Friday, December 27, 2019
Atomic Solid Definition
The definition of an atomic solid is one in which atoms of an element are bonded to other atoms of the same atom type. Examples Examples of atomic solids include pure metals, silicon crystals, and diamond. Atomic solids in which the atoms are covalently bonded to each other are network solids.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Ethics And Organizational Communications - 1448 Words
The study of Ethics and organizational communications has been an ongoing subject. It has been introduced as a way to be a more effective communicator, especially pertaining to an organization. It is a practical way to improve morale between an employer to his employee as well as a client to an organization. Resolution of ethical behaviors and practices are essential to any organization. The following study of Ethics and organizational communications has been studied and explored by other scholars and organizations to further understand how important it is to have healthy relationships with others in order to run a great organization. This study will show the impact on being ethical within any organization no matter what type of†¦show more content†¦Lay and his other executives were able to hide billions of dollars in debt from failed deals and projects by the use of some accounting techniques. Shareholders who obviously had stock in the company lost $11 billion dollars b y 2001. The company employees and shareholders lost billions in pensions and stock prices all because of poor ethical behavior. Now you see how important it is to maintain ethical behavior. I have read several case studies and I have even surveyed individuals to get their ideas on ethics and moral behavior is there a difference? It is hard to insist to people that they should remain ethical if they do not understand what ethical behavior and practices are. I have researched extensively what drives our ethical behaviors to better understand this topic and how this may be useful to any organization. According to Alan Zaremba, â€Å"researchers in the field of organizational communication have discussed the merit of honesty, credibility, and openness as imperatives for effective organizational communication. The chapter examined ethics as it pertains to communication within the organization.†(Zaremba) Ethics and Organizational Communications Purpose of Study This study will explore ethics as a whole pertaining to individuals who work for a corporation as well as the managers or executives who run and operate the company. Moreover, this study will also explore how your own ethical behavior in your personal life can affect you in your
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
New Eye Tracking Techniques Improve Realism Of Air Essay Example For Students
New Eye Tracking Techniques Improve Realism Of Air Essay craft SimulatorsA simulated flight environment for pilot training may soon be made more realistic through the use of eye-tracking technology developed by researchers at the University of Torontos Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IMBE). Many safety and cost benefits are obtained by training aircraft pilots under simulated conditions, but to be effective the simulation must be convicingly realistic. At present, th e training facilities use large domes and gimballed projectors, or an array of video screens, to display computer-generated images. But these installations are very expensive and image resolution is low. Further, it would take an enormous amount of addi to improve image quality significantly throughout the whole viewed scene. However, based on the visual properties of the eye, realism can be obtained by providing a high-resolution area of interest insert within a large, low-resolution field of view. If the image-generating computer knows where the pilots fixation is, it mage there. The technology to make this possible was developed by a research team headed by Professor Richard Frecker and Professor Moshe Eizenman. The work was carried out in collaboration with CAE Electronics Ltd. of Montreal with financial support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Their eye-tracker can record and analyze accurately up to 500 eye positions per second. The system works by means of capturing and processing the reflections of a low-level beam o f invisible infra-red light shone onto the eye. Multi-element arrays capture the image of the eye and digitize the information, which is then processed in real time by a fast, dedicated signal processing unit. The difference in position between the ligh tre of the pupil reveals the instantaneous direction of gaze. Developments by the IBME team have significantly increased the speed of signal processing in addition to enhancing accuracy of eye position estimates. Eizenman believes that these improvements make our eye-tracker very effective in monitoring the large G-force environment where the pilot tends to make larger eye movements because of contraints which exist on movements of his head. In a new generation of aircraft simulators, under development by CAE Electronics Ltd. of Montreal, a head tracker which tells the direction of the pilots head is mounted on top of the helmet. The eye tracker is mounted on the front of the helmet, and is ll exactly where the pilots eye is fixating. Frecker said that successful integration of our eye tracker into the novel helmet-mounted CAE flight simulator would result in a new generation of simulators that would likely replace the current large domes and cumbersome video display units.Initial tests of the integrated system will be carried out in collaboration with CAE Electronics at Williams Air Force Base in Arizona later this year.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Rap detrimetal to our youth free essay sample
Detrimental To Our Youth Money, cash, money, cash, chicks/Sex, murder and mayhem- romance for the street/Only wife of mines is a life of the law, keep dealing! I led a life you can write a book on/Sex, murder and mayhem, romance for the street/Man, and I tell yea, itll be the best seller. (Jay Z, Money, Cash, H**s) From rapping about the ills of society and the Injustice and Inequality of the cays to the lyrics of Jay Z, rap has taken a turn for the worst. Although rap music is a form of expression, its destructive, violent, demeaning, and sexual lyrical content has influenced our youth today.Weapons, drugs, gang affiliation, murder, and incarceration are some of the topics rappers discuss and promote In their lyrics. These artists glorify a life of crime. Some will argue that rap music doesnt promote violence; it reveals their life experience that is derived from their reality, which also happens to be the reality of many of its listeners. We will write a custom essay sample on Rap detrimetal to our youth or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Most children between the ages of 2 and 18 spend upwards of seven hours a day Ingesting some sort of media. We know that with any type of repeated media exposure, desensitizing can occur that makes these Images seem normal, says Susan Buttress, MD.APP, chief of child development and behavioral pediatric at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. When children/young adults hear repeated messages that emphasize violence as a way to solve problems they are more willing to apply It to their lives. There are many people who will argue that rap music doesnt have an influence on anyones mind at all. They dispute the fact that the messages we send to brain can actually influence our thought process and actions. This is not saying people are not responsible for the crimes they commit, but re more likely to engage in such crimes when repeatedly fed to their brains. When man first comes Into contact with crime they abhor It. If they remain In contact with crime from time to time, they become accustomed to it, and endure it. If they remain in contact with crime long enough they finally embrace it and become influenced by It. This Is the equivalent of saying that any Impulse of thought, which Is repeatedly passed on to the subconscious mind, Is finally accepted and acted upon by the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind makes no distinction between instructive and destructive thought impulses. (Hill, N. ).Sebastian Loosely, a Hip Hop historian, freelance writer, consultant, and award-winning educator, has used Hip Hop to empower youth for 15 years. He states, Vive seen first-hand how mainstream rap impacts young impressionable minds. Having also worked with incarcerated youth, Vive seen how rap that glorifies irresponsible and criminal behavior has become the soundtrack to their daily lives. He observed the overwhelming majority of incarcerated youth say they listen to gangs SSH*t to ump them up to get high or commit a crime, much in the same way that slow and bass heavy instrumentals inspire them to do negative things.They say something in the beat has an effect on them. The youths of today idealize many rappers. They become drawn to the money, mansions, cars, Jewelry, and designer fashion from the Internet and television shows, biographies on El. T. L. And Tiny: The Family Hustle, and 1 OFF asked about his nickname rubber band man. Well, it originated from my years in the drug game.. . Lineally, it signified how much money I anticipated handling wrought that day, and if I needed to wrap a lot more money up, I would wear more rubber bands. (Stern, M. 2011) He was asked how much money did one rubber band equal and why get into the drug game. T. L. Replied, About $1,000, depending on the type of deals you were handling. .. That was the game that yielded the most profit, and it was right outside my door. It was the easiest to get into. (Stern, M. , 2011) From drug dealing to drug using, another rapper and convicted felon, Snoop Dog, was seen on the internet smoking marijuana with his son. Imitation is the sincerest form f flattery, so goes the saying. But are these the kind of people we want todays kids imitating?Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine studied 279 most popular songs to distinguish which genre of music contained a reference to drug or alcohol. Of those, 9% for pop, 14% for rock, 20% for RB, 36% for country, and 77% for rap. The average adolescent listening to pop would be exposed to 5 references per day, whereas one who listens to rap would be exposed to 251 references per day. Rap music has a misogynist attitude manifested with derogatory aiming, sexual objectification, distrust of women, celebration of prostitution, and statements involving violent actions. And if you got a daughter older than 15 Im goanna rape her, take her on the living room floor right there in front of you Say you goanna kill me, but Im goanna kill you. (DMS, Its Dark and Hell is Hot) Such lyrics, pertaining to assault, rape, and murder, are found in 22% of 490 rap songs from 1987-1993. Sixty seven percent of those 490 songs contained lyrics of sexual objectification. (Armstrong, 2001) Calling women b**** and h*** is not only circumspectly but gives young boys the wrong impression of the opposite sex. During Ulysses work with male incarcerated teens, he noticed that the majority of boys say that girls cannot be trusted and that they learn how to treat to girls from the lyrics of their favorite rappers. These lyrics have also promoted early teen sex. Stephen Martina, a lead researcher for Rand Corp.. In Pittsburgh, said, Exposure to lots of sexually degrading music gives them a specific message about sex. Boys learn they should be relentless in pursuit of women, and girls learn to view themselves as sex objects.With that, 51% of teens who said they listen to music with degrading sexual messages were engaging in sexual intercourse and sexual activities within 2 years vs. . 29% who listened to little or none. Mainstream raps impact on youth cannot be ignored and has most definitely contributed to our troubled society. Rap music is not the only culprit; Internet, media, gangs, and poverty, amongst other things play a role in influencing teens. Since these artists have a right to freedom of speech and are unwilling to change the content of their lyrics, we must be advocates to find effective ways to reach our youth.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Hell Bound Essay Research Paper There once free essay sample
Hell Bound Essay, Research Paper There one time was a adult male with a batch of problem that followed him. It all started when he went angling that one Friday afternoon. He was out in his boat and all of a sudden his fishing rod flew out of his custodies. He grunted to himself and jumped in to travel after he rod. All of the sudden this elephantine animal of a fish flew out of the H2O and tipped his boat over. After H got his boat flipped over, his jumped back in and rowed to shore. He was highly angry because he got all moistures. While he dragged his boat back to shore, he tripped, fell, and landed on his caput. Thingss could non acquire any worse for Barney. When he eventually got place, he got in the shower, got dressed, and called some friends to travel to Hooters. We will write a custom essay sample on Hell Bound Essay Research Paper There once or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When he came home, he didn t even say hi to his married woman or child. He gave his best friend Joe a call to see if he was up for a dark at Hooters. Joe was up for it so the darted to Hooters. As they sat at Hooters, Barney thought to himself, Geese, I truly necessitate to acquire a life! That was a really true. All he of all time did these yearss was work portion clip, fish, and drink. He was fring touch with his child and his married woman. Subsequently that dark when he stumbled in, he went directly to bed. When he woke up, his married woman and his child were packing. He asked them, Where are you cats traveling? I have had sufficiency of your dirt, I m out of here, said his married woman. He was so hung over, all he cared approximately was the baseball game and Tylenol. He grabbed a beer, the remote, and wasted the twenty-four hours off. As I m certain you could state by now, his is a shame to society. He didn T merely wake up one twenty-four hours though moving like that. It all started when his was small. His female parent and male parent used to manus him upside down. The gimmick was that he had to make it for yearss on terminal and that messed with his encephalon a small spot. When he got older, he got crush up in high school because he looked unusual. After a childhood like that, you can sort of see why H is the manner he is. Subsequently that flushing, one of his friends called. Hey Barney , wan na travel acquire some brewskies? Certain Phil, lem me acquire dressed and I ll run into you at Bob s Tavern. As Barney got showered, he got a amusing feeling, but he ignored it. He got in his auto and took off for Bob s. As he was on his manner, he wondered why he had that feeling. He couldn t figure it out so he ignored it. He rolled up to Bob s, walked in, greeted Phil, and sat down at the saloon. As he started imbibing, he started to acquire that eldritch feeling in his tummy like something was incorrect. He told Phil he had to travel because something wasn T right. On the main road headed place, something strange was traveling on. He noticed that no 1, I mean no 1, was on the route. By that clip, the storm was kicking in. The trees were rocking and the air current was ululating. But when the lightning flickered, it wasn t normal white, it was blood ruddy. From the visible radiation the lightning produced, the sky was a huge, blood ruddy swirling funnel. On his right he saw a gas station with a bull pulled in. He took a right, parked, and went indoors. When he walked in, it looked like a hardhearted slaughter. Everyone s eyes were bulged out and their limbs were scattered and there was blood all over the walls. Barney got in his auto and squealed off. What in the heck was that, he said to himself. All of the sudden, the main road came to an terminal. He got out and when he looked up out came a gigantic animal. On his caput where the Numberss 666. Barney thought it for certain over with. When the animal opened its oral cavity, you could smell the malodor of a decomposition infinity. Right as the animal slammed his monstrous jaws down, Barney woke up with his face on the saloon tabular array. Barney had so much to imbibe that he passed out. After barney woke up the Sunday forenoon, he instantly checked himself into rehab. He realized that the imbibing and the deficiency of duty have gone excessively far. It ruined his relationship between his married woman and child, and he besides lost the regard from merely about everyone else. Anyways, after Barney completed rehab, he got back together with his household and H is now happily sober.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
1984 Themes, Symbols, and Literary Devices
'1984' Themes, Symbols, and Literary Devices Written at a time when dictatorships and totalitarian regimes were establishing a hold over much of the world despite the defeat of Hitler’s Nazis in World War II, in 1984 Orwell described what he saw as the inevitable outcome of any political movement that embraced authoritarianism and the cult of personality. Orwell was extremely frightened of political power being concentrated in a small number of individuals, correctly seeing it as a pathway to the loss of personal freedoms, and foresaw the technology that would make the erasure of those freedoms a simple task. Totalitarianism The most obvious and powerful theme of the novel is, of course, totalitarianism itself. A totalitarian state is one where there is only one political force legally permitted- all opposition to the state’s policies and actions is illegal, usually categorized as treason and met with violent retribution. This naturally stifles freedom of expression and makes change within the system impossible. In democratic societies, opposition groups can form political parties, express their ideas freely, and force the state to address concerns or be replaced. In a totalitarian society, this is impossible. Orwell’s Oceania goes further than even most existing totalitarian states. Where real-world authoritarian leaders seek to restrict information and control their populations in terms of their physical movements and spoken or written communication, Orwell’s government of the future seeks to inhibit thought itself and alter information at the source. Newspeak is a language invented by the state specifically to make independent thought literally impossible, and even Winston’s physical surroundings are designed to inhibit his freedoms, like the way his small apartment is dominated by the enormous two-way television screen, crowding him into a corner he incorrectly believes offers him some degree of privacy. That illusion is crucial to Orwell’s theme, as he strives to demonstrate that in a truly totalitarian society all freedom is in fact an illusion. Winston believes he finds ways to resist and meaningfully fight back against repression, all of which turn out to be gambits controlled by the state. Orwell argues that people who imagine they would heroically resist such a repressive regime are kidding themselves. Control of Information A crucial aspect of Oceania’s control over the citizenry is its manipulation of information. Workers at the Ministry of Truth actively adjust newspapers and books on a daily basis to match the ever-changing version of history that suits the purposes of the state. Without any kind of reliable source of facts, Winston and anyone who, like him, is dissatisfied or concerned about the state of the world, has only their vague feelings on which to base their resistance. More than simply a reference to Joseph Stalin’s practice of literally airbrushing people out of historical records, this is a chilling demonstration of how a lack of information and accurate data renders people powerless. Winston daydreams of a past that never actually existed and sees it as the goal of his rebellion, but since he lacks any real information, his rebellion is meaningless. Consider how he is tricked into overtly betraying the state by O’Brien. All the information Winston has about the Brotherhood and Emmanuel Goldstein is fed to him by the state itself. He has no idea if any of it is true- if the Brotherhood even exists, if there is even a man named Emmanuel Goldstein. Destruction of the Self Winston’s torture at the end of the novel is not simply punishment for his Thoughtcrimes and incompetent attempts to rebel; the purpose of the torture is to eradicate his sense of self. This is the ultimate goal of totalitarian regimes according to Orwell: A complete subservience to the goals, needs, and ideas of the state. The torture Winston undergoes is designed to destroy his individuality. In fact, every aspect of life in Oceania is designed to achieve this goal. Newspeak is designed to prevent negative thoughts or any thought that is not approved or generated by the state. The Two-Minutes Hate and the presence of Big Brother posters promote a sense of homogeneous community, and the presence of Thought Police- especially the children, who have been raised in the poisoned environment of the totalitarian state and who function as credulous and uncritical servants of its philosophy- prevents any sort of trust or true kinship. In fact, the Thought Police do not have to actually exist to achieve this goal. Simply the belief that they do is sufficient to inhibit any individual expression, with the ultimate result that the self is subsumed into Groupthink. Symbols Big Brother. The most powerful and recognizable symbol from the book- recognized even by people who have not read it- is the looming image of Big Brother on posters everywhere. The posters obviously symbolize the power and omniscience of the party, but they are only ominous to those who retain any kind of individual thought. For those fully assimilated into the party line, Big Brother is not an ironic term- he is seen as a protector, a kindly older sibling keeping them from harm, whether it be the threat of outside forces, or the threat of unmutual thoughts. Proles. Winston is obsessed with the lives of the proles, and fetishizes the red-armed prole woman as his main hope for the future, because she represents the potentially overwhelming power of numbers as well as a mother who will bear future generations of free children. It is notable that Winston’s best hope for the future takes the responsibility from his hands- he is not the one counted on to deliver this ill-defined future, it is up to the proles to rise up. And if they do not, the implication is that it is because they are dull and lazy. Telescreens. Another obvious symbol are the wall-sized televisions in every private space. This literal intrusion by the state is not a commentary on modern television, which did not exist in any meaningful way in 1948, but rather a symbol of the destructive and repressive power of technology. Orwell distrusted technology, and saw it as a grave danger to freedom. Literary Devices Limited Point of View. Orwell chooses to restrict our access to information by tying the narrative solely to Winston’s point of view. This is done specifically to keep the reader reliant on the information they are given, just as Winston is. This underscores the betrayal and shock that both feel when, for example, the Brotherhood is revealed to be fictional. Plain Language. 1984 is written in a very plain style, with few flourishes or unnecessary words. While many students take this to mean Orwell was a humorless man, or who simply lacked the ability to write in an exciting way, the fact is the opposite: Orwell had such control over his art he was able to match his writing style precisely to the mood and setting. The novel is written in a sparse, grim style that perfectly matches and evokes the grim, unhappy, and hopeless setting. The reader experiences the same dull, plodding sense of mere existence that Winston does.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Concept of Ethnocentrism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Concept of Ethnocentrism - Essay Example Several nations and their cultures have placed themselves at the top of an imagined hierarchy of cultures and nations and therefore they have assigned other cultures lower ranks than theirs. This has led to the incorporation of the belief that one nation, its culture is superior, and that it will always be ahead of the rest hence making people believe this form of deception naturally. This form of belief has resulted in a few nations becoming the center of admirations making all other nations to strive to emulate the nations at the center in order to move higher in the imaginary rank. For example, the United States of America has always thought of itself as more powerful, more economically positioned, and as generally better in all spheres than other nations. This has been evidenced by the country's dabbling in the matters of other nations without much regard to the right formality that should be followed. A good illustration of this dabbling in the country's current involvement in a ffairs of Middle East, which is mainly castigated by the perceived belief that it is a superpower. This has led to the country spending a lot on affairs of other countries, which are not necessarily in its control, rather than focusing on funding development in needy developing countries. Cultural ethnocentrism continues to prevail in the majority of the African communities where the communities believe that these cultures are better than the rest and they in, particular, tend to be unreceptive to the western culture. They normally feel that their cultural order is threatened by the arrival of new groups and they thus strive to resist what they term as invaders in their communities. This evidenced by the disagreements in cultural markers of identity such as clothing and other visible elements which the people try by all means possible to uphold them despite the foreign influence.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Reluctant Workers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Reluctant Workers - Essay Example Aston is then forced to schedule morning meetings. Secondly, Aston seems not to come up with a method to make sure his employees to communicate with him (Morris, 2012). At most times, the employees presume that they are conversant with everything and are not interested in the job at all. This may also recount to the fact that a great proportion of them are aged, and are not weary of the fact that Aston will be their boss for the longest time ever (Morris, 2012). Thirdly, the employees have no interest in their job. Morris (2012) give an example of when Aston had scheduled a test, and the customer’s top management had planned flying out for 1st hand observations, but two people had already made arrangements for their vacation, another had planned to go out fishing, and another had planned to spend time with the orphans (Morris, 2012). This is to mean that the employees were more interested with what ensued outside the office premises as contrasted to their work. Aston complains that none of the employees planned for the test, all because of social responsibilities and other interests (Morris, 2012). As the project manager, Aston has shown tremendous interest and passion to his job. Were it not the uncooperative team members, Aston would by now be the best driver for his project. In relation to the core skills mentioned above, Aston is clearly motivated in his job, and is willing to do anything to see to it that the employees work closely with him son as attain the goals of the project. He complains that he has never seen such non-commitment by employees like he does, explaining why he consults Phil Davies, the project director (Morris, 2012). In terms of communication, Aston is fast to communicate with his senior in relation to the project issues. As drawn by Morris (2012), the entire project entails a detailed discussion between Aston and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Shewin Memorandum 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Shewin Memorandum 1 - Essay Example . Blabber newspaper has only 3 women on upper level of management. . She has worked in the company for a period of 6 years without promotion yet Whiz who is only 26 years of age and with inadequate experience has been offered the post Shewin applied A 26-year-old new recruit by the name of whiz was considered for position she also applied . Senior employees in the company have been heard speculating on when she will retire. . The company only has five African American employees. . Question of Locusstandiis requisite in bringing this cause of since the level and type of engagement between Miss Shewin and the company must be ascertained to enable the court to hear her case. . Remedies available for Miss Shewin in an event of success of his case Sexual Harassment Crude sexual behaviors Ill language against pregnant women Miss Shewin’s interview at the restaurant did not dwell on professional issues but were majored on social questions . Male employees in the company discuss socia l issues including sexual experiences with their girlfriends over the weekend, which is not checked by the company managers despite protest by Miss Shewin. This case instance presents a critical analysis of rights of employees in a work premise as accorded by law. It details a brief operation of the America legal system to facilitate a proper understanding on how to tackle this legal issue. The American labor and employment laws are sourced from a variety of legal sources, including, constitutional law, statutory law being rules extracted from statutes, administrative regulations, and common law, which includes unwritten customs, principles and rules and case law (Hart 56). These sources are available on different levels, including: - federal and state constitutions, federal and state statutes and administrative regulations by both federal and state agencies, case law by both federal and state courts. In other circumstances however, these laws can be extracted from municipal laws as well. This therefore presents job places with often challenging circumstances of legal requirements and obligations that do not always align (Patterson 98). In case of a conflict or inconsistency between federal and state law, then the law that establishes stricter standard supersedes that whose penalty is less strict. In case of a conflict that cannot be resolved by application of the stricter standard, then the federal law preempts the state law (SS). Miss Shewin case elicits several issues under laws of employment including, discrimination on gender basis, race, sexual harassment of workers as an affirmative action and the extent which the law protects employees in a working place. It is significant to commence this discussion by establishing if Miss Shewin has sufficient locus standi to bring legal complaint against the Blabber newspaper. Locus standi is the legal right to bring an action, to be heard in court, or to address the court on a matter before it. It is the ability of a party to demonstrate to the court sufficient connection to and harm from the action challenged to support that party’s participation in the case. Locus standi in this case can be traced from the legal relationship that existed between Miss Shewinand the Blabber Newspaper. It must be traced if there was a legal contract between the two parties and if the same stipulated
Friday, November 15, 2019
Political System Of Vietnam
Political System Of Vietnam In every class society, the power of the ruling can be carried out by a system of institutions and certain political organizations. It is the political system. By political system we mean the system of government in a nation (Hill, 2007). The political system in our country is a tool made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹ownership of the working people under the leadership of the Party. The political system in our country today, including: Communist Party of Vietnam, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the socio-political organization. The politics of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a law-governed state. The President of Vietnam is the head of state and the Prime Minister of Vietnam is the head of government, in a one-party system led by the Communist Party of Vietnam. The CPV was founded on February 3, 1930. Over 75 years of its existence, the Party has been renamed several times: the Vietnam Communist Party (February 1930), the Communist Party of Indochina (October 193 0), the Vietnam Workers Party (February 1951), and the Communist Party of Vietnam (December 1976). The current political system in Vietnam included these components of political power: Communist Party of Vietnam, People in the political system, State Socialist Republic of Vietnam, National Assembly, President, Government, Peoples courts, Peoples Procuracy, Socio-political organizations and mass. Each component of power has the own function in the political system. In terms of Communist Party of Vietnam, it is the faithful representative of the interests of the working class, the working people and of the nation. Regarding to People in the Political system, they make their power mainly through the State; management of society by the State law under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam. On the subject of State Socialist Republic of Vietnam, it is a central organization and is a pillar of the political system. It takes the responsibility for managing all activities of socia l life and performs the function of internal and external. In relation to National Assembly, it is the highest representative body of the people, the highest state power bodies of Vietnam. As regard to the President, he is considered as the head of state and is elected by the National Assembly from the National Assembly to act on behalf of Vietnam in terms of internal and external. Concerning to Government, it is the highest state administrative agencies of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The role of Government is managing the implementation of the tasks of political, economic, cultural, social, defense, security and foreign policy of the State. Last but not least, the Socio-political organizations and mass is the organization representing the interests of different social communities to participate in the political system according to the principles, purposes and characteristics of each group officials. A legislature is a kind of deliberative assembly with the power to pass, amend, and repeal laws. This is one of the three main parts of the political system in Vietnam. Legislature have many different names, most commonly Institution and the National Assembly (parliament). In Vietnam, Legislature is considered to have the equivalent power and to be independent of law with the executive. Legislative power is the power to make laws, legislation and enacted laws are applied in all fields of social life. According to the Constitution, in addition to through the law, the Legislature has the right to raise taxes through the budget and other expenditures. The delegates of the Constitutional Convention argued that if the two separate groups one group representing the federal government, a group representing the people must approve any draft law, it is almost not also the risk of the National Assembly passed the law in a hurry or carelessness. However, there are some specific prohibitions f rom Constitution to the activities of the National Assembly. For example, Congress is not allowed to put any tax on exported good from any states, to suspend command demanding arrests. At the side of Executive, it is one of three main rights in the State power structure. Executive power is exercised by the State administrative agencies executed to ensure completion of their functions and duties. Executive power consists of two rights: the right to establish rules and administrative rights. Despite being a one-party state, Vietnams political system has often been responsive to peasants, workers and others pushing for better economic, social and political conditions. Although Communist Party of Vietnam has acquired many success in the these nearly years, it is not sure that Vietnamese Communist Party and its government are now responding appropriately to mounting demands to further improve a majority of peoples lives. To improve the political outcome of the country, not only the Government but also all the components of power should be reconsidered about the role and the functions. Are authorities listening attentively to these and other public political criticisms; are they responding sympathetically and responsibly? Some are, but national surveys and other sources of information indicate that a larger proportion of authorities are not. There is still hope that the Vietnamese Communist Party government will again become more responsive and less repressive, although the outlook is less optimistic now than it has been in the past. To meet the requirements of the new stage of development, it requires the entire of the political system in our country must be integrity. The basis of our political system of our country is the working class. That means the organization of the political system both take stand on the view of the working class. As the result, the tasks, functions, orientations of the political system are to ensure ownership and benefit of the working class. In the socio-political system today, notable new features compared to the structure of the political system as it is the presence of large social institutions of the people, especially the association in the field of economic and social organizations, professional associations, business and social services Although not directly implement political tasks of the Party and the State, but in terms of socialist democracy, to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the members, these o rganizations have a growing impact to major political and economic life of the country. Therefore, the legal and political mechanisms to operate the link between the political system and social system as stated also been identified as a basic element in the structure of the Vietnamese socio-political system today. Introduction Socio-political system of Vietnam is a system of political institutions, the socio-political and other social institutions, including the Party, the State, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, mass andsocio-political organizations, social organizations large people; mechanism of operation of the institutions under the leadership of the communist Party of Vietnam for the purpose of a prosperous people, a strong country, social justice,democratic and civilized. The concept of socio-political system like that is formed on the basis of the link between the two systems of social institutions of the political system (the system of grassroots direct exercise of power politics) and System society. In terms of building institutional practices and ensure peoples power in our country today, the binding of these two systems into a larger system is the socio-political significance and should be deeply research focus in both theory and practice. Conclusion In conclusion, in the socio-political system today, the social organizations play a more positive role than a centrally planned economy. The social organization is not a channel independent of the political system that increasingly strong participation, a great impact on the performance of the political system. Therefore, the role of the political system is to ensure consistency of the will, aspirations and power of the people and to ensure human social systems and the diversity of social life.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Factors that affected the health and the well being of people during the 19th and 20th Century’s
Poor people lived in Small houses in cramped streets. These homes would share toilet facilities, have open sewers and would be susceptible to damp. Overcrowding was also a major issue. The population of Britain virtually doubled between 1801 and 1851 to about 18,000,000 largely as a result of an increased birth-rate and a lowered mortality rate. This rapid growth meant that there were far fewer dwellings than the numbered needed. A report from the London statistical society states that in 1847 a street in St Giles where, in 1841, 27 houses with an average of 5 rooms had 655 occupants, by 1847 the same houses contained 1,095 people. Such dwellings lacked light and space and had no fresh water or any other means of refuse disposal. The houses were likely to be adjacent to open sewers and piles or rotting animals and vegetable waste. (Referenced from The health of adult Britain, 1841-1994) All these factors contributed to the poor health and death rate of the people living in the 1800's. As a result many people died due to the diseases which came about during this time, the over crowding issue became a breeding ground for any disease and it spread like wildfire within a house or even a street and would quickly over come the people. These conditions were very unsuitable and resulted in a high death rate, combined with the poor sanitation and poor waste disposal living in these times was extremely horrific. I cannot see many, if any positive factors about these living conditions; it was horrid and very hard to live like this. Many people died due to the lack of hygiene and sanitation. Perhaps one positive was that no one was ever lonely but saying that, you never got time to yourself either. Read also Six Dimensions of Health Worksheet HEALTH The main issues affecting this area were disease. Such diseases were * Smallpox * Cholera * Influenza * Typhus * Typhoid * Tuberculosis Disease affected everyone, regardless of class or background. As there were no immunisations available in this time, many millions of people died, worldwide. Smallpox was one of the the worst, killing between 300-500 million people during the 20th Century. Cholera was also extremely common and was caused by drinking unclean water and eating undercooked fish. Due to such poor sanitation this disease spread rapidly, drinking contaminated water, which people had no choice about and also it was carried in faeces, which in the 18th Century was literally just thrown onto the streets and joined the drinking water that people used. Typhoid was another illness spread in the same way. As the NHS didn't come in until 1950 so many people suffered from these diseases and it killed so many. The living conditions that people lived in during this time period, contributed almost entirely to the wild spread of disease. The poor sanitation as well as the over crowdedness of the homes was just what was needed for the disease to spread. It was a horrible time to live in. Luckily though it did start to improve between 1990-1950, this was due to the new laws that were introduced. HEALTH PROVISION Pre 1800's there really wasn't any health provisions in place at all, yes there was hospital and such like but nurses weren't trained and the conditions of these hospitals very unhealthy. When health provisions did come, it was a very positive thing, it introduced the need for nurse and doctor training and also it is when anaesthetics and vaccines were introduced. Nitrous oxide was often used as an anaesthetic but the effects often wore of before the surgery was complete. In 1847 Chloroform was eventually used instead which keep patients asleep longer. Doctors also used unclean, un-sterile equipment and many people died from blood poisoning. Vaccines were introduced and the first one was the Small pox vaccine, discovered by Edward Jenner in 1789, it was to be nearly another 100 years before another vaccine was found. – 1798 smallpox vaccination introduced – 1880 Cholera vaccination introduced – 1881 Anthrax vaccination introduced – 1885 Rabies vaccination introduced – 1896 Typhoid vaccination introduced – 1906 Tuberculosis vaccination introduced – 1913 Diphtheria vaccination introduced – 1927 Tetanus vaccination introduced – 1952 Whooping cough vaccination introduced – 1954 Polio vaccination introduced – 1964 Measles vaccination introduced During this period Stethoscopes were also invented. Rene Theophile Hyacithe Laennec, a pupil from Paris invented the stethoscope ion 1816. To start with the stethoscope was a simple wooden cylinder, about 9 inches long with a single earpiece. In 1895 a man called Willhelm Rontgen discovered the X-ray. This gave doctors expertise in locating broken bones and treating them and also giving clinical and pathological descriptions of a range of pulmonary ailments like Bronchitis, pneumonia and TB. The advances in medicine during this time was life saving. It gave people vaccines to try to rid them and the country of horrible disease. Both animals and people could now live longer and healthier lives as a result of these vaccines and medical advances. WORK Children were sent out to work from a young age. They were made to work to help support their families. Many earned just pennies by becoming chimney sweeps or working on the streets running errands. The industrial revolution resulted in many children being employed in large factories and were often responsible for operating dangerous machinery. Children's health suffered due to this as soot from the chimneys gave them chest complaints and many children became seriously injured as a result of operating such dangerous machines. Many other children worked as servants in the homes of the rich, in the 1850's one in nine of all female children over the age of 10, worked in domestic service. (Referenced from Women's roles In the early 1800's, a married woman had one task; to stay home all day and keep the home for her husband. If she was a mother, she would be solely responsible for the children's raising and wellness. They were also responsible for cooking and cleaning. Other women worked as servants or slaves helping out another wife with her household duties, or sometimes acting as a substitute if there was no wife. Many women also took on mens jobs, such as blacksmiths, barbers and printers and once women were employed in factories, this was a main role. The factory employer hired women and children as they were cheaper to employ. Women were working more so spending a lot more time away from the family home. SOCIAL POLICY Social policy consisted of many laws that came into effect during this time. These included:- 1802 – Factory act was passed, 1842 – Coal mine act. No girls, women or boys under the age of 10 were to go underground. 1848 – First public health act. 1975 act updated. 1870 – Education act. 2000 districts to have schools and the school board is born. 1871 – Local government established. 1875 – Artisan dwelling improvements bill. This gave local authorities power to pull down slums and erect good houses. The poor law was the system for the provision of social security from the 16th century up until the establishment of the Welfare State in the 20th Century. The original Poor law act of 1601 stated that * to board out (making a payment to families wiling to except them) those young children who were orphaned or whose parents could not maintain them * to provide materials to ‘set the poor on work' * to offer relief to people who were unable to work – mainly those who were lame, old, blind and impotent * ‘the putting out of children to be apprentices' (referenced from The education act was another great act, it meant that children now had to go to school and could not be forced into work. This was a good law but it also made the poorer families poorer as the children were not bringing in a wage each week. All the above laws were positive. They brought major changes for families and also ensured that people had money and children had education. The factory act was the most beneficial to children. It was reviewed and changes were made 4 times. The original act said that children could not work more than 12 hours a day and then this was reviewed and in 1844 the hours of work for children was not to exceed 6 1/2 hours a day. Children under the age of nine were also not allowed to work and by 1844 certificates of age had to be given for children. Children benefited greatly from these acts, education at last for them was greatly beneficial, although this kept them from working and bringing in an income. The public health act was essential to combat illness and when this was passed it meant the end to dirty water in the middle of streets, drains and sewers were now inplace. Generally the whole of the era was a sad time. Not many positive outcomes could be had but some got through. The introduction of vaccines and general laws benefited these people greatly and indeed stopped the mass spread of disease and infections. The new laws that came into place saved many children lives by restricting working hours and sending them to school. All the above named factors had a massive part in the state of the health in the 1800's. It was a horrible time to live in but was made easier by the many rules and changes that came into place.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Essay
Many people believe that â€Å"A healthy body makes a healthy mind†. I hesitate on the word â€Å"make† Assuming a healthy mind means something like integrity, happiness and optimistic attitude, I believe that people who have a healthy body usually also have a healthy mind, but a healthy body is not necessarily for a healthy mind. The players in professional sports leagues are probably the most physically healthy people in the world; however it’s not uncommon to hear news of their troubles, such as crimes or family violences. A healthy body shares some common causes with a healthy mind. The process of pursuing a healthy body requires good discipline. It’s easy to exercise for one day, but one must endeavor to keep exercising to stay in a physically healthy condition. Long distance running is a well known way of having a healthy body. To prepare to run a full marathon, one has to repeat many moderate or long distance running practices. It’s such a painful process that one likely to give up if he/she doesn’t have strong will power. If a person has such will power, it’s no surprise that this person can be successful at other things. A person achieves many life goals is likely to have a healthy mind. A healthy body can be a factor of a healthy mind: physically healthy people usually have more energy to work on things they care about, therefore have a better chance to enjoy their lives. In contrast, physically unhealthy people may be disturbed by their health issues. Their concerns can distract them from doing things that would make them happy. A scientific study also tried to discover the secret relation between exercise and the mind. Scientists found a chemical substance called endorphins [1], which can be reproduced by human body during exercise, excitement, spicy food tasting, etc. It can interact with some other substances in the human body to generate a feeling of well-being. A well-known effect of endorphins is â€Å"runners high,†which is said to occur when people exercise so strenuously that their bodies reach the threshold of endorphin release. Scientists are still not sure of the amount of endorphins the human body can generate or how much it impacts a human’s mind. But at least most of the running enthusiasts I know are all very nice people. The ex-Google VP, the founder of Google China, a role model of many Chinese young students and entrepreneurs, Kaifu Lee, was recently diagnosed with cancer. He said he should have spent less time on work and more time on doing things that would have kept him healthy, especially sufficient sleep and exercise. This tells us that at the end of the day, fame and wealthy will not make people happy if they don’t have a healthy body. We should get away from the chair and the computer some time everyday to exercise. It might not make us better people, but it’ll make us lead longer and happier life.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Literary Techniques In “We Real Cool“
emphasizes the feeling of unity among them. For example, when â€Å"Left school. We†(2) is read, the word â€Å"we†stands out, and the pool players’ togetherness is understood. When the last line â€Å"Die soon†stands alone, the reader senses that each pool player is alone once he or she dies. Because of Gwendolyn’s use of these literary techniques, readers understand the theme of her poem: Even though following the carefree crowd appears seems to be the right path, it usually ends in a meaningless and lonely life.... Free Essays on Literary Techniques In â€Å"We Real Coolâ€Å" Free Essays on Literary Techniques In â€Å"We Real Coolâ€Å" Literary Techniques in â€Å"We Real Cool†Gwendolyn Brooks uses literary techniques such as dialect, ironic point of view, and syntax to accentuate the theme and persona in â€Å"We Real Cool.†The speaker, or persona, in â€Å"We Real Cool†has a black dialect. This dialect is used to characterize the group of pool players at the Golden Shovel. In the phrase â€Å"We real cool,†(1) the verb is omitted, which accentuates the pool players’ lack of education. The pool players’ view of themselves and their actions differs from that of Gwendolyn Brooks. This ironic point of view is used to convey that although the pool players believe they are living it up, their lives are actually going nowhere. If Gwendolyn Brooks felt the same way as they do, their lives would appear more glorious to the reader. In the poem, syntax is used to further depict the attitude of the pool players. The abnormal ordering of the words emphasizes the feeling of unity among them. For example, when â€Å"Left school. We†(2) is read, the word â€Å"we†stands out, and the pool players’ togetherness is understood. When the last line â€Å"Die soon†stands alone, the reader senses that each pool player is alone once he or she dies. Because of Gwendolyn’s use of these literary techniques, readers understand the theme of her poem: Even though following the carefree crowd appears seems to be the right path, it usually ends in a meaningless and lonely life....
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Renaissance Artists Characteristics essays
Renaissance Artists Characteristics essays The early renaissance artists characteristics in their art were very prominent. One of the characteristics shown was a great reference to the classical art of the ancient Greeks and Romans. You can see this in Paintings by Masaccio, Fra Angelico, Francesca Fra Lippi, Mantegna and Botticelli. Some of the other characteristics can be seen in some of the art works are: In the Tribute Money by Masaccio the classical influence. You can see this by looking at the right hand side of the painting. There are Roman arches and columns in the buildings. The landscape in the background is excellently done. The depth is very obvious ass seen by the rutes receding and the perspective in the building and creating a 3d look. The use of light and the folds in the garments looks very realistic. Resurrection by Francesca. This painting can mean a lot of different tings to different people. Some people think that the people of the bottom are dead. Other people think that they are sleeping or crying. The background landscape is scattered trees, which are in front of hills. This suggests a feeling of depth. The triangular look to the painting is caused because the vision of Christ is in the middle of the painting and higher than the rest of the people. The figure of Christ is much lighter than any one else. Making this a general significant point. Overlapping shapes creates depth. This is done in the painting by the overlapping of the figure of Christ and the people in front of the podium. The modeling of the clothes is detailed. They are wearing tunics with definite emphasis on the folds. This gives the painting a 3d appearance. This is a religious based painting. Like so many others of this time. Annunciation by Fra Angelico. The perspective is not well executed although it is an attempt. The folds on the garments arent as realistic as the others, but are still d ...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Fashion is no longer led by design, but rather marketing Essay
Fashion is no longer led by design, but rather marketing - Essay Example Consumers thrilled by the advertising themes tend to buy without focusing on the product offerings by the brand (Agins, 1999, p.14). Marketing is more important than designs, but however the importance of design cannot in anyways be neglected. Importance of Marketing in the Fashion Apparel Industry The marketing activities of any industry depend on a set of four functions viz. product, price, place and promotion. The designing of the apparel by the apparel or the clothing industry encompass the product factor in the marketing activities. However, the other marketing activities related to the promotion, place and price must be so used as to help highlight the product usages and unique features. In that marketing activities first endeavor to focus on enlarging the scope of seasonal offerings to the customers. Different segments like women, men, and sports possess separate attributes for producing seasonal products. The number of seasonal offerings increases in the case of women apparel s than for men apparels. For the sports segment a separate line ‘resort wear’ is introduced which needs special promotion efforts to be largely marketed. Promotion and distribution activities of the designer wears constitute selling such garments through the construction of retail outlets or organizing large fashion shows for the promotion of the new lines introduced (Jay, n.d. p.198). Marketing activities in the field of fashion merchandise occupies a place of strategic importance in its ability to relate the firm’s production activities to the outside world. The garment industry through the use of proper planning, promotion and distribution activities can endeavor to get a larger market share of its designed products. In the planning stage the garment manufacturing firms through the incorporation of extensive market research activities endeavor to understand the needs of the consumers and target groups and design products accordingly. Moreover, the designers th rough the spontaneous study of international design standards endeavor to create a product to be accepted in the international market. Fabric designers should lay increased focus on enhancing the product quality through the creation of new textures through blending of fiber yarns and other finishing activities. Having the product built the fabric manufacturers then concentrate on the marketing activities. The marketing activities must focus on making more number of customers aware of the product specialties of the particular brand based on the features of the textures and blends incorporated to produce the desired quality. Marketing activities encompass a wide range of events like advertising, promotion, creating huge publicity and rendering presentations. Presentations can be created to inform the large audiences about the designs incorporated to enhance the quality standards of the products and reflect such development based on market trends. (Frings, Stephens, 2002.pp. 138-147). Marketing Activities affecting the market for Designs The increased focus lent on marketing activities helps the firm to incur more revenue through gaining a larger market share. However, the firms through the use of strategies like price penetration where the prices of the products are considerably lowered to gain wider market
Friday, November 1, 2019
Financial Services Benchmark Assignment #1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Financial Services Benchmark #1 - Assignment Example The second objective is ensuring that there is a resolution of the position of any organization whose viability is under question. This is while protecting the various interests of their customers (Stowell and Stowell, 2013). These objectives enable an organization limit its working operations to themselves and at the same time maintain a customer trust to the same organization without any comprise whatsoever (Smith and Walter, 2012). It is the duty and responsibility of the board of directors of a private banking institution to review the procedures and policies adopted by the bank, on a regular basis (Stowell and Stowell, 2013). Any policy developed by a banking organization should address the various concerns of a customer, investment options of the banking organization, administration of trust and estates, etc (Minns, 2010). The savings association should also provide for adequate risk management and monitoring systems. This is simply because banking operations do emphasize information relating to the customer’s credit worthiness. It is necessary for the private bank to be cautious when handling the various applications of customers, regarding loans and credit (Smith and Walter, 2012). Know Your Customer (KYC) refers to a process that a banking organization can use for purposes of verifying the identity of its customers (Smith and Walter, 2012). This process helps banking institutions to have a clear knowledge of their customer’s financial history, and make a decision on whether they are trust worthy or not (Smith and Walter, 2012). Banking organizations normally formulate a KYC policy with the intention of monitoring the transaction activities of their customers, and identification of the customers (Cottrell, 2010). Having knowledge of the source of wealth of a customer is essentially in knowing whether the business that he or she engages in is legitimate. This situation helps in preventing money laundering, or financing of
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Change Readiness, Resistance, and Success Term Paper
Change Readiness, Resistance, and Success - Term Paper Example Some organizations implement the theory of community of practice to drive all the employees towards a common organizational goal, where each individual acts as vital equipment in the organizational machinery (Bach and Kessler, 2012). The creation of a community allows the company to develop a team or group with a common interest that works in favor of the organizational goals (Price, 2011). This paper is focused on the use of community of practice in the four frame model. The community of practice is a group of people who are engaged in the pursuit of a common goal or objective. This group of people usually shares a common issue or concern and they work together to meet both the individual and group’s objectives. Creating a community of practice helps a firm to develop new knowledge base and generate new ideas. The key feature of the community of practice is the high level of communication among the members. The constant interaction allows them to share individual knowledge and narrow down on a particular set of activities that needs to be performed in order to meet the desired goals (Wenger, McDermott and Snyder, 2002). Community of practice helps the firm to strengthen its human resource base by improving their overall efficiency level. This is achieved by connecting the people together, thereby facilitating a seamless communication within the group and also with the higher management. The vertical communication enables the employees to receive proper guidance and direction from the managers, whereas the horizontal communication helps them to learn about each other’s strength and weakness. Depending on this, the manager can make proper allocation of different roles and responsibilities (Delanty, 2003). The formation of community also helps the employees to work as a team where all the individuals are doing their part to achieve the desired organizational goals. It also provides a shared context of organizational knowledge and information, as the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Philosophy of Education Essay Example for Free
Philosophy of Education Essay Introduction No doubts that the demand for English language proficiency is high as Malaysians enter the international arena. Ergo, the purpose of this paper is to discuss on one of the hottest issues that perturbs the nation – low English language proficiency among Malaysian students. In order to understand more about the issue, we sought to dig the root causes of the issue and in doing so we discovered that the teaching methods applied by teachers because of the factors are contributing to the issue as well. In other words, the factors are interrelated to the reasons why such ill teaching methods are being applied and all these are resulting in low production of good English speakers in Malaysia. First of all, low English language proficiency is the unsatisfactory ability of an individual to speak or perform in English. The overriding concern with this issue is not unreasonable as we need the language to thrive in this 21st century. On the other hand, teaching methodology refers to a set of different principles and methods that are used to instruct students in a teaching and learning environment. In the educational settings, it is rather important to induce the peak performance from the students. This simply means that, we have to conquer the deterrent (i. e. the factors of the issue), whether we modify them or we eliminate them. Like any other issues, there is no such theory as â€Å"one-size-fits-all†solution to handle it. Therefore, we, as the future English teachers want to bring forth several possible recommendations as ways to overcome this issue in hopes that these approaches can truly be implemented and make a difference in the history of English Education in Malaysia. Issue The pressing issue with low English language proficiency among Malaysian students has been revolving in the ministry of Education. Most students had no problem coping English Language during preschool whereby they were only exposed to the alphabet and very simple words. The real problem began to exist in the elementary level when most of the students were unable to follow the lessons. Students who cannot master English basic skills in this elementary level will breed more problems during the secondary and tertiary level in schools. In primary education, students are not being placed in a very conducive English language learning environment in which they will be given bountiful opportunities to use the language (Ali, 2003). Students fail to use English on a daily basis and when they are forced to use English to communicate, they speak pejorative English which causes the flow of communication to be stymied. This is probably the main reason why students converse in their own mother tongue more often than they do in English. In the modern age of technology, students with low English language proficiency will not make the most out of the internet because most of the websites are in English. If they cannot understand English used in the websites, they will have a hard time attempting to utilize the device. Not only that, the demand of high English language proficiency is around the globe. We can survive here in Malaysia with national language (i. e. Bahasa Malaysia) and our proud dialects yet we need English Language if we want the whole world to know us. Without a good grasp of the English language, students will be deprived of many opportunities in life since English is the international language. Hence, if we want to make a difference in this situation, we will have to start with the primary education. We believe that this issue shall no longer haunt the Malaysians once the root problems have been improvised or rather, solved. Factors The issue with the low English language proficiency among Malaysian students has arisen because the educators are not aware of the manipulative factors behind this tragic scenario. In this section, we will explore these contributory factors. First of all, the number of students is crucial in determining the quality of teaching and learning process. In Malaysia, most of the schools place 30-40 students in one class. In spite of the level of English standard of each student is different, teacher attempts to teach students in the same way. Due to this large number of students in one class, the teacher often has no choice but to apply the boring method – lecture method. To a certain extent, lecture method is appropriate but if that is the only method the teacher is going to apply in class, it will result in dullness and inefficiency. In addition, the large number of students inhibits the teacher to give attention to every single student thus passive learning ensues. Another factor of impeding the students’ ability in English language is that students themselves fall short of initiative and participation in the classroom (Juhana, 2012). Students show no interest in a so-called foreign language and hence very reluctant to get involved with the teaching and learning session. They are inactive to put their own effort in seeking knowledge. For instance, when a student does not understand a certain word in an essay, he or she expects the teacher to provide the meaning. So, instead of waiting for the students to take the initiative to check on the dictionary (which takes time), teacher simply resorts to spoon-feeding method (i. e. providing every material for the students). In the end, only the teacher is learning and the students will merely passively wait on the teacher for answers. In an English class, the reason students failed to use English effectively also attributes to the Eastern philosophy whereby a teacher has the tendency to criticize students’ mistakes very harshly. It demotivates students, making them fearful of speaking the next time and in the worst scenario, students hate the subject and pass up the opportunity of learning. Teachers are impatient with the students’ slips of tongue and they consider such mistakes as a sign of failure. When the students do speak correctly, the teachers think it is how it should be done and they rarely give any words of encouragement or compliments (Hassan Jamaludin, n. d. ). This tendency indirectly renders the teacher to apply autocratic teaching style which is not helpful for English language learning. This method emphasizes on the teacher’s authoritative identity hence it is very hard for such strict-and-powerful autocratic image to smile and give compliments. Furthermore, due to the exam-oriented platform, many teachers rush through the year in order to push the students to sit for the examination (Ali, 2003). In the English classroom, many teachers have no time to concern with the understanding of students regarding to the rules of grammar, the structures of the sentences and whatnot. For example, they give students essays and require them to copy and memorize. The way to prepare the students for examination the teachers deem best is by drilling. However, such rote learning will only result in stress instead of meaningful learning experience. Eventually, the students are drilled to become competent only on papers but failed completely in daily usage of English. All these factors are equally pernicious in taking a toll on the second language performance among Malaysian students. As educators, we have to generate the strategies to overcome these factors and make the impossible possible. Solutions Previously, we have discovered many factors that indirectly cause the teacher to implement inappropriate teaching methods and so result in low English language proficiency. These factors sum up in one word: teacher-centered. This explains why the teachers are hardly implementing various innovative teaching methods. Teacher-centered method applied in today’s classroom is not effective anymore. Instead of using teacher-centered method, student-centered method which derived from the Modern and Western philosophies should be implemented. Progressivists believe that education should focus on the whole child, rather than on the context or the teacher. Hence, since the number of students is large, the schools should bring in more facilitators in a class to assist the students. This will help the facilitator pays close attention to the students. With the assistance of facilitators in a classroom, there is no reason why active learning cannot take place. For example, one leading teacher can carry out the group discussion and enable the children to experience hands-on learning. A French philosopher, Jean Paul Sartre, suggested that for youth, the existential moment arises when young people realize for the first time that choice is theirs, that they are responsible for themselves. The nature of reality for Existentialists is subjective, and it lies within the individual. They have the freedom to take charge of their own learning as they are given the opportunity to manage their own learning process. We as teachers are responsible to facilitate the students in their learning process rather than teaching them what to do. This indirectly helps to provide opportunity for the students to take control of their own learning process. As they are interested in what they have chosen to read or learn, they will be the ones who solve the problem (e. g. meaning of a word) instead of being spoon-fed by the teachers. In this way they will be able to make progress in their lessons and participate more. Western philosophers stress on active participation on their learners but to criticize and demotivate the students is not proper in the western philosophy. Western education philosophy believes that providing compliments to the students is an important task for a teacher as it will motivate the students to strive hard. For example, compliments given to the students when they score well in their examination or did a good job in the task or assignments given by the teacher. However, teachers should not only provide compliment when they excel but also to give encouragement when they are not doing so well in the examination. For instance, during an English class, teacher distributes the test papers after the examination, it is not encouraged for the teacher to read out loud the score as it will demotivate and also embarrass the student. It is better that the teacher gives a word of encouragement so to push them to work harder next time. Furthermore, the education ministers should really abolish the exam-oriented system. Instead, the 50% coursework assessment should enter the system. Coursework can include all kinds of fun activities that require students to apply the language learned. This is to overcome the agonizing drilling method. With that, Western philosophy that emphasizes on understanding the subject matter can be very handy in this scenario. For example, the students should learn by understanding the reasons why each part of speech in grammar has different functions. In a nutshell, according to the Western philosophy, students learn by meaningful learning, they do not memorize what they have learnt but rather understand what they are learning. These philosophical resolutions are only useful provided the government, educators, teachers, parents and students and community at large give their best cooperation into making them a success. If we are serious about improvising the English language proficiency among Malaysian students, nothing can stop us, not even the factors of the failure in the first place. Conclusion In conclusion, teaching methodology contributes towards the effectiveness and success of the teaching and learning process. As what we have explored there are several factors that hinder the English Language proficiency among Malaysian students. Among those contributory factors discussed are the number of students, students’ shortfall of motivation, harsh criticism for students’ mistakes and the exam-oriented education system. All these factors are very much harmful in the process of second language acquisition (i. e. English Language). As such, we have provided remarkably appropriate strategies as the solutions to overcome this issue. They are the implementation of student-centered teaching which focuses on the students’ their ideas and opinions, providing more teachers as facilitators in class, hands on learning (Progressivism), place importance on individual choice (Existentialism), giving compliments instead of criticism (Western Philosophy), and learn through understanding rather than mere memorization (Western Philosophy). Hence, by utilizing all the four education philosophies in moderation which are Modern philosophies such as Progressivism and Existentialism, also the two Western approaches that focus on students rather than the teachers. We strongly agree with usage of the Modern Philosophies and the Western Philosophies according to the needs and suitability of class as what we have discussed. We believe that we can produce an ideal education transformation to develop individual holistically and thus enhance the English Language proficiency by applying and practicing appropriate teaching methods to encounter the troublesome factors. References Ali, M. S. (2003). English Language Teaching in Primary Schools: Policy and Implementation Concerns. IPBA E-Journal, 2-3. Hassan, A. Jamaludin, N. S. (n. d. ) Approaches Values in Two Gigantic Educational Philosophies: East and West. Retrieved on March, 22, 2013 from http://www. oerj. org/View? action=viewPaperpaper=7 Juhana, J. (2012). Psychological Factors That Hinder Students from Speaking in English Class (A Case Study in a Senior High School in South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia). Journal of Education and Practice, Vol 3, No 12. , 103.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Management Control Systems Essays -- Business Controlling Function
There are many different types of control that can be established in an organization depending on its goals and objectives. There are many different approaches to the management controlling function. Some of these control systems are bureaucratic control, market control and clan control. All of these control systems focuses on a different part of the business depend ending the necessities of the organization in that moment. All of the control systems have their advantages and disadvantages.      The controlling function is defined as any process that directs the activities of individuals toward the achievement of organizational goals*. The controlling function is the one that set the game rules. This function set the organizational standards rules and norms. The controlling function works hand to hand with the planning function because the controls are the ones that ensure that the plans are fulfilled. The established controls must go in coherence with the plans because the success of each will depend on the other. The control function not only control the personnel it also control things as , budget, organizational resources, machinery, materials or components, physical structure and more. The control process must set performance standards, measure performance, compare performance with the standards; and take corrective action if needed in order to be effective      One of the most used control systems is the bureaucratic control system. The bureaucratic control system Bureaucratic control is defined as the use of rules, regulations, and formal authority to guide performance*. The bureaucratic control system is a very rigid and formal one. This system establishes a well defined set of rules and procedures in order to achieve the organizational goals and objectives. This system is based on hierarchy were roles and authority has been well defined. This control system involves personnel close monitoring, supervision and direction of subordinates by superiors. The bureaucratic control different uses tools as budget as a control device, management audits, external audits, and internal audits.      The market control system is based on the use of pricing mechanisms and economic information to regulate activities within organizations*. This control system is based in external factors that affects an organization rather than the internal factors.  ... ...n reaction of the implementation of this system. This tactical behavior is defined as the beating the system behavior. This can be harmful to an organization because employees can start to report false information. This will have bad consequences to the organization because it will provide wrong information for the forecasting and planning of future organizational goals and objectives.      Controlling can also produce a resistance to control reaction because Control systems usually uncover mistakes, threaten people’s job security and status, and decrease people’s autonomy it can also change the organizational structures and the authority chain of command. It can also disrupt the social relations of a group.      In order to develop a system functional system for an organization the best decision is to make a hybrid one. Not only taking the organizational objectives in consideration but also taking in consideration the employees and the external and internal factors that affects all of the organization. References Bateman-Snell: Management: The NewCompetitive Landscape,Sixth Edition chapter 16 James Higgins, The Management Challenge, Second Edition, Macmillan, 1994
Thursday, October 24, 2019
How does this section of Romeo and Juliet Essay
The characters are utilised by Shakespeare to highlight a sense of loss and desperation. The â€Å"Captain†who is a neutral figure, expresses a sense of remorse and sadness when he sees Romeo and Juliet’s dead bodies as a â€Å"pitiful site†, also illuminating a sense of universal suffering. Juliet’s â€Å"newly dead†body is used so that the agony and pain of her death is felt again universally. Romeo and Juliet are described as â€Å"piteous woes†which portrays them as one and as abstractions of sadness which emphasises the loss and despair of a romantic pair. The words â€Å"trembles, sighs and weeps†are listed characteristics of suffering used to highlight a sense of loss and nervousness. The shock and astonishment of Romeo and Juliet’s death is highlighted by the repetition of â€Å"dead†showing how unexpected this tragedy really was. Tybalt’s death is exaggerated when Romeo and Juliet’s marriage day is described as â€Å"Tybalt’s doomesday†increasing the magnitude of desperation and sadness. Shakespeare illuminates a paradox of joy and sadness between â€Å"Tybalt’s untimely death†and the â€Å"new-made bride groom†creating a contrast of joy and misery. There is a cruel irony when Juliet’s â€Å"borrowed grave†became her actual death bed. When this great tragedy was described as an â€Å"accident†it conveys the image of this great tragic love story as a minor and petty incident. Shakespeare uses the language of an important character to highlight a lack of gravitas and feeling in the text. Shakespeare uses â€Å"flowers†which represent nature, good health, love and positivity as a conventional image to highlight what this tragedy is all about. The last line describes everyone as being â€Å"punished†which again shows universal suffering. Shakespeare focuses the blame and responsibility on many people to emphasise the complexity of this tragedy. When the captain of the watch â€Å"holds him in safety†there is an air of suspicion that suggests that there will be blame given. The â€Å"mattock and spade†are both physical emblems of the Friars responsibility, showing the explicit direct blame and responsibility, of the Friar. The fact that the families are unaware adds a sense of mystery and shows more clearly the rushed fickle and spontaneous nature of the marriage. When Montague asks â€Å"What further woe conspires against mine age?†it shows bad luck, dual responsibility and the loss of youth and innocence. Shakespeare plays upon a maternal instinct when Juliet is described as a â€Å"daughter†for the first time, which is much less formal and emotional, conveying a real image of suffering and grieving. Shakespeare uses Romeo and Juliet’s â€Å"st’len marriage day†to portray a sense of immorality and negativity. When â€Å"Juliet pined†it reminds us of the rushed and hasty marriage. When Juliet is described as â€Å"doing violence to her self†, it presents to us a literal reading of suicide, but also lays a wider and inferred blame on Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare describes the nurse as â€Å"privy†to show the nurses responsibility in keeping secret. Shakespeare highlights a sense of resolution and end to trouble by conveying subtle hints through the use of his characters. There is a healing of a rift when Shakespeare uses Romeo and Juliet’s death to present a positive image of the families which is shown when Capulet says â€Å"O brother Montague†Which is used as a positive image of new unity and a bond between the two families. The statue in â€Å"pure gold†emphasises the preciousness and importance of this tragedy. Montague compliments the Capulet’s when he says â€Å"true and faithful Juliet†showing that despite all the sorrow and grief there is still a sense of positivity. The resolution is tarnished by the fact that it is still â€Å"glooming†but it still gives us a sense of peace and when the â€Å"Prince†who is neutral repeats this again which portrays a universal sense of suffering. The â€Å"sun†represents images of positivity and despite a sense of sadness and sorrow there is still a sense of calm and new peace. There is a sense of union and bonding when Balthasar says to the Prince â€Å"to the same place, to this same monument†showing the older generations past conflict and Balthasar represents youth and innocence so he also represents the ability to change attitudes and stop the rivalry and stubbornness that has become so ingrained. In this section Shakespeare uses tragic aspects to highlight tragedy towards the end. The Princes advice is to have â€Å"patience†and slow down which is an ironic reminder that Romeo and Juliet’s fatal flaw was that they rushed in to their love and marriage. Friar advised Romeo and Juliet to slow down and â€Å"bear this work of heaven with patience†but they still remained rushed which is Shakespeare’s way of reminding us of Romeo’s hubris. The Friar wants his â€Å"old†life to be sacrificed emphasising even more the loss of youth, innocence and change. There is a hint that the two families have not learnt anything from this great tragedy when Montague says â€Å"I can give thee more†which shows that the two families are still competitive and are both desperate to prove themselves better. There is an implication that they are still interested in materialism when the â€Å"statue†will be raised in pure gold which is another superficial attempt to show the power and wealth of the families. When this tragedy is described as a â€Å"story†it undermines the sense of real suffering and denigrates Romeo and Juliet’s love.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Aids Vaccine by Merck and Company
1) What kind of vaccine was this, and how was it supposed to work? The vaccine known as V520 that was used in these studies cannot cause HIV infection because it contains only of viral materials which has synthetically produced snippets. Such vaccine is composed of adenovirus a common virus which normally causes upper respiratory infection these groups of virus infect the membranes tissue linings of the respiratory tract very common in adult and children, this infection include fever the most frequent symptoms is the inflammation of the pharynx or sore throat which is the sign of pharyngitis, inflammation of the nasal membranes, or a congested runny nose cough and swollen lymph nodes (gland). This infection sometimes leads to otitis media. It was first discovered as an agent causing upper respiratory infection in man, the human adenovirus comprise 41 distinct serotypes which cause a variety of ailments such as acute respiratory, ocular, gastrointestinal and urinary tract diseases ( Lattime et al, 2002). The adenovirus serotypes have an oncogenic possibility and are able to stimulate tumors in rodents cause a remarkable surge of interest in the study of the molecular biology of human adenoviruses. 2) How did the researchers deal with the dilemma of working with â€Å"control†human subjects? That is, did they warn the volunteers to protect themselves but obtain no significant data to test the vaccine? Or did they try to detect the vaccine’s efficacy while their participants were at risk of getting HIV infection? Did they find a solution? Scientist has made the vaccine by crafting the vaccine by genetically making alterations the common adenovirus which consist the part of HIV. They had hope that it will activate an immune response that would make recipients less to catch HIV or interrupt the inception of full-blown AIDS. It is expected from the vaccine by the scientist that the vaccine should not cause infection but to produce results that would make on the immunity of the recipients to made it easier for the to seize through a later exposure. Those volunteers who have received the least two doses of the said vaccine nineteen volunteers constricted HIV compared with the eleven persons which are given placebos. The dilemma of working with â€Å"control†human subjects is that they are more uncontrollable regarding their environment promptness for this long tow will never be achieved on a short span of time continued by eagerness for a precise invention. It requires enthusiastic and prepared society and numerous places which are both well continued and supple to acclimatize changes in procedure. This is one of the criteria that the mentioned experiment has lacked, in using large scale trials to be short of associates with fine characterized incidence and frequency rates of HIV infection Without the consistent of how much infection takes place in a community in a particular year, there will be no means of knowing whether an entrant vaccine will help lessen the pace of new infections. All this information must be collected sooner before large-scale test can start. It is also significant to know the dynamics of viral load and CD4 cell counts in HIV-infected people in the community where the tryout takes place. 3) How would the scientists determine efficacy? That is, when comparing the vaccinated volunteers with those who received a placebo, how big a difference between the vaccinated versus control groups would have been necessary to call the trial a success (say, at the 95% confidence level)? The AIDS vaccine trials moving headed for large trials are not probable to defend people from infection. In its place the vaccines are more likely to improve the series of HIV to AIDS if a vaccinated individual becomes infected. To resolve the vaccine’s impact, volunteers will necessitate to be followed over an extended period of time possibly their life span. This represents an important model shift which requires substantial learning of trial participants and communities in which test take place. AIDS vaccine researchers require making it certain that systems are in position to confirm that a constructive test stems from vaccine-induced antibodies, rather a definite illness. Moreover, looked-for are programs to fight bias against anyone enrolled in an AIDS vaccine test whether test HIV seropositive or not. The vaccine developed by Merck and Co. did not prevent HIV infection nor did it limit the severity of the disease, in those who become infected with HIV as a result of their own behaviors that exposed them to virus. The trial could have been a success and be effective if the researchers has been more cautious on recording who are the patients who get placebo and the real vaccine, and after the vaccine they should still monitor the activities of the volunteers especially if ever they still indulge in actions that will make them more prone to the mentioned disease. 4) In your opinion, what went wrong? Why did the trial fail? The project fails because most of the volunteers are heterosexual; they were not informed after the test if they have been given the placebo or the vaccine. Unexpected results from other AIDS studies had also happen, just like the trials of two vaginal microbicide gels to avoid HIV but have led to more infections for those who have really used the product than those who has received the placebos. Because of the long time and test done to perfect the test we can always expect failure, in a certain experiment the control human being is very important because this will serve as the basis on the experimental side which include the numerous amount of volunteers unmonitored after the vaccine like their extra curricular activities and the way they have their sexual relationship with the other sex, a close observation on their itinerary’s in their everyday living in the longer period of time. Work Cited Koff, W. C., Gust I. D. Kahn P. (2007). Aids Vaccine Development. Horizon Scientic Press. Hawthorme, F. (2003). The Merck Druggernaut: The Inside Story of a Pharmaceutical. Giant. John Wiley and Sons Lattime E.C., S.L. Gerson, (2002). Gene Therapy of Cancer. Elsevier Publishing  Â
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Overview of The Seven Years War (1756 - 63)
Overview of The Seven Years War (1756 - 63) In Europe, the Seven Years War was fought between an alliance of France, Russia, Sweden, Austria and Saxony against Prussia, Hanover and Great Britain from 1756 - 63. However, the war had an international element, particularly as Britain and France fought for domination of North America and India. As such, it has been called the first ‘world war’. The theatre in North America is called the ‘French Indian’ war, and in German,y the Seven Years War has been known as the ‘Third Silesian War’. It is notable for the adventures of Frederick the Great, a man whose major early successes and later tenacity were matched by one of the most incredible pieces of luck ever to end a major conflict in history (that bit is on page two). Origins: The Diplomatic Revolution The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle ended the War of the Austrian Succession in 1748, but to many, it was only an armistice, a temporary halt to the war. Austria had lost Silesia to Prussia, and was angry at both Prussia – for taking the wealthy land – and her own allies for not making sure it was returned. She started weighing up her alliances and seeking out alternatives. Russia grew worried about the growing power of Prussia, and wondered about waging a ‘preventative’ war to stop them. Prussia, pleased at having gained Silesia, believed it would take another war to keep it, and hoped to gain more territory during it. In the 1750s, as tensions rose in North America between British and French colonists competing for the same land, Britain acted to try and prevent the ensuing war destabilising Europe by altering its alliances. These actions, and a change of heart by Frederick II of Prussia – known by his many later admirers as ‘the Great’ – triggered what has been called the ‘Diplomatic Revolution’, as the previous system of alliances broke down and a new one replaced it, with Austria, France and Russia allied against Britain, Prussia and Hanover. Europe: Frederick Gets His Retaliation in First In May 1756, Britain and France officially went to war, triggered by French attacks on Minorca; the recent treaties stopped other nations being sucked in to help. But with the new alliances in place, Austria was poised to strike and take Silesia back, and Russia was planning a similar initiative, so Frederick II of Prussia – aware of the plotting – initiated conflict in an attempt to gain an advantage. He wanted to defeat Austria before France and Russia could mobilise; he also wanted to seize more land. Frederick thus attacked Saxony in August 1756 to try and break its alliance with Austria, seize its resources and set up his planned 1757 campaign. He took the capital, accepting their surrender, incorporating their troops and sucking huge funds out of the state. Prussian forces then advanced into Bohemia, but were unable to win the victory that would keep them there and they retreated to Saxony. They advanced back again in early 1757, winning the battle of Prague on May 6, 1757, thanks in no small part to Frederick’s subordinates. However, the Austrian army had retreated into Prague, which Prussia besieged. Luckily for the Austrians, Frederick was defeated on June 18th by a relief force at the Battle of Kolin and forced to retreat out of Bohemia. Europe: Prussia Under Attack Prussia now appeared to be attacked from all sides, as a French force defeated the Hanoverians under an English general – the King of England was also the King of Hanover – occupied Hanover and marched to Prussia, while Russia came in from the East and defeated other Prussians, although they followed this up by retreating and only occupied East Prussia the next January. Austria moved on Silesia and Sweden, new to the Franco-Russo-Austrian alliance, also attacked. For a while Frederick sank into self pity, but responded with a display of arguably brilliant generalship, defeating a Franco-German army at Rossbach on November 5th, and an Austrian one at Leuthenon December 5th; both of which had outnumbered him greatly. Neither victory was enough to force an Austrian (or French) surrender. From now on the French would target a resurgent Hanover, and never fought Frederick again, while he moved quickly, defeating one enemy army and then another before they could effectively team up, using his advantage of shorter, internal lines of movement. Austria soon learnt not to fight Prussia in the large, open areas which favoured Prussia’s superior movement, although this was constantly reduced by casualties. Britain began to harass the French coast to try and draw troops away, while Prussia pushed the Swedes out. Europe: Victories and Defeats The British ignored the surrender of their previous Hanoverian army and returned to the region, intent on keeping France at bay. This new army was commanded by a close ally of Frederick’s (his brother in law) and kept French forces busy in the west and away from both Prussia and the French colonies. They won the battle of Minden in 1759, and made a series of strategic manoeuvres to tie up the enemy armies, although were constrained by having to send reinforcements to Frederick. Frederick attacked Austria, but was outmanoeuvred during a siege and forced to retreat into Silesia. He then fought a draw with the Russians at Zorndorf, but took heavy casualties (a third of his army); he was then beaten by Austria at Hochkirch, losing a third again. By the end of the year he had cleared Prussia and Silesia of enemy armies, but was greatly weakened, unable to pursue anymore grand offensives; Austria was cautiously pleased. By now, all belligerents had spent huge sums. Frederick was bought to battle again at Battle of Kunersdorf in August 1759, but was heavily defeated by an Austro-Russian army. He lost 40% of the troops present, although he managed to keep the remainder of his army in operation. Thanks to Austrian and Russian caution, delays and disagreements, their advantage was not pressed and Frederick avoided being forced to surrender. In 1760 Frederick failed in another siege, but won minor victories against the Austrians, although at Torgau he won because of his subordinates rather than anything he did. France, with some Austrian support, tried to push for peace. By the end of 1761, with enemies wintering on Prussian land, things were going badly for Frederick, whose once highly trained army was now bulked out with hastily gathered recruits, and whose numbers where well below those of the enemy armies. Frederick was increasingly unable to perform the marches and outflankings which had bought him success, and was on the defensive. Had Frederick’s enemies overcome their seeming inability to co-ordinate – thanks to xenophobia, dislike, confusion, class differences and more - Frederick might already have been beaten. In control of only a part of Prussia, Frederick’s efforts looked doomed, despite Austria being in a desperate financial position. Europe: Death as Prussian Saviour Frederick hoped for a miracle, and he got one. The implacably anti-Prussian Tsarina of Russia died, to be succeeded by Tsar Peter III. He was favourable to Prussia and made immediate peace, sending troops to help Frederick. Although Peter was assassinated quickly afterwards – not before trying to invade Denmark – the new Tsar – Peter’s wife, Catherine the Great – kept the peace agreements, although she withdrew Russian troops which had been helping Frederick. This freed Frederick to win more engagements against Austria. Britain took the chance to end their alliance with Prussia – thanks partly to mutual antipathy between Frederick and Britain’s new Prime Minister- declaring war on Spain and attacking their Empire instead. Spain invaded Portugal, but were halted with British aid. The Global War Although British troops did fight on the continent, slowly increasing in numbers, the Britain had preferred to send financial support to Frederick and Hanover – subsidies larger than any before in British history – rather than fight in Europe. This was in order to send troops and ships elsewhere in the world. The British had been involved in fighting in North America since 1754, and the government under William Pitt decided to further prioritise the war in America, and hit the rest of France’s imperial possessions, using their powerful navy to harass France where she was weakest. In contrast, France focused on Europe first, planning an invasion of Britain, but this possibility was ended by the Battle of Quiberon Bay in 1759, shattering France’s remaining Atlantic naval power and their ability to reinforce America. England had effectively won the ‘French-Indian’ war in North America by 1760, but peace there had to wait until the other theatres were settled. In 1759 a small, opportunistic British force had seized Fort Louis on the Senegal River in Africa, acquiring plenty of valuables and suffering no casualties. Consequently, by the end of the year, all French trading posts in Africa were British. Britain then attacked France in the West Indies, taking the rich island of Guadeloupe and moving on to other wealth producing targets. The British East India Company retaliated against a local leader and attacked French interests in India and, aided greatly by the British Royal Navy dominating the Indian Ocean as it had the Atlantic, ejected France from the area. By war’s end, Britain had a vastly increased Empire, France a much reduced one. Britain and Spain also went to war, and Britain shocked their new enemy by seizing the hub of their Caribbean operations, Havana, and a quarter of the Spanish Navy. Peace None of Prussia, Austria, Russia or France had been able to win the decisive victories needed to force their enemies to surrender, but by 1763 the war in Europe had drained the belligerents and they sought peace, Austria, facing bankruptcy and feeling unable to proceed without Russia, France defeated abroad and unwilling to fight on to support Austria, and England keen to cement global success and end the drain on their resources. Prussia was intent on forcing a return to the state of affairs before the war, but as peace negotiations dragged on Frederick sucked as much as he could out of Saxony, including kidnapping girls and relocating them in depopulated areas of Prussia. The Treaty of Paris was signed on February 10th, 1763, settling issues between Britain, Spain and France, humiliating the latter, former greatest power in Europe. Britain gave Havana back to Spain, but received Florida in return. France compensated Spain by giving her Louisiana, while England got all French lands in North America east of the Mississippi except New Orleans. Britain also gained much of the West Indies, Senegal, Minorca and land in India. Other possessions changed hands, and Hanover was secured for the British. On February 10th, 1763 the Treaty of Hubertusburg between Prussia and Austria confirmed the status quo: Prussia kept Silesia, and secured its claim to ‘great power’ status, while Austria kept Saxony. As historian Fred Anderson pointed out, millions had been spent and tens of thousands had died, but nothing had changed. Consequences Britain was left as the dominant world power, albeit deeply in debt, and the cost had introduced new problems in the relationship with its colonists (this would go on to cause the American Revolutionary War, another global conflict that would end in a British defeat.) France was on the road to economic disaster and revolution. Prussia had lost 10% of its population but, crucially for Frederick’s reputation, had survived the alliance of Austria, Russia and France which had wanted to reduce or destroy it, although many historians claim Frederick is given too much credit for this as outside factors allowed it. Reforms followed in many of the belligerent’s government and military, with Austrian fears that Europe would be on the road to a disastrous militarism were well founded. The failure of Austria to reduce Prussia to second rate power doomed it to a competition between the two for the future of Germany, benefitting Russia and France, and leading to a Prussian centred Germany empire. The war also saw a shift in the balance of diplomacy, with Spain and Holland, reduced in importance, replaced by two new Great Powers: Prussia and Russia. Saxony was ruined.
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