract. This case has incurred Akel several expenditures from the replacement of the pump as well as the broken pipeline. Akel is obliged to ask what went wrong as he enquired and found out that the first report submitted by Lance engineers was inadequate, missing standard tests. The problem was primarily due to erosion in the pipe and could have possibly led to a disaster. Lance engineers cited that â€Å"Baikal had given them
Monday, August 26, 2019
Functional Department Participation Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Functional Department Participation Plan - Essay Example Within the Information Technology industry, the business governance plan is of utmost significance. This is because the business governance plan sets the foundation stone for a number of developments within the realms of the business and indeed the organization in the long run. There is a great amount of learning that can gained from the business governance plan for the sake of the organization which at times is difficult to measure. However, for the sake of simplicity it is always desirable to support how this business governance plan will be implemented across the board and what its ramifications are with regards to the department incorporations (Kay, 1995). The different functional departments that might play an important role within the drafting of the business governance plan shall include the human resources management department, the legal department, the finance department, the marketing and advertising department and the supervisory role of the Board of Directors within an o rganization. This paper shall pinpoint the exact basis of the business governance plan and how it is implemented across the board under the functional departments, the roles of the relevant departments and the embedded link with the Information Technology concerns. It is needed that the Information Technology domains play an important role within the chalking up of the business governance plan so that the success points could easily be understood and the weaknesses within the relevant realms are also highlighted upon at length. These grey areas would be taken care of for future implications that might arise at a later stage. The business governance plan is an elaborate plan that takes into consideration some of the most significant pointers related with running a business in entirety. However what is important to note is the fact that this business governance plan would not be able to meet success if the people in the varied departments of the organization are unwilling to do their jobs properly (Blair, 1996). The different departments within any organization are dependent on the business governance plan in essence to bring out the value and quality for the sake of the organization in the long run. However these are important understandings that need to be reached upon because these manifest the basis to remain one step ahead with regards to the competitive businesses and in the end, achieve success for the organizations that are being discussed about. The business governance plan entails of a list of important undertakings that the business regime has in place. The governance mechanisms are highlighted, which signifies the extent to which a business can proceed to, and thus find its truest basis in the long run. What is required now is a vision to go above the top and attain the end objectives of the business governance plan so that success for the sake of the organization is attained without any hindrances. The business governance plan is always a comprehens ive plan which lists down the pointers that shall bring about the strengths which are enclosed within a business realm. It takes care of the patterns which would essentially help the business grow as a whole and that too in the long run. Within the human resources management department of an Information Technology industry, the significance of the business governance plan is such that the department has a close liaison with the top management domains. This helps shape up the tasks and activities of the department more than anything else. It also makes the tasks easier for the people who mean business within the organization. The human resources management department is indeed the window for the employees to get in touch with the organization and thus the department should make it a point to talk to them as and when required. Instead a proactive approach towards one another is significant because they will embody the basis of eventual success that the organization has.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
A Church as One of the Important Foundations of Community Literature review - 2
A Church as One of the Important Foundations of Community - Literature review Example The culture of consumerism, according to Brooks (2), is the main problem that has undermined the biblical model. Communities frequently view the classical church as archaic or oppressive. As a result, the church is viewed by the public as a provider of religious services only. Furthermore, churches of different congregations have come to inventing multiple creative ways of attracting people to them – attracting new ‘clients’, just like it happens in the corporate world. Churches compete among themselves to offer the most attractive array of programs to potential ‘clients’. People, in their turn, are free to move from one church to another depending on their individual needs or preferences. As a result, they do not form a single community of believers, because their interests and activities may be scattered across a wide array of different programs offered by different churches. So, the biblical discipline should be enforced in order for the communitie s to become more united. First of all, and it should be among the tasks of the church, it is necessary to deliver to the people the need for unity. Knowledge, intelligence and virtues are the foundation for making the church a community consolidation institute, instead of just a temporary community of parishioners (Hauerwas). Public and private moralities, as Stanley Hauerwas suggests, should be united in order for people to change their perception of churches. The society has to realize the very nature of the church as an institution.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
International tax coursework assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
International tax coursework assignment - Essay Example The international tax system is required to be structured in such a way that any company carrying out its business in more than two countries should be liable to the domestic law of more than one country and the conflict of laws existing between the countries can be resolved by implementing the international law. The company residence acts have been introduced in which the company is considered as the resident of that country where its real business is being carried out. The technical fees services are required to be adopted under which the right to tax is assigned to the respective State of residence. The fundamental change to the international tax explains that the payment for technical services may erode the source country’s tax base. But the payment of technical services is not often taxed by the source country under the provision of United Nation Model Convention Treaty. Therefore the multinational companies often use this technical fees for availing technical, consulting and management services for generating profit from their subsidiaries. The main aim of the base erosion and price shifting is to provide certainty to the international businesses for harmonizing their international tax rules (Thuronyi, 2003). The main reason of addition of this provision to the UN model is that more than 100 treaties have been introduced and formulated but there is absence of proper and definite standard of doing the task. Introduction of different treaty creates a problem for the international tax payers who are required to verify the provisions laid by each treaty for carrying out its business operation within the border and abroad. The OECD transfer pricing guidelines has been formulated for the multinational companies and also for the tax administrations. This principle of transfer pricing is accepted by all the companies across the world. OECD approach associated with the intellectual property explains the functions that is outsourced to the
Friday, August 23, 2019
Sustainable management futures Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Sustainable management futures - Assignment Example The concept of CSR consists of attractive or good business ethics and is associated with what could be evaluated ethically or morally good (Robins, 2008). According to Waddock (2004) CSR is â€Å"The separation of company responsibilities which associates with a corporate discretionary/voluntary associations with its community and societal stakeholders.†Corporations view integrating an active CSR subsistence as a contrivance to boost their gung ho benefit with exterior and interior stakeholders (Branco & Rodrigues, 2006).This essay examine the CSR activities and behaviour of Sainsbury in its home country and overseas and evaluates it ethical and environmentally responsible behaviour by applying relevant moral theories and sustainability replicas to date and create recommendations. Sainsbury plc is UK’s leading food merchant with interests in financial and non-food services. The group consists of Bells Stores, Sainsbury’s Supermarkets, Sainsbury’s Bank and Jackson’s Stores. It has more than 145,000 employees working under various groups. The business of Sainsbury business is constructed on a dedication to services and quality since 1869 and its main is to give the best products to its customers at an affordable price. In the year 1996, Sainsbury began official reporting with regards to ecological impact. This reporting was further broadened to Corporate Social Responsibility as reply to greater demand among its shareholders. This essay is further divided in various sections that will help us evaluates it ethical and environmentally responsible behaviour by applying relevant moral theories and sustainability replicas to date and create recommendations. Corporate Social Responsibility and Sainsbury CSR means a lot to Sainsbury, as it means offering their consumers abundant range of good and quality food products at a reasonable price. Besides this it also means offering a fair price to it suppliers a reassurance that they have a consumer for their goods. To Sainsbury, this means enriching their communities via career and employment development prospects along with making profits for their shareholders. Moreover the right usage of valuable resources such as electricity and water and perseverance of the local surroundings is yet another aspect for them. Sainsbury’s major CSR objectives are as follows: Perk up energy efficiency Heave colleague responsiveness of energy expenses and ecological effect Transporting produces more economically by reducing the miles travelled by deliverance fleet and utilising electric motor vehicles in its domicile delivery flotilla. In the theoretical structure Sainsbury’s rank greatly for its Corporate Social Responsibility activities particularly with regards ecological issues. Sainsbury’s has spent in energy competence projects, as well as refrigeration, lighting, ventilation and heating showing the corporate enduring financial dedication to CSR actions. Wi th the help of Carbon Trust, Sainsbury has also made a 5 site waste and energy study in order to perk up existing practice in waste and energy management. In addition, in 2010 they drew strategy to alter 20 percent of its house delivery flotilla to electric motor vehicles (Mintel, 2008) which justifies its high score in the theoretical structure for its inbound logistics. Sainsbury’s CSR Strategies The 1st monitoring strategy in order to assist dairy
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Essay type questions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Type questions - Essay Example They provide their patients with consultation, education and research issues. Another scope of responsibilities is relevant to Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), which are more focused on ambulatory care, surgical settings etc (Utley-Smith, Phillips, Turner, 2007). Therefore, nurses with a special graduate level nursing degree demonstrate a specialized knowledge. The Nurse Educator and Nurse Administrator were excluded from the list of advanced practice nurses, because the former is prepared at the master’s level or with a doctoral degree, while the second one is responsible for schedules of nurses’ practices and other administrative issues. These two professional categories of nurses are educated at the master’s and the doctoral level. There are many challenges in education of nurses nowadays. In spite of the fact that modern nurses have expanded educational programs there are many shortages in practical hours. Therefore, nurses are focused more on skills utilization and not skills acquisition (). There is a great a variety of pathways, but these two categories have different outcomes of their education. For example, the doctoral degree of nurses is more focused on scientific underpinnings. The Clinical Nurse Leaders are more considered about quality improvement of nursing systems and organizations. DNPs are more oriented to improvement and transformation of health care, while CNLs are involved in interprofessional collaboration (Reay, Golden-Biddle, Germann, 2003). The CNL and DNP reflect changes in health care. Thus, CNLs are operating at the micro level and provide with their help small groups of patients. The DNP provide care at the system level (Stolee, Hillier, Esbaugh, Griffiths, Borrie, 2006). They are looking for various decisions outside healthcare system, i.e. they are more open for transformations. There are three positive factors in the process of EBP implementation: therapy efficiency,
The Almond Tree Essay Example for Free
The Almond Tree Essay In the poem The Almond Tree, the poet manages to effectively deal with the subject of death, or in this poem, the death of the poets hopes, by using different techniques such as imagery and symbolism. In The Almond Tree by Jon Stallworthy, the poet is drives to the hospital to see his new born son, and once arrives there, finds out his son has Downs Syndrome, and in the rest of the poem, the poet deals with the death of his hopes, and eventualy learns to accept his son. The poet manages to create an appropriate mood for the death of his hopes by having the first section of the poem be positive, and build up a positive and excited mood. The poet manages to create this postivite mood by imagery. When the poet is describing the traffic lights, he refers to them being green as peppermints, the reference to confectionery makes the reader associate the image with sweet and pleasant things. The poet is so excited that he feels he can change scenes to suit himself, shown when the poet says as if i were the lucky prince in an enchanted wood, this builds up the positive mood because it shows that the poet is very enthusiastic, and so the reader feels that enthusiasm too. The poet is very conscious of himself in the first section shown when he said he was aware of the blood running down the delta of my wrist, and so this shows how excited he is. The verse structure in the first section of the poem is also used as a technique to build up a feeling of excitement, the verses vary between 4-8 lines, and have a next to no structure, which give an impression of the poet being very excited so that hes not concentrating on the structure, and is just getting out all his thoughts as they come to him. The poet also states the hopes that he has for his child, such as let it be a son, a son, because he wants the family name to be carried on. All these techniques used help to develop a feeling of excitement and positivity in the first section, which is used to make the bad news to come an even bigger contrast. The second section of the poem is when the news is delivered that the poets son has Downs Syndrome, and is delievered effectively by first introducing the feeling of uneasiness by using onomatopoeia in the form of harsh words, such as scissored and slicing, and so makes the reader feel as if something bad is going to happen. The way the news is actually delivered is also meant to shock the reader, and it is said as quickly and to the point as possible, using only 4 one syllable words, and 1 two syllable word your son is a mongol. The way the news is delivered is made shocking not only by the way the news is delievered, but because it is such a big contrast to the first section of the poem. The third section describes how the poet feels once hearing this shocking news, and describes the death of his dreams,the poet uses techniques such as imagery to get these points across. He describes the news he recieved as going in clean as a bullet, and subsequently stopping the heart within it, which tells the reader that that to the poet, this news is fatal, and that the bullet left no mark on the skin so the poet showed no outward sign of despair. This reaction shows that the poet is in a state of shock. The poet then states that this was my first death, and by his first death he means the death of his hopes, which was for his son to carry on the family name and growing up to be just like the poet, he backs this point up again by stating never to come ashore into my kingdom speaking my language. The poet becomes displaced from reality, saying I held four walls in the lens of an eye, and this experience shows that the poet can see his dead self, and cannot feel anything any more, which proves that the poets hopes have died. The central idea of the poem is that love can overcome all obstacles, which in this case is the poet learning to love his son, no matter what. The only way that the poet would have been able to accept his son was by letting go of his hopes for his son growing up to be just like him and carrying on the family name, and this is what happens. The whole process is shown in the poem through symbolism, which in this case is the almond tree blooming, the poet describes this process as painful by using harsh words, such as split and blood-dark, and finds that the tree had to go through a painful process in order to become what it is, and he compares this to his own situation, and realises that he has to go through a painful process, which is the death of his dreams, in order to do what he was really meant to do, which was to accept his son.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Company Market Strategy
Company Market Strategy Business Strategies in Global Environment Topic: You have been called upon by a group of company directors to advise them on the future strategic direction of the company. In particular they aim to participate more actively in the global market. Required: Identify their current strategic management style or approach drawing on the schools of strategy Using relevant tools of analysis conduct an environmental audit of what you perceive to be suitable markets for the board to consider. Identify and discuss possible strategic directions that the board could consider in order to develop a greater presence in the global market. Assess the managerial challenges of implementing your chosen strategy. Group: Rohit Zaki Fuad Nihar Shahid Satyanarayan Lalida Amornrat Parita Nith Asad The success of any organisation lies in their goals and the mission. But establishing the goal is not enough to gain the success in this dynamic environment. Thus every company needs a strategy to achieve their goals. The classical meaning of the word strategy is the plan for victory in a war. Similarly in business war field strategy gives the strength required for winning. Selection and implementation of appropriate strategy leads to the great triumph but otherwise it could be a great fiasco and grand business failure. This report on the COBRA Beer Company will make an attempt to analyse the current strategies which are successfully used by the company, carry out an environmental audit of the company using the suitable environmental scanning tool, would suggest alternative strategies to be used in the future and finally will comment on most probable challenges the company may face while implementing those strategies. ABOUT COMPANY â€Å"I felt very demoralised, but never once thought of giving up†- Mr. Karan Bilimoria (Clark Emma, 21 August 2003) BACKGROUND The Cobra Beer was the child of thought of a Cambridge law graduate Mr. Karan Bilimoria which won 12 Gold medals from the prestigious Monde Selection, Brussels, in 2006. The company was established in 1989 by Mr. Karan Bilimoria when he realised the requirement of smoother and less fizzy beer especially in UK market. (The CBI Directory) Today it is being exported in more than 50 countries and total retail turnover is  £126 million. (The Economic Times, 16 September 2007) MISSION PRODUCTS In the beginning Cobra wanted to set up breweries in Mysore, India at the cost of beers quality, the decision was changed and they shifted to Charles wells brewer, UK. Now cobra is having breweries in UK, European countries such as Poland and India as well. (Clark Emma, 21 August 2003) Along with the Classic Cobra beer, it has a very unique product range as Cobra 0.0%, which is beer with no alcohol, Cobra Lower Cal with calorie content lower than 100 cal. and King Cobra, the worlds first double fermented, bottle-conditioned beer, which is so successful that it increased the sells by ten folds in India. It also produces nine types of wines. (The CBI Directory) MARKETING Mr. Bilimoria was well aware of the importance of branding, as his first product brand name ‘Panther was declined, he chose cobra very carefully. Bottle was put up with sandy gold label and with cobra written in green. At least nobody can miss its presence in supermarkets. His targeted niche market was Indian Restaurants in UK. Though beer remains dearer it was selling half of its production in 5600 Indian Restaurants. He gain popularity as the Indian beer maker. (Clark E, 21 August 2003) Along with creating first trade marketing team, Cobra is soon going to launch new designs for King Cobra and Cobra Bite. According to Will Ghali, marketing director of Cobra beer â€Å"The aim was to give our beers a more contemporary, stylish appearance, and to increase the standout on shelf. Were delighted with the new designs and, more importantly, feel that theyll have a really strong appeal with our core consumers.†The company would be spending  £14 million on marketing in 2008. (Parson R, 22 April 2008) Cobra beer in year 2005 announced a Cobra Vision short film competition for aspiring filmmakers which gave them an opportunity to appear national television. (The CBI Directory) Now it is sponsoring all prime time programs on UKTVs Dave to make â€Å"heavy weight presence†(Parsons R, 22 April 2008) EXPANSION IN GLOBAL MARKET Cobra has made its presence noticeable in UK, USA, South Africa, India and other European countries. As import duties in India are very high Cobra decided to produce beer in India. Cobra beer is now being produced in Rajasthan, Goa, UP and ‘Som Breweries, MP, ‘Iceberg Breweries, Bihar. (The Economic Times, 16 September 2007) Still the market share and per capita consumption in India is very low as compared to UK, being the major competitor The Kingfisher Beer of India. (Clark E, 21 August 2003) Cobra is now planning to acquire three more breweries in India as they are targeting to double their capacity to 20 million cases by 2012. Company also aspires to get listed in UK and India. (The Financial Express, 6 May 2008,) The company started with  £20000 of student debt in 1989 has already raised  £25 million through unsecured loans from OZ Sculptor Finance Ireland investment funds and 2.5 million by issuing ordinary shares to private and institutional investors for its f uture plans. (Mood Food Magazine Food news, Restaurant News, Recipes, Nutrition, 17 July 2006) Cobra beer is now being exported to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain and Oman. As the Middle East market is not well developed yet, cobra has introduced non-alcoholic Cobra beer in the region. For expanding in South Africa cobra is trying to acquire local breweries, so that company can get hold on the niche market. (Nolan L, 26 October 2006) CURRENT STRATEGIES EXPLOITED The company is currently using different strategies such as, differentiation, launching innovative products, identifying niche market, branding, exporting and expanding by acquisitions etc. which can be explained with the help of various models. Differentiation: Low price, Segment specificity, Differentiation or Hybrid etc.can be used as the competitive strategy. Johnson et. al. (2006) gives the strategy clock which differentiates between winning and failing competitive strategies. ‘The Strategy Clock: Competitive Strategy Options(Source: Johnson et. al., 2006, p.243) The Company has gained the competitive advantage using the differentiation strategy. The differentiation as competitive strategy was first explained by Michael Porter in 1980 using a model known as Generic business level strategy. Source of Competitive Advantage Cost Uniqueness BreadthBroad Target Market CostDifferentiation Of Leadership Competitive Scope Focused Focused Narrow Target Market LowDifferentiation Cost ‘Porters Generic Business Level Strategies (Source: Porter M, 1980, p. 39) Product development: Ansoffs Market Expansion Grid: Branding: Acquisition: ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT SWOT Porters Five Forces RIVAL FROM INDIA The SWOT analysis suggests that United Breweries from India is one the important competitor for COBRA not only in Indian Market but also in the Global Market. The credit for the success of UB goes to its Chairman Dr. Vijay Mallya. Journey of UB from Kingfisher Beer to Kingfisher Airlines INTRODCTION United Breweries ltd. (UB) was formed by a Scotsman Mr. Thomas Leishman in 1915 when he united five breweries owned by him in Madras (Chennai), India. The company was then bought by Mr. Vittal Mallya in 1947. (, cited on May 28, 2008) The company got the real thrust when Mr. Vijay Mallya, son of late Mr. Vittal Mallya became the chairman and took the charge in 1983 and the UB became Indias first multinational. Today UB group is recognised as the seventh largest spirit makers in the world and the beer is sold in more than 32 countries worldwide. But UB group lead by Dr. Vijay Mallya did not want to confine themselves only to beer production. Versatility was the key strategy used very tactically by Mr. Mallya. UB group own a software company established in USA in 1993 which is also listed on NASDAQ, Kingfisher Airlines launched on May 9, 2005, which is Indias second largest domestic airliner, Indias first lifestyle channel ‘NDTV Good Time launched on 7 Sept ember 2007 and Indias First Formula One team Spykar F1 team bought with Mr. Micheil Mol in October 2007. (The Times of India, 2 April 2008) PRODUCTS The UB group, which acquired McDowell Co. Ltd is well known for its innovative product range. The UB products ranges from kingfisher beer to 17 different types of whisky such as, Black Dog Whisky, Single Malt Whisky, Signature Whisky, No. 1 McDowells Whisky, McDowells Vintage Whisky, McDowells Premium Whisky etc., 3 types of Brandy, 2 types of Rum, 3 types of Gin, 4 types of Vodka such as Romanov, Alcazar, White Mschief, Red Riband Vodka. (www.clubmcdowell, cited on May 28, 2008) GROWTH UB acquired Triumph Distillers Vintners (TDV) in December 2002 and Shaw Wallace and Company Ltd (SWC), the second largest Indian Spirits company in June 2005. it has also increased its investment in Herbertsons Ltd (HL) which in total has increased the market share of UB from 24% to 52%. (www.clubmcdowell, cited on May 28, 2008) Apart from that UBL is having strategic alliance with Scottish NewCastle Plc (SN), which generates the revenue of $6 billion. Because of the joint venture SN can launch International brands like Kronenbourg in India, while UBL got SNs global network to further globalization. (, cited on May 28, 2008) Along with the export of Alcoholic Beverages UB exports mens casuals, formal shoes, ladies foot-wares, processed food items, pharmaceutical products and incense sticks to various parts of the world. (www.clubmcdowell, cited on May 28, 2008) ADVICED STRATEGY Diversification: Ansoffs Market Expansion Grid Portfolio management: Shells directional policy matrix Prospects for Sector Profitability C Unattractive Average Attractive O M Disinvest PhasedDouble or P Weak WithdrawalQuit E Custodial T I Phased CustodialTry Harder V Average Withdrawal E Growth N E Cash GrowthLeader S Strong Generation Leader ‘The Shell Directional Policy Matrix (Source: Shell Chemicals UK (1975) Acquired from Lancaster (2002)) ANALYSE STRATEGY CONCLUSION REFERENCE The CBI Directory, Company profile: Cobra Beer Ltd., cited on May 23, 2008, available from The Economic Times, 16 September 2007, Beer to undertake major expansion in India, cited on May 25, 2008, Available from Clark E, 21 August 2003, The ‘less gassy rise of Cobra Beer BBC News Online Business Reporter, Cited on May 25, 2008, Available from Parson R, 22 April 2008, Cobra Beer prepares new-look packaging,, cited on May 25, 2008, Available from The Financial Express, 6 May 2008, Cobra targets 20 mn beer cases in India, Mood Food Magazine Food news, Restaurant News, Recipes, Nutrition, 17 July 2006, cited on May 25, 2008, available from Cobra Beer Secures Investment For Growth Nolan L, 26 October 2006, Snakes and Ladder, Caterer Middle East English Edition, Johnson G, Scholes K and Whitting R (2006), Exploring Corporate Strategy, 7th Enhanced media edition, England: Pearson Education ltd. Chapter 5, pp. 242-243 Porter M (1980), Competitive Strategy Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, New York: Free Press. Chapter 1, 2, pp. 3-46 Kingfisher world (online) cited on May 28, 2008, available from and The Times of India, (2 April 2008), (online) cited on May 28, 2008, Available from Club McDowell, (online) cited on May 28, 2008, Available from, and Shell Chemicals UK, The Directional Policy Matrix, A New aid to Corporate Planning, November 1975. Cited from Lancaster G et al. (2002) Essentials of Marketing, 4th Edition, UK: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, Appendix one, p528.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Managing The Human Capital Commerce Essay
Managing The Human Capital Commerce Essay Human Resource Management (HRM) is one of the most important strategies in organisations. HRM practices and policies is taking shape and affecting the employees experiences in organization. It also provides relationship between employees and employer. According to, Turner, Keegan Hueman , if the company wants to be effective and successful, HRM functions has to be integrated into the various organisational strategy. (Turner, Keegan Hueman 2006,317). According to this model, HRM functions its goals and aims, need to be aligned with the strategy of the organization. Today, human resource policy on organisation performance research has changed from micro to more general, strategic macro level. It was used to set of policies designed to maximize organizational integration, employee commitment, flexibility and quality of work.  This essay will aims to how strategic goals of HRM helps to organizations and how improve the company performance. Human resource management is relevant with planning, recruitment, training, motivation etc in an organization. The first aim of HRM is developing people through work and also managing employees or human resources. HRM check the employees side of company. In addition this it control benefits of people, career development, training and more functions. It is known that HRM do interview and explain company benefits by people at recent times bur roles of HRM is much bigger than only interview and company benefits. They bring many benefits to the company. Example1; There is a company in Shanghai called Portman. It was not such a good hotel just a few years ago. It was realized that costumer and employees satisfaction rate % 70-80 The Ritz-Carlton Company has been took over the hotel recently and new general manager Mark Decocinst set out to make new property for the hotel. That strategy has improved dramatically to costumer rate. The hotel is being called Best Employer in Asia at the moment and %98 employees satisfaction. C:Documents and SettingssamsungDesktopMHR assigmentaa.jpg Figure1 HRM explain that they have got five function all employees and managers perform; Planning, leading, staffing, organizing and controlling. HRM is very important for all the managers. For example, if you want to hire right person as a manager for the job or do not want to waste your time unless with a interview, HRM strategy will important for the manager. STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Strategic human resource means basically, executing and formulating HR policies. It makes strategic human resource plan like which knowledge or skills the employees should have, how to recruit, training, text etc. SHRM want to keep employees who can help to company or who have useful skills for the company. HRs purpose is to guide Human Resource Management and practise programs. Strategies provide vision for next term and how to vision should be realized in the organization. There are many types HR strategies however two of them are being identified. First one is overarching strategies and the second one is specific strategies. Example2; The Ritz Carlton and Signcasts human resource managers are involved in partnering with their top manager in both design and executing their companies strategies. (Desseler 2008) Example3; Facing rising pressures from classic grocers and from online firm, Albertons with 23,000 employees and 2,500 food stares had to improve their performance. The companys basic strategy maximizing get back product on invested capital and focus to costumer provide to growth. In addition this company also aim to employing technology and energizing associates Albersons management relied on their HR manager to help the company active its strategic goals. It was helped to company with training, pay and other HR politics. (Desseler, 2008) Job Analysis Job analysis makes that which kind of employee should keep or hire for the job. It organises that human behaviours, performance standards, work activities, human recruitment or job context. For example; work activates information is being collected such as buying, selling, transporting etc. C:Documents and SettingssamsungDesktopMHR assigmentjon analysis.jpg Figure 2 Example 4 ; Mercedes Benz was assembled organization in Arkansas and managers confused. They could not give a job, training or pay the company employees unless they knew that what staff expectation was. They needed a job description for each employee however in this organization their duties and jobs could change every day. Unfortunately, they could manage to do job analysis but they could not implement. There are many advantages of job analysis on the company. First off all, it provides that what skills are required to this activity. Secondly, Job description helps requisite skills and training. (Desseler, 2008) Recruitment and Selection Process Recruitment basically selects an employee for the company. When the department of the company select a person, they try to choose a high quality person with low coast. First off all, they decided to what position needs an employee secondly, recruitment build a pool for the people who apply the job and then candidates fill application forms. After those steps the department implement physical exams and test for the candidates and finally they decided that who is going to offer for the job position to supervisor or manager. C:Documents and SettingssamsungDesktopMHR assigmentrec f.jpg Figure 3 Example 5; The Cheesecake Factory has opened 110 restaurant and it adds 20 chain each year. The company interviews 24,000 people per year. It is too much recruits for the company. Manager of the company says that one interview is not enough to choose right person and it makes huge amount money and big time too. Because of that reasons it was established a recruitment department in the company. (Desseler, 2008) The recruitment process starts with employment planning. It is decide to which position in the firm is going to be filled and how it is going to do. That has to follow the organizations plans. Example6; JPS Unihase decided to expand. It was known that number of employees have to increase from 140 to 750. They had to do a plan about who are going hire as employees and when the plan will be put in to plans. (Desseler, 2008) Example7; British Airways included self-assessment, application forms, testing, group selection centres, and interview. 2.3 Training Training improves employees knowledge, skill and attitude. Employees who have more knowledge give the company get higher performance from the staff. As a first step the company identify that which type of training need to give its worker. Second step should decided to training program like; activities, workshop or exercise. The next step can be validation the steps. There are many training types are being using. The company should decided which they need and should choose the best one. The training can be given to new employees and exist staff too. If the training is giving new staff it aims to teach the job to new people. If the training giving exist employees it teach new technology or new events for the company. Example7; Samsung Company provides its employees many courses to learn and develop staff ability knowledge and skills. The company gives the staff opportunities to go oversee to learn more. For example centre of design go to outside of the county or can get to work famous people. In addition this manager of Samsung led launched a design revolution; IBM designer was invited from the USA to design company designers by the manager. 370 designers in the design centre and the company gives them a change to go the best schools which gives design education in the USA. With the developing technology many companies use online training nowadays. For example, offers web-training course for its staff. Example8; Honda decided to build a new company in Alabama and it had to provide thousand employees. 18,000 people applied the job. The employment agency screened and eliminated. About 340 have stated to get training and finally some of them graduated from the training. Honda teams interview the candidates, looked at the training scores and decided to who can get the job. And then they were performed drug test and finally they were get 3 days orientation. It was quite long procedure but Honda want to get the best ones for the job. (Desseler, 2008) 2.4 Motivation: Probably almost everybody need some intelligence, knowledge base, study skills, and time management skills, but if someone does not have motivation, he or she wont get far. For example; you have a car with a full tank of gas, a well-tuned engine, good set of tires, quadraphonic CD system, and a sleek, polished exterior. There it sits. This car has incredible potential. However, until a driver sits behind the wheel, puts the key in the ignition, and cranks it up, the car doesnt function. You guessed it; the key is motivation. Interest is an important motivator for a student. So is a desire to learn. When you link these two things together, you create success. Often success in an endeavour leads to more interest and a greater desire to learn, creating an upward spiral of motivation toward a goal you have established.( 2.5Knowledge Management Knowledge management is any process or practise or creating, acquiring, capturing, sharing and using knowledge, wherever it resides, to enhance learing and performance in organization (Armstrong,2006) INNOVATION AND HUMAN RESOURCE Innovation in human resource brings many benefits to company. Example9; Dell computer company created a HR call centres. It is being answered all the questions which comes from employees. Dell computer also prove to their employees self service personal transaction like, chancing benefits all location. Many companies try to use innovation their business such as computer or internet to get high performance and improving HR. Technology innovation also makes many think easier for example, it is so easy to reach all employees information or all staff salary, when they are going to holiday, all about employees.  Example10; IBM employed 350,000 people and they spreads around the world in many locations. They need to give induction for all new employees. The company ensure the people understand key of the system and processes. It was needed a way which provide reducing cost of faced induction. An online technology was created for the induction. it was invested $100 million. It is IBMs online innovation. ORGANIZATIONAL CULTERE Culture is the important in an organization according to Andrzej H. David B. When you walk into hotel, a bank, a night club, or a company your first impressions tells you about the organization that you have just entered how friendly will it be? How expansive it will be? What kind of behaviour its expected This theory tells that very basic thing is the culture of the organization. An organization can be know with the culture if a company have good reputation then everybody know that company. Organizational culture is a set of shard assumptions, values and behaviours that characterize the functioning of and organization. Organizational Culture depend strongly rules, super visions and control on the employee. If a organization have good rules and have good control on employees then the organization will be best with reputation. Example11; The culture of a large, for-profit corporation is quite different than that of a hospital which is quite different than that of a university. It can be told that the culture of an organization by looking at the arrangement of furniture, what they brag about, what members wear, etc. similar to what you can use to get a feeling about someones personality. According to Wendell L. F.(1998 page 111) A work group is a number of persons, usually reporting to a common superior and having some face to face interaction, who have some degree of interdependence in carrying out tasks for the purpose of the achieving organizational goals. Organizations which have good teams and have good group of employers then the organizations outcome will the highest. A team or a group of employees can work more efficiently than the individuals. Organization can have big projects and a group can distribute the work and perform their duty with full attention and with full devotion and if there is some laziness in some employees that can be overcome in others works so groups work is best in organization. At this era of life, world is a global village the business in not so much small and there a numerous organizations which have different departments. If all the departments work together and coordinate with each other then the result will the most excellent. An organizational culture with strong unit integration makes the organization finest Example11;McDonalds were expanding restaurants in India, when closing selected stores in the UK. The plan to change packaging, and uniform it will affect the culture of the organisation. McDonalds were diversifying, Mc Kids, and toys too. It is the HRM policies that will ensure a smooth changing. The major concern is the cultural change; HRM must ensure that staffs are involved in the changes allowing them to buy into the plans. The extension plans should run efficiently as all the policies and legislation should already be in place. The investment in Mc Kids could prove difficult for HRM, because they are dealing with a separate market. The current policies in place cover a wide range of issues, which are sufficient for Mc Donalds strategic plans. FLEXIBILITY ANA HRM Flexibility
Monday, August 19, 2019
Art Dealer :: essays research papers
ART DEALER By age five, Michael Irvin loved art and museums but, in retrospect, his was no schoolboy infatuation. Today, his dedication to objets d'art has made him one of the most sought-after art dealers in Southern California. The wares of his perenial treasure hunt span his clients' estates and summer homes, private planes and yachts anchored in Newport Beach and Monte Carlo. But Irvin is not simply a wholesale art dealer, for this stylish art connoisseur describes his work as â€Å"part psychologist, part art consultant,†and he uses his expertise to interpret and translate his clients' artistic expressions. "Many of my clients already have everything. Luxury cars, beautiful jewelry, clothes," said Irvin, a rugged 39-year-old who resembles a bronzed and taller Tom Cruise. "Their homes are their calling cards, and these homes command exquisite art." These demands require a comprehensive understanding of art history, and celebrities like Dr. Phil McGaw and Orange County's elites regularly call Irvin. His client roster is a veritable â€Å"who’s who†of OC society and includes a top Microsoft executive and a Saudi princess. Unlike traditional art dealers who simply locate art for their customers, Irvin consults with clients who have little time to research and are unsure of their decorative choices. He relies on his extensive database of artists and experts amassed over a decade of work, and buys directly from the source at wholesale prices. "Michael has a solid grasp of what his clients want," said Sheldon Harte of Harte Brownlee & Associates, a celebrated interior design firm in Laguna Beach. "He's the best in the business." Despite the posh imagery, Irvin, said his daily routine is anything but glamourous. His typical day involves unloading and carrying heavy canvases, wood panels or sculptures in all shapes and sizes. But Irvin doesn’t complain. The son of a Dallas fireman, Irvin grew up in Texas and was first exposed to opulance and excess during a stint as a chauffeur for Texas oil tycoons. He later worked as a caterer at the mansions of Stanley Marcus, of Neiman Marcus department stores, and society mavens like Anne Bass. "I became acclimated to fine things I'd never seen as a kid," said Irvin, who speaks with a slight, charming Southern accent. "It was a lifestyle I wanted for myself." Irvin went into business moving fine art to athletes’ homes in Colorado and Califorina, then settled in Irvine in 2000 and worked at an art gallery in Laguna.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Monetary Policy During The Great Depression Essay -- Economics Economy
Monetary Policy During The Great Depression One of the most important aspects of the Great Depression that stands out in economists’ minds is the surge of bank panics and failures during the depression’s onset (1930-1933). However, an institution created with the intention of preventing such a string of disasters failed to fulfill its obligation as a â€Å"lender of last resort.†This is the Fed, and its failure to prevent the early bank panics of the Great Depression is a very interesting economic issue. So why did the Fed fail to fulfill its duty? The reason for the Fed’s actions (or lack thereof) was a combination of the strict elitist leadership in the Fed and the results of adaptive expectations on immature monetary policy. The Fed had only been created in 1913, and while there were previous experiences with bank panics (1907), the consequences were much less drastic, and so the elitists were unable to foresee the heavy blow to the money supply that would result from the failure of so many small banks. In 1907 the money stock fell by 5% due to bank panics; the Fed had no idea that bank panics would strongly contribute to the 31% decrease in the money supply by 1933(Friedman 156). While it may seem obvious that this might occur when 10,000 banks close, most of the banks that closed were non-members, and since these banks felt the opportunity cost of keeping reserves with the Fed was too great, the Fed returned the sentiment by denying them aid when they closed. Also, many of these banks were very small, and the Fed did not expect these small banks to have such a large effect on the money supply (Friedman). All this is supported by the writings of Milton Friedman, Charles W. Calomaris and Richard H. Timberlak... ...ey were its responsibility. According to Friedman, they saw panics as a result, and not a cause of the depression. The Fed did not know what its responsibilities were, and as a result failed to see the connection between the public’s confidence, banks and the money supply. While the Fed’s monetary policies blew up in their face, it did present them with the undeniable need for deposit insurance. Ultimately the Great Depression shocked the Fed into reality, and because of this future depressions will be averted. Works Cited: Calomiris, Charles W. â€Å"Runs on Banks and the Lessons of the Great Depression†Regulation 22.1: 4-7 Friedman, Milton, and Schwartz, Anna. A Monetary History of the United States 1867-1960. Princeton , N.J.: Princeton University Press. 1963 Timberlake, Richard H. â€Å"The Roots of the Great Depression.†(Interview) Navigator. (2001).
Saturday, August 17, 2019
DBQ Federalists and Democratic-Republicans Essay
Thesis: It would appear that the assertion that Democratic-Republicans were strict interpreters of the Constitution while Federalists were not are only somewhat accurate. The Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Kercheval is of particular interest because Jefferson outright states â€Å"†¦I know also, that the laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind†. This is somewhat different from the traditional image of Jefferson interpreting the constitution as absolute under any circumstances. The fact that he himself writes that the constitution must be adapted to the times suggest that Jefferson, like the Democratic-Republican party as a whole, was not such an absolutist. Jefferson also states that â€Å"I am certainly not an advocate for frequent and untried changes in laws and constitutions†¦Ã¢â‚¬ which would seem to indicate that He also believed that a change to the constitution was a serious thing not to be taken lightly much like the historical image of the Democratic-Republicans. Jefferson believed that amendments would eventually become necessary to preserve the constitution as a credible document, however he also believed such changes should only be made when absolutely necessary. The fact that this idea about the constitution (that it was not perfect and would eventually need change) contradicts the historical image of strict and absolute interpretation of the constitution that Democratic-Republicans, and by extension Jefferson himself, are given. -While Jefferson shows sympathy towards eventual change on issues such as slavery he did not follow through in the least as president. -Jefferson is sometimes portrayed as the first great president by historians. -Jefferson actually helped sign in the constitution with many of the men who would go on to be federalists. -Jefferson made many of his statements against slavery and absolute interpretation of the Constitution later in life which could suggest that much of these writings were out of hindsight of his actions as president and the unofficial leader of the Democratic-Republicans One document that might suggest that Federalists were not all so supportive of the federal government over the states was the speech that Federalist Daniel Webster delivered before Congress on december 9th 1814. Webster states â€Å"If the secretary of war has proved the right of Congress to enact the law enforcing a draft of men out of the militia into the regular army, he will be able at any time be able to prove quite as clearly that Congress has the power to create a dictator†. This quote is loaded with sentiments normally expected from a Democratic Republican rather than a Federalist. States rights, negative sentiment towards Federal authority over the states, and the assertion that this expansion of Federal power is a step towards tyranny, are all opinions typical of a Democratic Republican, not a Federalist. This clearly suggests that not all Federalists were loose interpreters of the constitution since states rights is an argument usually made by someone advocating for a strict interpretation of the Constitution. – It would appear that this speech was relatively pointless to affect the conflict at hand considering that the war of 1812 (Mr. Madison’s war as dubbed by Federalists) was only fought for a few more weeks before it was officially concluded. – Federalists were quite against this war with Britain which could mean that Webster could have come to this argument more out of anger over the war than actual ideals. – It is interesting that the measure Webster is referring to took place in 1814 considering that the Democratic-Republicans, who would have been against drafting militiamen into the national army, controlled the Congress, Senate, and the White House. -1814 was the last year that Federalists had a major role in Congress given their attempt to secede from the union in 1815 in the Hartford Convention. The report and resolutions of the Hartford Convention serves to demonstrate how Federalists did support a loose interpretation of the constitution. In the resolution the participants (of whom many were Federalists) proposed that several amendments to the constitution be adopted by the states. While this may seem fairly insignificant the fact that they were trying to conform state laws to national law shows a very strong leaning towards Federal authority over state authority. This was very much in line with Federalist principles and loose interpretations of the constitution since they are proposing three changes to several state constitutions. The Federalists are taking a stance against state rights which are guaranteed in the constitution and requesting that the states conform to federal law which can be seen as a rather loose interpretation given that powers not afforded to the national government are given to the states by the tenth amendment. -The three proposed amendments seem to inhibit the power of the government which is more in line with Democratic-Republican ideals, which could suggest that this was meant to gain bipartisan support in the states. – The Hartford Convention was also famous for being the unofficial demise of the Federalist party considering that the resolutions also threatened to declare New England independent from the union if the government did not comply which the largely Democratic-Republican populated nation viewed as treasonous. – One of the amendments proposed made it illegal to enforce an embargo for longer than 60 days which is interesting considering that leading up to the war with Britain, many Federalists were advocating ignoring the embargo on Britain. – Although the Democratic-Republicans controlled Congress, the Senate, and the presidency prior to the Hartford Convention, the negative reaction to the resolutions layed out by the Hartford Convention ensured what could be described as a near one party rule for the Democratic-Republicans through the mid 1800’s. One Final Document that would serve to demonstrate how there was a large grey area in how Democratic-Republicans and Federalists interpreted the Constitution is actually another speech made by John Randolph in 1816 before Congress. Randolph himself was a very strict interpreter of the constitution but what makes this speech interesting is who he is calling out in this speech and why. â€Å"We have another proof that the present government (the Madison administration) have renounced the true Republican principles of Jefferson’s administration on which they raised themselves to power†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Randolph is calling out the Democratic-Republican president James Madison, for â€Å"renouncing†the policies laid out by Thomas Jefferson who is seen as the establisher of many of the ideals of the Democratic Republican Party. Madison is accused of â€Å"aggravating the burdens of the people for the purpose of favoring the manufacturers†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Essentially he is being called out for raising taxes on the middle class. Why this demonstrates how Democratic Republicans could have taken a loose interpretation to the constitution is because raising taxes is something that many Democratic-Republicans believed to be a state by state issue even though the Constitution gives the government the power to levy taxes. However Madison is going against that ideal and raising the national tax rate which given the Democratic-Republican interpretation of only allowing states to raise taxes, is a very loose interpretation. -Madison was known to have changed his opinion on these matters several times as a politician which could explain why he was raising taxes. -Randolph also linked Madison to John Adams who was also a loose interpreter of the constitution and rather unpopular amongst the Democratic-Republicans because of it. – Madison was very much influenced by Thomas Jefferson who would have definitely disapproved of raising taxes on the middle class. – Madison was the first president to preside over the â€Å"Era of Good Feelings†or the time period where the Democratic-Republicans enjoyed a near one party rule in the government. This tax would have been a very unusual interruption in the usual lack of debate and argument that was apparent in Congress and the Senate.
4ps of Ryanair Budget Airline
Ryanair was the first budget airline in Europe, modeled after the successful U. S. low cost carrier, Southwest Airlines. Ryanair is one of the oldest and most successful low-cost airlines in Europe, the third largest airline in Europe in terms of number of passenger and the largest in the world in terms of international passengers’ numbers. For this article, I had provided the 4 Ps, which is Product, Price, Place, and Promotion for Ryanair. PRODUCT Ryanair was a brand for the budget airline.It also can define as a product because when people want to buy the airline ticket in cheaper price, they will automatically think about Ryanair. Transportation is the main product for Ryanair. It provides services of travel from one location to another location with comfortable environment and shortest duration as well. Moreover, passengers feel convenient to make booking through the internet or phone call at any time. Besides, food and beverage is another product of Ryanair.Ryanair offer the food and beverage to passengers throughout the flight who purchase on board programmed. At the same time, Ryanair also provide the services which are serve food and drinks to passengers or fulfill the passengers’ requirement if available. Ryanair not only offer the transportation and food and service to passengers, it also offer the experience to passengers which is sold the cheaper ticket to passenger to enjoy or getting experience to flight.PRICE Ryanair offer the lowest cost of fares than other competitors in aviation industry because Ryanair stand at the position that the price is the key element of its brand and the price is more important than the product itself to the passengers, so within the low price as the long term strategy, Ryanair use different pricing, which means that off- peak travelling and booking in advance can make a ticket cheaper compare with normal day.In the same time, Ryanair are discriminate massively, safe in the knowledge that nobody can buy u p loads of cheap tickets and flog them to people who would otherwise only qualify for the wallet-draining latecomers specials. On the other hand, Ryanair will continue to lower the fares and increase the percentage of seat for which it only charge for taxes and landing fees. For the boarding pass, passengers are required to print out their own boarding pass since the checking in services at the airport has been discontinued.Therefore, for passengers who arrive at airport without a pre-printed online will have to pay â‚ ¬40 for their boarding pass to be re-issued. The Ryanair has also replaced the free online check- in with a â‚ ¬5 online check- in fee which is charged per person, per flight. PLACE Ryanair emphasize that booking seat is only possible in website or â€Å"Ryanair direct†call- centre, no other possibilities are officially offered.The Ryanair has started the website in the year of 2000, the number of passenger who made online booking had been increased trem endously because of the lower flight prices are selling direct to the passenger and the cost imposed by travel agents are excluding. Besides, the airport also located at strategic place where passengers’ can take the transport from town area to airport directly which included coach, limousine and etc. PROMOTION The advertising that is made by Ryanair about charging passengers ? to use the toilet on their flights is actually to gain the media and public attention. Ryanair often use their advertising to make direct comparison and attack their competitor by comparing price. In one case, the Sabena sued the Ryanair because one of the advertisement that advertise by Ryanair are misleading and offensive, so that, the Ryanair was discontinued the advertisement and also publish the apology on their website. In the same time, Ryanair used the apologized for futher advertising to gain people attention.Because of this case, through the website, more and more people know Ryanair and Ryan air had come out more and more promotion to attract people, such as ? 8 seats for travel during September and October, including some taxes and charges. It is very worth for passengers because the price is very cheaper. Besides that, through the seasonality, Ryanair running a promotion which is current 30% off fares UK promotion runs from 22 – 25 January 2010 for flights departing from 5 February – 25 March 2010 to certain country.This message had been updated or post in the Ryanair website and it also become a headline of the newspaper. The passengers who want to make a book have to book at least 14 days in advance via Ryanair website or by phone call. At the same time, in order to pay the lowest quoted fare, the passengers need to pay by master card or prepaid debit card to avoid the ? 5 per person per flight admin fee, and the passengers can take one piece of hand luggage which lowers than 7 Kg.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Vice President and New Executive Vice
Case Analysis ReportFMB&T Bank I. Statement of the Problem The new Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer of FMB&TBank have no clear authority and responsibility. II. Objective There should be a clear authority and responsibility for the new IT Executivein order for her to be effective and efficient. III. Analysis of the Causes a. Relationship between IT Department and other bank business units ismixed up causing considerable confusion, friction and inefficiency. . Work request are vague and not coordinated and consolidated to reflect aclearer picture of the problem making it hard to formulate a quick solutionwhich the bank’s other business units require. c. The presence of the new IT executive was not welcomed by the unitmanagers of other business units of the bank making it harder for her tofacilitate solutions for IT problems. d. IT staff responsibilities are limited only to application works.They are notgiven the freedom to explore and apply new development s in the ITindustry. e. There is considerable influence from other regional executives todecentralize IT operations to regional branches because they feel thatresponse will be faster to meet their requirements. IV. Choices a. Define an explicit authority and responsibility of the new IT executive. Thespan of authority should include all business units involve in the use IT toensure that all will follow IT processes and procedures. . The new IT executive must formulate strict IT policies and procedureswhich have the approval of the CEO and all IT users are required to follow Failure to follow IT policies and procedure should be dealt with inaccordance with company’s existing rewards and punishment policies. c. Involve IT staffs in a more flexible working environment and give them thefreedom to take advantage on new IT innovations and apply it to thecompany’s IT system. d.Re-organize the company’s whole organizational structure to adapt intothe new requirement of IT technology rather than remain as rigid as thecurrent vertical structure. e. Decentralize the whole IT department operations to regional branches inorder that implementation will be faster. V. Selection from the Choices As a CEO, I will reorganize the whole organizational structure of the companyand include IT as a major division in the implementation of companystrategies. If a bank wanted to grow in this generation, it must be willing toadapt to technological innovations.Task the new IT executive to formulate ITpolicies and procedures that will be implemented company wide where all ITusers are required to follow. VI. Implementation IT department should be given blanket authority in terms of implementing ITstrategies of the company and this should be understood by all departmentsand divisions. The new IT executive should create a company wide IT helpdesk where allwork requests are consolidated, analyzed and collated to come up with anintelligent solution to all IT problems.This wi ll also eliminate confusion;friction and inefficiency since all information needed to create a solution arealready consolidated. The only thing that IT will do is to design a frameworksolution to any imaginable IT problems that were presented based on the IThelpdesk consolidated information. With this strategy, IT will have moreefficient control of its resources and channel saved resources in developingnew IT innovations that they can apply for the development of the company. 2 VII. Work place applicationIn our company, the IT department has full control of all IT related issues. ITdepartment has regional helpdesk to cater to all IT related work requests. TheIT helpdesk will in turn consolidate all work requests and assign qualifiedtechnical staffs that can best address the problem. For minor IT problems,the helpdesk will address it immediately by giving direct instructions to theuser. If technical intervention is required, a district IT technical staff will beimmediately dispatched to address the problem
Thursday, August 15, 2019
How does disability affect child development? Essay
The situation that I chose to use on this topic is based from my own personal experience, I have a 7 year old son who was born with profound hearing loss and was also recently diagnosed with severe Autism. When he was young prior to the diagnosis of his condition I didn’t see anything wrong with him, being a young Mom to my first born I had little knowledge about child’s development, he looked normal to me because he was always smiling and giggling, he was eating right and rarely gets sick so I was at ease and never really thought that something was wrong. But everything changed when he turned 1 year old. I noticed how delayed he was compared to other children his age, he wasn’t walking and couldn’t sit by himself, he wasn’t responding to his name and wasn’t engaged to activities or toys. His development was so delayed that he didn’t start walking until he was 2 years old, he only learned to sit straight by himself when he turned a yea r and a half but he still needed guidance otherwise he’d lose balance and would fall. Living in a country where it was impossible to get access to medical needs needed for my son’s condition, we were in a country where you need to have money to get your child assessed and diagnosed and we weren’t that rich to afford it. We were lucky when we finally got our visa to come here in Canada as a Permanent Resident when my son just turned 2, for the first time we were able to get him assessed and diagnosed, that was when we found out that he was born with profound hearing loss on both ears and that explained his poor balance and delayed development. A year after the diagnosis my son was able to undergo a surgery, he had his cochlear implants to get access to sounds. We were told it will take years for him to learn to speak but it didn’t stop from there. Two years after his surgery my son was diagnosed with severe autism, he was five. I saw the sudden change in his behavior as he was growing and everything became more challenging, he stopped wearing his c ochlear implants for reason we don’t know till these days. My son is still non-verbal, but he’s getting interventions from specialized services, he goes to an inclusive school and he’s getting a lot of support and help from the school. He’s shown progress ever since this agency from specialized services started working with him, school and support from specialized services has helped him a lot and we are lucky to be here in Canada were supports for children is always there. As I faced these challenges with my son all these years I’ve learned a lot of things, I’ve learned that there are different reasons out there resulting to why a child develops a learning or behaviour problems, my son’s journey for instance is an example of a situation where he got his learning and behaviour problems from his disability, his deafness and Autism affected his development in so many ways like his; social development, emotional, communication and language. He was born with a disability and special needs but with the help of intervention and support from school and the services provided by the Government he’s able to learn things to improve his learning and behavior problems. No medical support and assessment could also be a reason resulting to a child’s learning and behavior problem, my son and I were lucky to be given the opportunity to come live in Canada where medical support and intervention for children with special needs are priori tized. Children from a country with no medical help and support are likely to develop learning problems because of the lack of intervention to help support them in areas they are in need of help. My son was in that situation for a short time, that situation where we can’t do anything because money is stopping us from getting medical support. Despite my son’s disability we’re just lucky to be receiving all the supports there is. There are a lot of explanations why a disability can affect a child’s development, it depends on what specific type of disability a child has and which area of a child’s development this disability affect. A child may have ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Asperger’s syndrome and Down syndrome, all these types of disabilities affect a child’s development that causes a problem with their learning ability. Autism affects a child’s emotional and social development, Autistic children appear to lack a â€Å"theory of mind’. (Baron-Cohen, nd.). Children with Autism prefer to be alone and they may have difficulty regulating their behavior which results in crying and even sometimes self-injurious. Reinforcements and daily modeling and teaching are very important to support a child with Autism build up their ability and knowledge. Same goes to children with hearing impairment that affects their language and communication skills, there are different disabilities and each result to learning and behavior problem, most disabilities are stopping a child’s normal development and sometimes causing a child distress and frustration also to the family’s part. A child with disability can be really challenging because some children with disability such as learning or physical disability may be exposed to discrimination at school by other students and that they will be treated differently than the rest of the students, they may get bullied and teased by other classmates because of their condition which can affect their self-confidence and in turn affect their learning ability and development.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Professional Abilities Essay
There are several organizations for each professional for example: teachers, social workers, accountants and business owners just to name a few. Then there are sororities and fraternities which consist of all of these professionals in one melting pot. The professional organization which I will describe in the paper is the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). As an employee in a Child Care Facility being apart of this organization can help improve my career if I choose to become the director in a few months. The following paragraph describes the history of the organization and what it has done for the early childhood program. As a mother of 5 with 4 attending school in the public school system this organization is in the public eye and moving forward with efforts to improve the early childhood system and help teachers, parents and congress to understand how important our children’s education should be to us. I can join this organization and help to change laws that can have an impact for not only my children but also grandchildren, nieces, nephews and the children that attend my Childcare facility my eyes could be open to new information, meeting people from all aspects of life at the national meetings and even go to Washington DC to help influence them to increase the funding, or make changes to existing policies regarding early childhood education. NAEYC’s mission is to serve and act on behalf of the needs, rights and well-being of all young children with primary focus on the provision of educational and developmental services and resources. National Association for the Education of Young Children has become the nation’s premier organization for early childhood professionalsâ€â€setting research-based standards and providing resources to improve early childhood program quality, enhance the professional development and working conditions of program staff, and to help families learn about and understand the need for high quality early childhood education. Through position statements, work with other organizations, and its national voluntary accreditation system, NAEYC has been the leader in promoting excellence in early childhood education for all young children from birth through age 8. NAEYC’s roots extend to the 1920s when professional researchers and educators began organizing nursery schools for young children. Concerned about the quality of the proliferating programs, Patty Smith Hill identified a multidisciplinary group of 25 individuals, among them Arnold Gesell, Lois Meek (Stolz), and Abigail Eliot, to consider the need for a new association. A public conference was held in Washington, DC in 1926. By 1929, the group was organized as the National Association for Nursery Education (NANE) and had published its first bookâ€â€Minimum Essentials for Nursery Education. In 1964, NANE was reorganized as the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Also that year, the federal Head Start program was launched, focusing public attention on preschool education. In the early 1980s, concern about the quality of early childhood services available to the burgeoning numbers of families seeking child care and preschool programs for their young children led NAEYC to begin planning a national voluntary accreditation system for early childhood programs. NAEYC’s work in developing position statements and setting standards for different aspects of early childhood education continued throughout the 1990s. The National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development focuses attention on improving the quality of preparation and ongoing professional development for teachers of young children by providing a place to learn from researchers about new developments and evaluations of pedagogy, curriculum, assessment, and teacher education. By its 75th anniversary in 2001, the association was engaged in a project to reinvent its accreditation system (scheduled to be fully implemented in 2006). Funding provided by a variety of contributors has been instrumental to the success of this effort. In addition, a comprehensive restructuring of its affiliate groups (most of which successfully re-affiliated in 2004) had also been launched. Interest Forums were established as a membership benefit in 2001 to encourage communities of learning on issues related to the NAEYC mission. Funding provided by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation enabled NAEYC to establish the Supporting Teachers, Strengthening Families project to prevent child abuse and promote children’s healthy social development by helping teachers better communicate with families on difficult issues. The Association also adopted standards for professional preparation associate degree programs in early childhood education and launched plans to develop an accreditation system for these institutions. This effort has been generously supported by a number of contributors. The results of earlier efforts to build the Association’s policy presence are clearly visible in 2004. Affiliates and members receive training, technical assistance and resources to help them improve the capacity of their efforts to promote good public policies and investments in affordable, high quality early childhood education programs. NAEYC is recognized as a leading voice in Congress and in state capitols on what is needed to help improve early childhood programs and services for all young children and their families, ranging from child care and Head Start, to early elementary grade reading programs and appropriate assessment. Early childhood educators look to NAEYC for journals, books, and other resources that combine a solid research base and information and features that make them highly accessible and useful for practitioners, teacher educators, and policy makers. NAEYC Conferences continue to be the meetings that just can’t be missed, serving a critical convening function for the early childhood profession and providing a valuable professional development opportunity. Approaching its 80th anniversary, NAEYC is proud of its traditions, but also looks to the future. The Association is committed to becoming an ever more high performing inclusive organization that invites all individuals, families, communities and organizations to work together to improve the lives of all young children. They offer an Associate Degree Accreditation Program too many Universities that have programs in Early Childhood to make sure they are preparing their students for their career. They also offer Early Childhood professionals resources to improve their practice through training and professional development. After reading all the above information we should all be apart of this type of organization that cares greatly for the education system that our child (ren) participate in on a daily basis.
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